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# `elixir-auth-google`

The _easiest_ way to add Google OAuth authentication to your Elixir Apps.


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# _Why_? 🤷

We needed a **_much_ simpler**
and **_extensively_ documented** way
to add "_**Sign-in** with **Google**_"
capability to our Elixir App(s). <br />

# _What_? 💭

An Elixir package that seamlessly handles
Google OAuth2 Authentication/Authorization
in as few steps as possible. <br />
Following best practices for security & privacy
and avoiding complexity
by having sensible defaults for all settings.

> We built a lightweight solution
that only does _one_ thing
and is easy for complete beginners to understand/use. <br />
There were already _several_ available options
for adding Google Auth to apps on
[]( <br />
that all added _far_ too implementation steps (complexity)
and had incomplete documentation (**`@doc false`**) and testing. <br />
which is a
client and is considered "experimental". <br />
We have drawn inspiration from several sources
including code from other programming languages to build this package.
This result is _much_ simpler
than anything else
and has both step-by-step instructions
and an _complete working example_ App
including how to encrypt tokens for secure storage
to help you ship your app _fast_.

# _Who_? 👥

This module is for people building apps using Elixir/Phoenix
who want to ship the "Sign-in with Google" feature _faster_
and more maintainably.

It's targetted at _complete_ beginners
with no prior experience/knowledge
of auth "schemes" or "strategies". <br />
Just follow the detailed instructions
and you'll be up-and running in 5 minutes.

# _How_? ✅

You can add Google Authentication to your Elixir App
using **`elixir_auth_google`** <br />
in under **5 minutes**
by following these **5 _easy_ steps**:

## 1. Add the hex package to `deps` 📦

Open your project's **`mix.exs`** file
and locate the **`deps`** (dependencies) section. <br />
Add a line for **`:elixir_auth_google`** in the **`deps`** list:

def deps do
    {:elixir_auth_google, "~> 1.0.0"}

Once you have added the line to your **`mix.exs`**,
remember to run the **`mix deps.get`** command
in your terminal
to _download_ the dependencies.

## 2. Create Google APIs Application OAuth2 Credentials 🆕

Create a Google Application if you don't already have one,
generate the OAuth2 Credentials for the application
and save the credentials as environment variables
accessible by your app.

> **Note**: There are a few steps to creating a set of Google APIs credentials,
so if you don't already have a Google App,
we created the following step-by-step guide
to make it quick and _relatively_ painless:
[]( <br />
Don't be intimidated by all the buzz-words;
it's quite straightforward.
And if you get stuck, ask for

By the end of this step
you should have these two environment variables set:


> ⚠️ Don't worry, these keys aren't valid.
They are just here for illustration purposes.

## 3. Create a `GoogleAuthController` in your Project 📝

> 🔜 Simplified instructions coming soon!

Create a new endpoint matching the `google_redirect_uri`.
On this endpoint you can exchange the google code
for the user's token
and then get the user profile:

  def index(conn, %{"code" => code}) do
    token = ElixirAuthGoogle.get_token(code)
    profile = ElixirAuthGoogle.get_user_profile(token["access_token"])
    render(conn, "index.html", profile: profile)

Set up `:elixir_auth_google` configuration values
`google_client_id`, `google_scope` ("profile" by default) and `google_redirect_uri` (the same as the one defined in the google application)

for example in `config.exs`:
config :elixir_auth_google,
  google_client_id: <YOUR-CLIENT-ID-HERE>,
  google_scope: "profile",
  google_redirect_uri: <REDIRECT_URI>,

> Example code:

## 4. Create the `/auth/google/callback` Endpoint 📍

Open your **`router.ex`** file
and add the `/auth/google/callback` endpoint.

## 5. Add the "Login with Google" Button to your Template ✨

> Example code:

# _Done_!

<br /> <br />

## _Implementation_ Details 💡

If you want to dive a bit deeper into _understanding_ how this package works,
You can read and grok the code in under 10 minutes:

If you are using the the **`elixir_auth_google`** package
in a Phoenix application (_the most popular use case_),
these implementation details might be helpful.

### Generating Phoenix Session Key (`SECRET_KEY_BASE`) and Encryption Keys

To generate a cryptographically secure session key,
open your terminal, run the command **`mix phx.gen.secret`**
and paste the resulting string

<br /><br />

## Notes 📝

+ Official Docs for Google Identity Platform:
  + Web specific sample code (JS):
+ Google Sign-In for server-side apps:
+ Using OAuth 2.0 for Web Server Applications:
+ Google Auth Branding Guidelines: <br />
Only two colors are permitted for the button:
**white** `#FFFFFF` and **blue** `#4285F4`


### Fun Facts 📈📊

Unlike other "social media" companies,
Google/Alphabet does not report it's
_Monthly_ Active Users (MAUs)
or _Daily_ Active Users (DAUs)
however they do release stats in drips
in their Google IO or YouTube events.
The following is a quick list of facts
that make adding Google Auth to your App
a compelling business case:

+ As of May 2019, there are over
[2.5 Billion](
_active_ Android devices;
[87%]( global market share.
All these people have Google Accounts in order to use Google services.
+ YouTube has
[2 billion](
monthly active YouTube users (_signed in with a Google Account_).
+ Gmail has
[1.5 Billion](
monthly active users a
[27% share](
 of the global email client market.
+ [65%](
of Small and Medium sized businesses use Google Apps for business.
+ [90%+](
of startups use Gmail. This is a good _proxy_ for "early adopters".
+ [68%](
of schools in the US use Google Classroom and related G-suite products. <br />
So the _next_ generation of internet/app users have Google accounts.
+ Google has
of the search engine market share worldwide. 95.4% on Mobile.

Of the 4.5 billion internet users (58% of the world population),
around 3.2 billion (72%) have a Google account.
90%+ of tech "early adopters" use Google Apps
which means that adding Google OAuth Sign-in
is the _logical_ choice for _most_ Apps.

### Privacy Concerns? 🔐

A _common misconception_ is that adding Google Auth Sign-in
sends a user's application data to Google.
This is **`false`** and App developers have 100% control
over what data is sent to (stored by) Google.
An App can use Google Auth to _authenticate_ a person
(_identify them and get read-only access
  to their personal details like **first name** and **email address**_)
without sending any data to Google.
Yes, it will mean that Google "knows" that the person is _using_ your App,
but it will not give Google any insight into _how_ they are using it
or what types of data they are storing in the App. Privacy is maintained.
So if you use the @dwyl app to plan your wedding or next holiday,
Google will not have _any_ of that data
and will not serve any annoying ads based on your project/plans.