# Plaid Elixir Library

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> Simply Beautiful Elixir library for the [Plaid API](

## Motivation & Principles

1. Provide FANTASTIC documentation
2. Full plaid API coverage
3. Use the plaid API versioning plan
4. Return well-defined structs, always

## Example Usage

# get auth data
Plaid.Auth.get("access-prod-123xxx", client_id: "123", secret: "abc")

# get item details
Plaid.Item.get("access-prod-123xxx", client_id: "123", secret: "abc", env: :production)

# refresh transactions
Plaid.Transactions.refresh("access-prod-123xxx", client_id: "123", secret: "abc", env: :development)

# get categories
Plaid.Categories.get(env: :production)

## API

- [`Plaid.Accounts`](
- [`Plaid.AssetReport`](
- [`Plaid.Auth`](
- [`Plaid.Categories`](
- [`Plaid.Employer`](
- [`Plaid.Identity`](
- [`Plaid.Institution`](
- [`Plaid.Investments`](
- [`Plaid.Item`](
- [`Plaid.Liabilities`](
- [`Plaid.LinkToken`](
- [`Plaid.PaymentInitiation`](
- [`Plaid.Processor`](
- [`Plaid.Sandbox`](
- [`Plaid.Transactions`](
- [`Plaid.Webhooks`](

Full Documentation on [HexDocs](

## Configuration

Each function takes a [`Plaid.config`]( keyword list as it's trailing argument.
Authenticated requests require a `client_id` and `secert` at minimum for authentication with the plaid API.

| Key              | Value                                                                                           |
| ---------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `:client_id`     | Your plaid client id. (required for authenticated requests)                                     |
| `:secret`        | Your plaid secret. (required for authenticated requests)                                        |
| `:env`           | Either `:production`, `:development`, or `:sandbox`. (defaults to `:sandbox`)                   |
| `:http_client`   | Any module that implements the `Plaid.Client` behaviour. (defaults to `Plaid.Client.HTTPoison`) |
| `:test_api_host` | Any base URL e.g. `http://localhost:2100/`.                                                     |

> The choice to avoid using application configuration is due to the [anti-pattern documented by elixir](
> of libraries using application configuration. Passing configuration to each function avoids the library touching any
> global state, as well as making function calls objectively more "functional".

> Likely you will need to pass keys dynamically anyway for development/production, overwriting the need for global application config.
> Therefore using patterns like those outlined in [this blog post]( and
> using a test mocking library like [Mox]( help aid in making code more clear.

## Installation

Add `elixir_plaid` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:elixir_plaid, "~> 1.0.0"}

    # optional, but recommended http client
    {:httpoison, "~> 1.7"}

## Versioning

Each major version of `elixir_plaid` targets a specific version of the Plaid API:

| API version                                         | package version |
| --------------------------------------------------- | --------------- |
| [`2020-09-14`][api-version-2020-09-14] (**latest**) | `1.x.x`         |

For information about what has changed between API versions, head to the [version changelog][version-changelog].

## API Coverage

βœ… - Full Coverage

πŸ— - In Progress

πŸ—Ί - On the Roadmap

| API                                                                                                         | Status |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------ |
| [Account](                                                             | βœ…     |
| [Assets](                                                       | βœ…     |
| [Auth](                                                           | βœ…     |
| [Balance](                                                     | βœ…     |
| [Bank Transfers (beta)](                           | πŸ—Ί      |
| [Deposit Switch (beta)](                           | πŸ—Ί      |
| [Employer](                                                           | πŸ—      |
| [Enrich](                                                       | πŸ—ΊοΈ     |
| [Identity Verification](                         | πŸ—ΊοΈ     |
| [Identity](                                                   | βœ…     |
| [Income](                                                       | πŸ—ΊοΈ     |
| [Institution](                                                     | βœ…     |
| [Investments](                                             | βœ…     |
| [Item](                                                                   | βœ…     |
| [Liabilities](                                             | βœ…     |
| [Monitor](                                                     | πŸ—ΊοΈ     |
| [Payment Initiation (UK and Europe)]( | βœ…     |
| [Processor](                                                         | βœ…     |
| [Sandbox](                                                              | πŸ—      |
| [Signal](                                                       | πŸ—ΊοΈ     |
| [Token](                                                                 | βœ…     |
| [Transactions](                                           | βœ…     |
| [Transfer](                                                   | πŸ—ΊοΈ     |
| [Virtual Accounts](                                   | πŸ—ΊοΈ     |
| [Webhooks](                                                            | πŸ—      |

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on [GitHub](
See [contributing guidelines]( for more details.

## License

The package is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](
