# elli_prometheus
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*[Elli][] middleware for collecting stats via [Prometheus][].*
## Metrics
How Elli represents timings:
...headers receiving & parsing...
...body receiving & parsing...
...callback code...
...sending reply....
How Elli represents sizes:
Each request has `resp_headers` key and, depending on
response type, `resp_body` or `file` or `chunks` key.
- `resp_header` is always present and denotes response headers wire size;
- `resp_body` set for regular responses;
- `file` set for file responses;
- `chunks` set for chunked responses, wire size too.
Elli_prometheus exports the following metrics:
- `http_requests_total`, counter. Total count of requests;
- `http_request_duration_microseconds`, histogram. The difference between
`request_end` and `request_start`;
- `http_request_headers_microseconds`, histogram. The difference between
`headers_end` and `headers_start`;
- `http_request_body_microseconds`, histogram. The difference between
`body_end` and `body_start`;
- `http_request_user_microseconds`, histogram. The difference between
`user_end` and `user_start`;
- `http_request_send_microseconds`, histogram. The difference between
`send_end` and `send_start`;
- `http_response_size_bytes`, summary. Total size of the response, includes
headers, body|file|chuncks;
- `http_response_headers_size_bytes`, summary. Size of the response headers;
- `http_response_body_size`, summary.
Size of the response body;
For failed requests:
- `http_requests_failed_total{reason}`, Total count of failed requests. Reasons:
- `request_closed` - the client closes the connection when Elli is waiting for
the next request;
- `request_timeout` - the client times out when Elli is waiting for the request;
- `request_parse_error` - the request is invalid and cannot be parsed or it
contains a path Elli cannot parse or doesn't support;
- `client_closed` - the client closes the connection or socket closed
- `client_timeout` - data can't be received within a timeout;
- `bad_request` - Elli detects a request isn't well formatted or doesn't conform
to the configured limits.
- `http_bad_requests_total{reason}` - Total count of `bad_request` errors.
- `too_many_headers`;
- `body_size`.
- `http_client_closed_total{request_part}` - Total count of `client_closed` errors.
- `receiving_headers`;
- `receiving_body`;
- `before_response`.
- `http_client_timeout_total{request_part}` Total count of `client_timeout` errors.
- `receiving_headers`;
- `receiving_body`.
Exporter metrics:
* `telemetry_scrape_duration_seconds`<br />
Type: summary.<br />
Labels: `registry`, `content_type`.<br />
Scrape duration.
* `telemetry_scrape_size_bytes`<br />
Type: summary.<br />
Labels: `registry`, `content_type`.<br />
Scrape size, not encoded.
* `telemetry_scrape_encoded_size_bytes`<br />
Type: summary.<br />
Labels: `registry`, `content_type`, `encoding`.<br />
Scrape size, encoded.
## Dependencies
`elli_prometheus` requires [Elli][] and [Prometheus][], but neither are included
in this project. It has been tested and is known to work with `{elli, "2.0.1"}`
and `{prometheus, "3.1.1"}`.
[hex badge]: https://img.shields.io/hexpm/v/elli_prometheus.svg?maxAge=2592000
[hex package]: https://hex.pm/packages/elli_prometheus
[erlang badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/erlang-%E2%89%A518.0-red.svg
[erlang downloads]: http://www.erlang.org/downloads
[build badge]: https://travis-ci.org/elli-lib/elli_prometheus.svg?branch=develop
[travis link]: https://travis-ci.org/elli-lib/elli_prometheus
[docs badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/docs-edown-green.svg
[docs]: doc/README.md
[coverage badge]: https://coveralls.io/repos/github/elli-lib/elli_prometheus/badge.svg?branch=develop
[coveralls link]: https://coveralls.io/github/elli-lib/elli_prometheus?branch=develop
[license badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-BSD--3-blue.svg
[Elli]: https://github.com/elli-lib/elli
[Prometheus]: https://github.com/deadtrickster/prometheus.erl