# elli_date
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*Elli middleware adding the Date header.*
This Elli middleware adds the "Date" header to responses. The current
date string is cached in an ETS-table and updated once a second. The
impact on performance is very low, if noticeable at all.
According to the HTTP 1.1 specification, the "Date" header in each
response is required.
## Usage
To use `elli_date`, just add it to your `mods` in your [`elli_middleware`][]
Config = [
{mods, [
{elli_date, []},
%% ...,
%% ...,
{callback, elli_middleware},
{callback_args, Config}
[`elli_middleware`]: https://github.com/elli-lib/elli/blob/develop/doc/elli_middleware.md