# EliXero
## Usage instructions
In order to use this SDK, you will need to have created an application in the [developer portal](https://app.xero.com).
Once you've created your application you'll need to build a configuration file that stores you consumer key and secret as well as signing certificate information if applicable.
You will need to name the file 'xero_app_config.exs' and it will need to be structured to so
config :elixero,
private_key_path: "path_to_signing_certificate",
consumer_key: "your_applications_consumer_key",
consumer_secret: "your_applications_consumer_secret",
callback_url: "callback_url_if_applicable",
app_type: atom_denoting_app_type
* private_key_path is only applicable for private/partner applications. The path should be pointing to the .pem certificate that correlates with the certificate uploaded into the developer portal
* callback_url is only applicable for public/partner applications and used when authorising a request token to call back into your system after authorization to prevent the user from needing to manually input a verification code. This should be set to "oob" if you are not using a callback url
* app type should be either :private, :public, or :partner depending on the type of application you have created
### Private application usage
Private applications are not required to go through the process of acquiring an access token, authorising it, and then swaping for an access token.
#### Required config variables
* private_key_path - path pointing to the .pem certificate that correlates with the certificate uploaded into the developer portal
* consumer_key - consumer key found in the overview page of your application in the developer portal
* consumer_secret - consumer secret found in the overview page of your application in the developer portal
* app_type - must be :private
Once you have set up your config file you can use your private application like so:
1. Create a client
client = EliXero.create_client
2. Use the client when calling the Xero API
EliXero.CoreApi.Invoices.find client
It's that easy.
### Public application usage
Public applications must be authorised for use against a users organisation and must follow the oauth flow of acquiring a request token, having the request token authorised for an organisation, and swapping the request token for an access token, the access token must then be used when creating the client
#### Required config variables
* consumer_key - consumer key found in the overview page of your application in the developer portal
* consumer_secret - consumer secret found in the overview page of your application in the developer portal
* callback_url - "oob" if not using a callback url otherwise set to the url you want to be called back into after the user autorises the connection for an organisation
* app_type - must be :public
Once you have set up your config file you can use your public application like so:
1. Acquire a request token
request_token = EliXero.get_request_token
2. Generate the authorisation url to be presented to the user
auth_url = EliXero.generate_auth_url request_token
3. Swap the request token for an access token.
Once the user has authorised the connection to an organisation and you have retrieved the verification code either from the user themself or the request back into your callback url, do the following:
access_token = EliXero.approve_access_token(request_token, "verification_code")
4. Create a client
client = EliXero.create_client access_token
5. Use the client when calling the Xero API
EliXero.CoreApi.Invoices.find client
### Partner application usage
Partner applications are like a hybrid of both private and public applications. Partner applications use signing certificates like private applications but also require the same oauth process as public applications to recieve access tokens. Partner applications can also renew their access tokens after they expire preventing the user from needing re-authorise after 30 mins of usage.
#### Required config variables
* private_key_path - path pointing to the .pem certificate that correlates with the certificate uploaded into the developer portal
* consumer_key - consumer key found in the overview page of your application in the developer portal
* consumer_secret - consumer secret found in the overview page of your application in the developer portal
* callback_url - "oob" if not using a callback url otherwise set to the url you want to be called back into after the user autorises the connection for an organisation
* app_type - must be :partner
Once you have set up your config file you can use your partner application like so:
1. Acquire a request token
request_token = EliXero.get_request_token
2. Generate the authorisation url to be presented to the user
auth_url = EliXero.generate_auth_url request_token
3. Swap the request token for an access token.
Once the user has authorised the connection to an organisation and you have retrieved the verification code either from the user themself or the request back into your callback url, do the following:
access_token = EliXero.approve_access_token(request_token, "verification_code")
4. Create a client
client = EliXero.create_client access_token
5. Use the client when calling the Xero API
EliXero.CoreApi.Invoices.find client
After your access token has expired, partner applications can renew them without the need for user input via authorisation.
Given your existing access token is in a variable named access_token, this can be done like so:
renewed_access_token = EliXero.renew_access_token access_token
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed as:
1. Add `elixero` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:elixero, "~> 0.0.5"}]
2. Ensure `elixero` is started before your application:
def application do
[applications: [:elixero]]