
defmodule ElixirAuthGoogle do
  @moduledoc """
  Minimalist Google OAuth Authentication for Elixir Apps.
  Extensively tested, documented, maintained and in active use in production.
  @google_auth_url ""
  @google_token_url ""
  @google_user_profile ""

  @httpoison Application.get_env(:elixir_auth_google, :httpoison_mock) && ElixirAuthGoogle.HTTPoisonMock || HTTPoison

  @doc """
  `inject_poison/0` injects a TestDouble of HTTPoison in Test
  so that we don't have duplicate mock in consuming apps.
  def inject_poison(), do: @httpoison

  @doc """
  `get_baseurl_from_conn/1` derives the base URL from the conn struct
  @spec get_baseurl_from_conn(Map) :: String.t
  def get_baseurl_from_conn(%{host: h, port: p}) when h == "localhost" do

  def get_baseurl_from_conn(%{host: h}) do

  @doc """
  `generate_redirect_uri/1` generates the Google redirect uri based on conn
  @spec generate_redirect_uri(Map) :: String.t
  def generate_redirect_uri(conn) do
    get_baseurl_from_conn(conn) <> "/auth/google/callback"

  @doc """
  `generate_oauth_url/1` creates the Google OAuth2 URL with client_id, scope and
  redirect_uri which is the URL Google will redirect to when auth is successful.
  This is the URL you need to use for your "Login with Google" button.
  See step 5 of the instructions.
  @spec generate_oauth_url(Map) :: String.t
 def generate_oauth_url(conn) do
    client_id = System.get_env("GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID") || Application.get_env(:elixir_auth_google, :client_id)
    scope = System.get_env("GOOGLE_SCOPE") || Application.get_env(:elixir_auth_google, :google_scope) || "profile email"
    redirect_uri = generate_redirect_uri(conn)


  @doc """
  Same as `generate_oauth_url/1` with `state` query parameter
  def generate_oauth_url(conn, state) when is_binary(state) do
    generate_oauth_url(conn) <> "&state=#{state}"

  @doc """
  `get_token/2` encodes the secret keys and authorization code returned by Google
  and issues an HTTP request to get a person's profile data.

  **TODO**: we still need to handle the various failure conditions >> issues/16
  @spec get_token(String.t, Map) :: String.t
  def get_token(code, conn) do
    body = Jason.encode!(
      %{ client_id: System.get_env("GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID") || Application.get_env(:elixir_auth_google, :client_id),
         client_secret: System.get_env("GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET") || Application.get_env(:elixir_auth_google, :client_secret),
         redirect_uri: generate_redirect_uri(conn),
         grant_type: "authorization_code",
         code: code
    inject_poison().post(@google_token_url, body)
    |> parse_body_response()

  @doc """
  `get_user_profile/1` requests the Google User's userinfo profile data
  providing the access_token received in the `get_token/1` above.
  invokes `parse_body_response/1` to decode the JSON data.

  **TODO**: we still need to handle the various failure conditions >> issues/16
  At this point the types of errors we expect are HTTP 40x/50x responses.
  @spec get_user_profile(String.t) :: String.t
  def get_user_profile(token) do
    |> inject_poison().get()
    |> parse_body_response()

  @doc """
  `parse_body_response/1` parses the response returned by Google
  so your app can use the resulting JSON.
  @spec parse_body_response({atom, String.t}) :: String.t
  def parse_body_response({:error, err}), do: {:error, err}
  def parse_body_response({:ok, response}) do
    body = Map.get(response, :body)
    if body == nil do
      {:error, :no_body}
    else # make keys of map atoms for easier access in templates
      {:ok, str_key_map} = Jason.decode(body)
      atom_key_map = for {key, val} <- str_key_map, into: %{},
        do: {String.to_atom(key), val}
      {:ok, atom_key_map}
    end #