# Elixlsx
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Elixlsx is a writer for the MS Excel OpenXML format (`.xlsx`).
- Multiple (named) sheets with custom column widths & column heights.
- (Unicode-)strings, Numbers, Dates
- Font formatting (size, bold, italic, underline, strike)
- Horizontal alignment and text wrapping
- Font and cell background color, borders
- Merged cells
## Installation
As of version 0.6, elixlsx requires Elixir 1.12 or above.
Installation via Hex, in `mix.exs`:
defp deps do
[{:elixlsx, "~> 0.6.0"}]
Via GitHub:
defp deps do
[{:elixlsx, github: "xou/elixlsx"}]
## Usage
1-Line tutorial:
(alias Elixlsx.Workbook, alias Elixlsx.Sheet)
iex(1)> Workbook.append_sheet(%Workbook{}, Sheet.with_name("Sheet 1") |> Sheet.set_cell("A1", "Hello", bold: true)) |> Elixlsx.write_to("hello.xlsx")
See [example.exs](https://github.com/xou/elixlsx/blob/master/example.exs) for examples how to use the various features.
- The workbook is a XML file ultimately, so remember that formulas containing "<" or ">" must be escaped properly.
- `:xmerl_lib.export_text/1` can be used to escape formulas properly
## Number and date formatting reference
A quick introduction how number formattings look like can be found
## License
Copyright (c) 2015 Nikolai Weh
This library is MIT licensed. See the [LICENSE](https://github.com/xou/elixlsx/blob/master/LICENSE) for details.