#+STARTUP: showall
#+OPTIONS: ^:{}
* elli_cookie
A library application for reading, setting,
and otherwise managing cookies in [[https://github.com/knutin/elli][Elli]].
** Usage
See the large test set in [[file:test/elli_cookie_test.erl][elli_cookie_test]] for more thorough usage examples.
*** Basic Cookie Management and Cookie Option Settings
In an Elli callback module:
#+BEGIN_SRC erlang
handle(Req, _Config) ->
Cookies = elli_cookie:parse(Req),
%% retrieve a cookie value ...
_PublicKey = elli_cookie:get(<<"key">>, Cookies),
%% ... and do something with it
%% create new cookie for domain www.example.com that expires in two weeks
FizzCookie = elli_cookie:new(<<"fizz">>, <<"buzz">>,
elli_cookie:expires({2, weeks})]),
%% delete key cookie
DeleteKeyCookie = elli_cookie:delete(<<"key">>),
%% return response with cookies
{ok, [DeleteKeyCookie, FizzCookie], <<"key deleted; fizz set">>}.