![eliXPLANE logo](elixplane.png)
An X-Plane network client for Elixir [1]. So far you can
- Detect instances of X-Plane/ PlaneMaker running on the local network
- Load the closest available DataRef and Command definitions (included with the library [2]) for a specific X-Plane version.
- Request a list of DataRefs to be sent to you at specified frequencies
- Write to a writable DataRef
- Send a command to X-Plane
iex> XPlane.Instance.start
{:ok, #PID<0.154.0>}
iex> [xp] = XPlane.Instance.list
addr: "",
computer_name: "Similitude",
host: :xplane,
ip: {192, 168, 0, 22},
major_version: 1,
minor_version: 1,
port: 49000,
role: :master,
seconds_since_seen: 1,
version_number: 105101
iex> drefs = XPlane.DataRef.load_version(105000)
iex> drefs |> XPlane.DataRef.describe(~r/flightmodel_position_l/)
flightmodel_position_local_ax The acceleration in local OGL coordinates (mtr/sec2, writable)
flightmodel_position_latitude The latitude of the aircraft (degrees)
flightmodel_position_longitude The longitude of the aircraft (degrees)
flightmodel_position_local_vx The velocity in local OGL coordinates (mtr/sec, writable)
flightmodel_position_local_ay The acceleration in local OGL coordinates (mtr/sec2, writable)
iex> crefs = XPlane.CmdRef.load_version(105000)
iex> crefs |> XPlane.CmdRef.describe(~r/lights/)
lights_beacon_lights_off Beacon lights off.
lights_beacon_lights_on Beacon lights on.
lights_beacon_lights_toggle Beacon lights toggle.
lights_landing_lights_off Landing lights off.
lights_landing_lights_on Landing lights on.
lights_landing_lights_toggle Landing lights toggle.
iex> XPlane.Cmd.send(xp, [:lights_landing_lights_toggle])
iex> XPlane.Data.start(xp)
{:ok, #PID<0.157.0>}
iex> XPlane.Data.request_updates(xp, [
...> flightmodel_position_elevation: 1,
...> flightmodel_position_longitude: 1,
...> flightmodel_position_latitude: 1])
iex> XPlane.Data.latest_updates(xp, [
...> :flightmodel_position_elevation,
...> :flightmodel_position_longitude,
...> :flightmodel_position_latitude])
flightmodel_position_elevation: 17.584819793701172,
flightmodel_position_latitude: -31.069093704223633,
flightmodel_position_longitude: 152.76556396484375
iex> XPlane.Data.set(xp, [flightmodel_position_local_y: 6000.0])
iex> XPlane.Data.stop(xp)
iex> XPlane.Instance.stop
1. Currently assumes that X-Plane and Elixir are running on platforms with the same
endian byte order.
2. I confirmed with X-Plane that it's ok to redistribute the DataRef and Command files: