# EmailChecker

[![Circle CI](](

Simple library checking the validity of an email. Checks are performed in the
following order:

* REGEX: validate the emails has a good looking format
* MX: validate the domain sever contains MX records
* SMTP: validate the SMTP behind the MX records knows this email address (no
email sent)

:warning: That's rare but, some SMTP define a catchall email address. Meaning
all emails using this domain seems valid even if they are not.

### Installation

# mix.exs
def application do
  [mod: {YourModule, []},
   applications: [..., email_checker, ...]

def deps do
    # otherdependecies...
    {:email_checker, "~> 0.0.2"}
    # other dependencies...

### Configuration

We need to manually load DNS records to validate if a MX exists or not. When
we load the library Erlang doesn't have its DNS record list yet. So to avoid
any problem, we define a default DNS. By default the value is : ``.

You can easily overide this value:

# config/config.exs
config: :email_checker, default_dns: {}

### Usage

#=> true
#=> false



