# EmailGuard [](https://hex.pm/packages/email_guard) [](https://hexdocs.pm/email_guard)
Elixir library for detecting disposable (burner) or personal email addresses.
Focused on **performance** and features the **largest** database of domains availble.
Comes with two lists out of the box:
* `DisposableList` - based on [mailchecker's list](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FGRibreau/mailchecker/master/list.txt), total **33,606 domains**;
* `FreeList` - based on [this list](https://gist.github.com/ammarshah/f5c2624d767f91a7cbdc4e54db8dd0bf) excl. already listed in `DisposableList`, total **5009 domains**.
You can also plug your own dataset by implementing the `EmailGuard.List` behaviour ✌️
## Installation
Add to your `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:email_guard, "~> 1.0"}
If you're not using [application inference](https://elixir-lang.org/blog/2017/01/05/elixir-v1-4-0-released/#application-inference), then add `:email_guard` to your `applications` list.
## Usage
Checks if given email or domain is present in email lists:
iex> EmailGuard.check("svilen@gmail.com")
iex> EmailGuard.check("gmail.com")
By default it will check against `EmailGuard.DisposableList`:
iex> EmailGuard.check("svilen@mailinator.com")
{:error, EmailGuard.DisposableList}
You can specify the email list modules, e.g. including the provided one
for free email service providers:
iex> lists = [EmailGuard.DisposableList, EmailGuard.FreeList]
[EmailGuard.DisposableList, EmailGuard.FreeList]
iex> EmailGuard.check("svilen@gmail.com", lists)
{:error, EmailGuard.FreeList}
To provide your own custom list see the `EmailGuard.List` behaviour.
Note that `EmailGuard` expects a valid email address or domain as input.
## Benchmark
MIX_ENV=bench mix run bench/check_bench.exs
## License
See LICENSE file.