# Elixir Feed Parser
Elixir Atom/RSS Parser. Depends on Erlang's **xmerl** xml parser.
It is basically a port of the excellent Ruby [Feed Jira]( gem.
Supports specifically Feedburner Atom/RSS2 feeds, [iTunes Podcast]( and Google Docs
# Setup
Add elixir-feed-parser to your mix dependencies and application.
def application do
[applications: [:"elixir_feed_parser"]]
defp deps do
[{:"elixir_feed_parser", "~> 0.0.1"}]
Then run ```mix deps.get``` to install it.
# Parsing feeds
feed = ElixirFeedParser.parse(xml_string)
title = feed.title
The `feed` map provides the following properties which is a normalization based
on the Atom and RSS2 standards. Whenever an attribute is normalized the
original attribute is provided with a corresponding namespace.
For example the `url` attribute is actually a `link` element as defined by the
RSS2 standard, therefore we additionally expose the `rss2:link` attribute.
## List of feed properties
* title
* id (a unique identifier)
* description
* url
* links (array of strings)
* feed_url (the canonical link to the feed)
* updated (most recent update)
* authors
* language
* icon
* logo
* copyright
* generator
* categories (an array of strings)
## List of article properties
* title
* id (a unique identifier)
* description
* url
* links (array of strings)
* updated (most recent update)
* published
* authors
* categories (an array of strings)
* source
# Contribute
I appreciate any contribution to elixir-feed-parser. Open a pull request or file issues if you got feedback!
I'm new to Elixir and would love to get some feedback on how to improve this codebase.
# Credits
Since this is my first Elixir project I've taken lots of ideas from existing projects. In particular I'd like to mention [FeederEx](, [Feedme]( and [Quinn](