# elixirc
<br />
A small lightweight Elixir IRC library based off the Python IRC library [aioyoyo](https://github.com/henry232323/aioyoyo)/oyoyo. Available on Hex.
# Example usage
defmodule ElixircTest do
use Supervisor
import Supervisor.Spec
def start(_type, _args) do
state = %Elixirc.State{address: 'chat.freenode.net',
port: 6667,
ssl: false,
nick: "henry232323",
name: "henry232323",
pinging: true}
Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, state, name: __MODULE__)
def init(:ok) do
children = [
worker(TestConsumer, [:ok])
supervise(children, strategy: :one_for_one)
defmodule TestConsumer do
use Elixirc.Consumer
alias Elixirc.Client
def start_link(:ok) do
Elixirc.Consumer.start_link(__MODULE__, :ok)
def handle_command(:welcome, [message], state) do
Client.send(["JOIN", "#elixir-lang"])
IO.inspect("We've been welcomed with the following message: #{message}")
{:ok, state}
def handle_command(_command, _args, state) do
{:ok, state}
def handle_event(:send, {request}, state) do
IO.puts("Sent message #{request}")
{:ok, state}
def handle_event(_event, _args, state) do
{:ok, state}
# State
Commands will pass the client state. This is the default state. Whatever state you
pass should have at least these keys.
defmodule Elixirc.State do
defstruct address: "",
port: "",
ssl: false,
nick: "",
name: "",
pass: "",
pinging: false,
reconnect: false,
channels: {},
users: %{},
socket: nil,
state: %{} # sub state
- Pinging: If this is enabled the client will automatically handle PINGs for you
- Reconnect: If this is enabled the client will reconnect upon a closed connection by the server
- SSL: If this is enabled the client will connect via SSL
- Socket: This is the socket that the client will read from, this is automatically overwritten
- State: A simple 'sub-state' available within the Client's state, can be modified without breaking anything
- Address: The server address
- Port: The server port
- Channels: The channel list
- Users: The user list
- Nick: The nick that will be used
- Name: The name that will be used
- Pass: The password that will be used with SASL/NickServ
# Handle Commands
`handle_command/3` will be called with every message sent from the server. As shown
in the above examples it will be called first with an atom representing the command
(usually in all caps in the message as the first argument, or if a numeric command
is preceded by a prefix) then a list of its arguments, and finally the current state
as defined above.
A list of numeric events can be found [here](https://www.alien.net.au/irc/irc2numerics.html)
The commands used by the client can be found in the [source](https://github.com/henry232323/elixirc/blob/master/lib/elixirc/events.ex)
(A little long to be listed here) or accessed as `Elixirc.Events.events`
# Handle Event
`handle_event/3` will be called with every action on the part of the client and certain
other events. It operates in the same fashion as `handle_command/3` with the first
argument being the event, the second being a tuple of its arguments and the third
being the state. Valid events include:
- :socket_closed {reason} The socket was closed for some reason
- :close {} The client/socket have been closed by user
- :send {message} A message has been sent to the server