# Enchufeweb

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  Enchufeweb is a websocket client library written in Elixir and based on 
  the Erlang library [websocket_client](

  ## Installation
  Add `enchufeweb` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
  def deps do
    [{:enchufeweb, "~> 0.1.0"}]
  ## How to use it

  * Implementation of the Websocket Client
    defmodule Client do
      use Enchufeweb
      def handle_message(data, state) do 
        IO.inspect data
        {:ok, state}
      def handle_connection(_, state), do: {:ok, state}
      def handle_disconnection(_, state), do: {:close, "end", state}

  * Connect the client and send a message
  iex> {:ok, client} = Client.start_link([url: "ws://localhost:8888/websocket", ws_opts: %{conn_mode: :once}]) 
  iex> Client.ws_send(client, "Hola")

  * Send a `ping`
  iex> Client.ws_send(client, :ping)

  * Close the connection
  iex> Client.ws_send(client, :close)

  * Client which will send a message just after the connection
    defmodule Client do
      use Enchufeweb
      def handle_message(data, state) do 
        IO.inspect data
        {:ok, state}
      def handle_connection(_, state), do: {:reply, "Initial message", state}
      def handle_disconnection(_, state), do: {:close, "end", state}

  ## Test
  Run the tests.
  mix test 