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# elixir_mod_event
Elixir client for the [FreeSWITCH mod_event_socket](

It also supports the [mod_erlang_event](


# Using it with Mix

To use it in your Mix projects, first add it as a dependency:

def deps do
  [{:elixir_mod_event, "~> 0.0.6"}]
Then run mix deps.get to install it.


# Documentation

Feel free to take a look at the [documentation](
served by or the source itself to find more.


# Inbound Mode (TCP connection)

## Starting a TCP connection
To connect to FreeSWITCH just start a [Connection](,
which is just a [GenServer]( that you
can plug into your own supervisor tree.
> alias FSModEvent.Connection, as: C
> C.start :connection_name, fs_host, fs_port, fs_password
{:ok, #PID<0.158.0>}

You can also start and link the connection:
> C.start :connection_name, fs_host, fs_port, fs_password
{:ok, #PID<0.159.0>}

## Results
When executing a command (either in foreground or background) or receiving events,
the result will be a [Packet](,
with a structure with some fields of interest:

 * **success**: Boolean. When executing foreground commands will be true if the command
 was executed successfuly.
 * **type**: String. The type of the packet (e.g: "text/event-plain", "command/reply", etc).
 * **payload**: Map or String. Depends on the type of the packet.
 * **length**: Payload length, useful when the payload is a string.
 * **job_id**: String. May contain a job id, related to a response or an event.
 * **headers**: Map. Packet headers.
 * **custom_payload**: String. May contain additional payload, depends on the packet and command sent/received.

### Receiving events

To receive events register processes with a filter function like this:
> C.start_listening :fs1

The default filter function will let all events pass through to the process, but
you can specify a custom filter function:
> C.start_listening :fs1, fn(pkt) -> pkt.payload["event-name"] === "HEARTBEAT" end

To unregister the listener process:
> C.stop_listening :fs1

**NOTE**: The caller process will be monitored and auto-unregister when the registered process dies.

## Examples

### [api](
Sends a [command](

> C.api :fs1, "host_lookup", ""
  payload: '',

### [bgapi](
Like `api` but runs the command without blocking the process. The calling process will
receive a message with the result of the command. Be sure to subscribe to the

> C.event :fs1, "BACKGROUND_JOB"
> C.bgapi :fs1, "md5", "some_data"
> flush
{:fs_job_result, "b857e1dd-e4de-424e-9ff6-8e05e9a076d9", %FSModEvent.Packet{
  custom_payload: '0d9247cbce34aba4aca8d5c887a0f0a4',

### [linger](
> C.linger :fs1

### [nolinger](
> C.nolinger :fs1

### [event](
> C.event :fs1, "all"
> C.event :fs1, "CUSTOM", "conference::maintenance"

### [myevents]('myevents')
> C.myevents :fs1, "e96b78d8-1dc2-4634-84c4-58366f1a92b1"

### [divert_events](
> C.enable_divert_events :fs1
> C.disable_divert_events :fs1

### [filter](
> C.filter :fs1, "Event-Name", "CHANNEL_EXECUTE"

### [filter_delete](
> C.filter_delete :fs1, "Event-Name", "CHANNEL_EXECUTE"

### [sendevent](
> C.sendevent :fs1, "custom_event", [{"header1", "value1"}], "custom payload"

### [sendmsg](
> C.sendmsg_exec :fs1, "e96b78d8-1dc2-4634-84c4-58366f1a92b1", "uuid_answer", "e96b78d8-1dc2-4634-84c4-58366f1a92b1"
> C.sendmsg_hangup :fs1, "e96b78d8-1dc2-4634-84c4-58366f1a92b1", 16
> C.sendmsg_unicast :fs1, "e96b78d8-1dc2-4634-84c4-58366f1a92b1", "tcp", "native", "", 8025, "", 8026
> C.sendmsg_nomedia :fs1, "e96b78d8-1dc2-4634-84c4-58366f1a92b1", "info"

### [exit](
> C.exit :fs1

### [log](
> C.log :fs1, "debug"

### [nolog](
> C.nolog :fs1

### [nixevent](
> C.nixevent :fs1, "all"

### [noevents](
> C.noevents :fs1


# Inbound Mode (Erlang node connection)

To "talk" to the FreeSWITCH erlang node, use the [Erlang]( module:

> alias FSModEvent.Erlang, as: E
> node = :"freeswitch@host.local"

### [api](
Sends a [command](

> E.api node, "host_lookup", ""

### [bgapi](
Like `api` but runs the command without blocking the process. The caller process will
receive a message with a tuple like this:

  {:fs_job_result, job_id, status, result}


  job_id :: String.t

  status :: :ok | :error

  result :: :timeout | String.t

> E.bgapi node, "md5", "some_data"

> flush
{:fs_job_result, "4a41cfc1-d9b7-4966-95d0-5de5ec690a07", :ok,

### [register_event_handler](
> E.register_event_handler node

### [event](
> E.event node, "all"
> E.event node, "CUSTOM", "conference::maintenance"

### [nixevent](
> E.nixevent node, "all"

### [noevents](
> E.noevents node

### [register_log_handler](
> E.register_log_handler node

### [set_log_level](
> E.set_log_level node, "debug"

### [nolog](
> E.nolog node

### [exit](
> E.exit node

### [sendmsg](
> E.sendmsg_exec node, "e96b78d8-1dc2-4634-84c4-58366f1a92b1", "uuid_answer", "e96b78d8-1dc2-4634-84c4-58366f1a92b1"
> E.sendmsg_hangup node, "e96b78d8-1dc2-4634-84c4-58366f1a92b1", 16
> E.sendmsg_unicast node, "e96b78d8-1dc2-4634-84c4-58366f1a92b1", "tcp", "native", "", 8025, "", 8026
> E.sendmsg_nomedia node, "e96b78d8-1dc2-4634-84c4-58366f1a92b1", "info"

### [pid](
> node

### [handlecall](
> E.handlecall node, "e96b78d8-1dc2-4634-84c4-58366f1a92b1"
> E.handlecall node, "e96b78d8-1dc2-4634-84c4-58366f1a92b1", :my_call_handler

### Configuration hooks
You can also configure FreeSWITCH by sending and receiving regular erlang messages by
binding to the needed configuration sections. See [XML Search Bindings](

The format and sections correspond to the ones supported by [mod_xml_curl](

# Bind to the "directory" section
> E.config_bind node, "directory"

# Sample XML text
> xml = "<?xml version='1.0' en ... "

# After a configuration message is received, a reply can be sent.
> receive do
    {:fetch, :directory, "domain", "name", domain_name, uuid, headers} ->
      E.config_reply node, uuid, xml
  after 10 -> :ok


# License
The source code is released under Apache 2 License.

Check [LICENSE]( file for more information.