# A2S

A library for communicating with game servers running [Valve's A2S server query protocol](

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `a2s` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:a2s, "~> 0.1.0"}

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at <>.

## Usage
There's two general ways to use this library:

### Via `A2S.Client`

This module's intended as an easy to use client that should cover most use-cases. To start, either add `A2S.Client` to your app's supervision tree:
children = [
  {A2S.Client, [name: MyA2SCli]}
If you'd like to start the client dynamically or in a REPL: 
A2S.Client.start_link([name: MyA2SCli])

Once started, querying a gameserver's as simple as:
A2S.Client.query(:info, {{127, 0, 0, 1}, 20000}) # address followed by port

### Via `A2S`
This module provides the means form request payloads, solve challenges, and parse responses for the A2S protocol. **It doesn't** handle the networking or handshaking necessary to execute A2S queries.

If you'd like to roll your own networking you can call this module directly. (Todo: Explain caveats)

## Unsupported Games and Features
The features and game servers listed below are unsupported due to disuse and to favor maintainability.

### [Source 2006]( / "Pre-Orange Box" servers
Would require supporting compression in multipacket responses. Not only adds code complexity, but would require users to have bzip2 installed.

### Other game servers utilizing multi-packet compression
(see above)

### GoldSrc Servers not using the standard protocol
Should impact exceedingly few applications as many GoldSrc servers use the current standard anyway.

### [The Ship](
Uses proprietary fields only worth supporting out of posterity-sake.

### [A2A_PING](
Considered deprecated by Valve and is unsupported by many if not almost all most engines.

Only used by a handful of niche games. Normal challenge flow should work anyway.

## Issues
If you'd like to report an issue, please include as much information as possible to reproduce the issue.

## Debugging
`A2S.Client` uses Erlang's [gen_statem]( behavior to function, and therefore requires the following Logger configuration to report exceptions and crashes:

config :logger,
  handle_otp_reports: true,
  handle_sasl_reports: true
or in a REPL:
Logger.configure(handle_otp_reports: true)
Logger.configure(handle_sasl_reports: true)

## (Much) Todo:
- Make statem timeouts configurable
- Fix `A2S.Supervisor` startup arguments (currently ignored)
- Fix Registry static name of `:a2s_registry`
- Implement hexdocs, review moduledocs, and readme
  - Explain internals of A2S, design motivations for this library, and a roll-your-own guide.
- Write proper tests
- Test with significant concurrent usage
- Add more typespecs (maybe)