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# ElixirFreshbooks

An [Elixir]( client for the [FreshBooks]( API.

This is a work *in progress*. This means that there are a limited set of features available (i.e:
the ones I need right now :)) so pull requests to add new features are **highly** appreciated :)


# Using it with Mix

To use it in your Mix projects, first add it as a dependency:

def deps do
  [{:elixir_freshbooks, "~> 0.0.2"}]
Then run mix deps.get to install it.


# Configuring
In your config.exs, setup the following section:

config :elixir_freshbooks,
  url: "",
  token: "token"

In your freshbooks account you should find both values.


# Documentation

## Clients

Clients are used via the [Client]( module.

alias ElixirFreshbooks.Client, as: C

### Creating
  > C.create "first_name", "last_name", "organization", ""
    email: "",
    first_name: "first_name",
    id: 4422,
    last_name: "last_name",
    organization: "organization"

## Invoices

Invoices are used via the [Invoice]( module.

alias ElixirFreshbooks.Invoice, as: I
alias ElixirFreshbooks.InvoiceLine, as: L

### Creating
  # Create a new invoice for the client_id 4422, add one line with the given
  # name, description, unit_cost, and quantity.
  > I.create 4422, "sent", ["note1", "note2", "note3"], ["Line Name", "Line Description", 2, 4)
    client_id: 4422,
    id: 9932,
    lines: [
        description: "Line Description",
        name: "Line Name",
        quantity: 4,
        type: "item",
        unit_cost: 2
    notes: ["note1", "note2", "note3"],
    status: "sent"

## Payments

Payments are used via the [Payment]( module.

alias ElixirFreshbooks.Payment, as: P

### Creating
  > P.create 889, 10.50, "Credit Card", ["note1", "note2", "note3"]
    invoice_id: 889,
    amount: 10.50,
    id: 778,
    notes: ["note1", "note2", "note3"],
    type: "Credit Card"

## Expenses

Expenses are used via the [Expense]( module.

alias ElixirFreshbooks.Expense, as: E

### Creating
  > E.create 1, 1994955, 1.23, "test vendor", ["note1", "note2"]
    amount: 1.23,
    category_id: 1994955,
    client_id: nil,
    date: "2015-12-06",
    id: 320343,
    notes: ["note1", "note2"],
    project_id: nil,
    staff_id: 1,
    vendor: "test vendor"

# License
The source code is released under Apache 2 License.

Check [LICENSE]( file for more information.