# Emel

  [Turn data into functions](! A simple and functional **machine learning** library written in **elixir**.

  ## Installation

  The package can be installed by adding `emel` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

  def deps do
    {:emel, "~> 0.1.2"}

  The docs can be found at [](

  ## Usage

  # set up the aliases for the module
  alias Ml.KNearestNeighbors, as: KNN

  dataset = [
    %{"x1" => 0.0, "x2" => 0.0, "x3" => 0.0, "y" => 0.0},
    %{"x1" => 0.5, "x2" => 0.5, "x3" => 0.5, "y" => 1.5},
    %{"x1" => 1.0, "x2" => 1.0, "x3" => 1.0, "y" => 3.0},
    %{"x1" => 1.5, "x2" => 1.5, "x3" => 1.5, "y" => 4.5},
    %{"x1" => 2.0, "x2" => 2.0, "x3" => 2.0, "y" => 6.0},
    %{"x1" => 2.5, "x2" => 2.5, "x3" => 2.5, "y" => 7.5},
    %{"x1" => 3.0, "x2" => 3.3, "x3" => 3.0, "y" => 9.0}

  # turn the dataset into a function
  f = KNN.predictor(dataset, ["x1", "x2", "x3"], "y", 2)

  # make predictions
  f.(%{"x1" => 1.725, "x2" => 1.725, "x3" => 1.725})
  # 5.25

  ### Implemented Algorithms

  * [Linear Regression](
  * [K Nearest Neighbors](
  * [Decision Tree](
  * [Naive Bayes](
  * [K Means](
  * [Perceptron](
  * [Artificial Neuron](

  alias Ml.DecisionTree, as: DecisionTree
  alias Help.Model, as: Mdl
  alias Math.Statistics, as: Stat

  dataset = [
    %{risk: "high", collateral: "none", income: "low", debt: "high", credit_history: "bad"},
    %{risk: "high", collateral: "none", income: "moderate", debt: "high", credit_history: "unknown"},
    %{risk: "moderate", collateral: "none", income: "moderate", debt: "low", credit_history: "unknown"},
    %{risk: "high", collateral: "none", income: "low", debt: "low", credit_history: "unknown"},
    %{risk: "low", collateral: "none", income: "high", debt: "low", credit_history: "unknown"},
    %{risk: "low", collateral: "adequate", income: "high", debt: "low", credit_history: "unknown"},
    %{risk: "high", collateral: "none", income: "low", debt: "low", credit_history: "bad"},
    %{risk: "moderate", collateral: "adequate", income: "high", debt: "low", credit_history: "bad"},
    %{risk: "low", collateral: "none", income: "high", debt: "low", credit_history: "good"},
    %{risk: "low", collateral: "adequate", income: "high", debt: "high", credit_history: "good"},
    %{risk: "high", collateral: "none", income: "low", debt: "high", credit_history: "good"},
    %{risk: "moderate", collateral: "none", income: "moderate", debt: "high", credit_history: "good"},
    %{risk: "low", collateral: "none", income: "high", debt: "high", credit_history: "good"},
    %{risk: "high", collateral: "none", income: "moderate", debt: "high", credit_history: "bad"}

  {training_set, test_set} = Mdl.training_and_test_sets(dataset, 0.75)

  f = DecisionTree.classifier(training_set, [:collateral, :income, :debt, :credit_history], :risk)

  predictions =, fn row -> f.(row) end)
  actual_values =, fn %{risk: v} -> v end)
  Stat.similarity(predictions, actual_values)
  # 0.75

  ### Mathematics

  * [Algebra](
  * [Geometry](
  * [Statistics](
  * [Calculus](

  alias Ml.LinearRegression, as: LR
  alias Help.Model, as: Mdl
  alias Math.Statistics, as: Stat

  dataset = [
    %{x1: 1, x2: 1, y: -1},
    %{x1: 1, x2: 2, y: -1},
    %{x1: 1, x2: 3, y: -2},
    %{x1: 1, x2: 4, y: -4},
    %{x1: 2, x2: 1, y: 1},
    %{x1: 2, x2: 2, y: 1},
    %{x1: 2, x2: 3, y: 0},
    %{x1: 2, x2: 4, y: -1},
    %{x1: 3, x2: 1, y: 3},
    %{x1: 3, x2: 2, y: 2},
    %{x1: 3, x2: 3, y: 1},
    %{x1: 3, x2: 4, y: 0},
    %{x1: 4, x2: 1, y: 5},
    %{x1: 4, x2: 2, y: 4},
    %{x1: 4, x2: 3, y: 4},
    %{x1: 4, x2: 4, y: 3}

  {training_set, test_set} = Mdl.training_and_test_sets(dataset, 0.8)

  f = LR.predictor(training_set, [:x1, :x2], :y)

  predictions =, fn row -> f.(row) end)
  actual_values =, fn %{y: v} -> v end)
  Stat.mean_absolute_error(predictions, actual_values)
  # 0.5889423076923077