# A Make compiler for Mix

This project provides a Mix compiler that makes it straight-forward to use makefiles in your Mix projects. The goal is for this compiler to be included as part of Elixir once we get enough feedback and usage.

## Usage

The package can be installed by adding `elixir_make` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:elixir_make, "~> 0.1.0"}]

Still in your `mix.exs` file, you will need to add `:elixir_make` to your list of compilers in `project/0`:

compilers: [:elixir_make] ++ Mix.compilers,

And that's it. The command above will invoke `make` for Unix, `nmake` for Windows and `gmake` for FreeBSD and OpenBSD. A "Makefile" file is expected at your project root for Unix systems and "" for Windows systems. Run `mix help compile.elixir_make` for more information and options.

## License

Same as Elixir.