# Endon
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Endon is an Elixir library that provides helper functions for [Ecto](, with inspiration from Ruby on Rails' [ActiveRecord](  It's designed to be used within a module that is an `Ecto.Schema` and provides helpful functions.

Full documentation can be found [here](

## But why, isn't Ecto great?
Yes, Ecto is great.  But there are a few things that are really annoying, and a little syntactic sugar can go a long way.

1. What if I want to [paginate through a massive query](
1. Or [find records based on a few primary key values](
1. Or limit the number of records deleted from a query?
1. Or deal with [one to many / many to many]( relationships?

There are a few [other]( [examples]( of starts to bringing some helpful methods to Ecto, but none are quite complete or work with Ecto 3.

## Installation

To install Endon, just add an entry to your `mix.exs`:

``` elixir
def deps do
    # ...
    {:endon, "~> 0.1"}

(Check [Hex]( to make sure you're using an up-to-date version number.)

## Configuration

In your `config/config.exs` you can set a few options:

``` elixir
config :endon,
  repo: MyModule.Repo

The `repo` should be the name of the [Ecto.Repo]( in your application.

## Usage

To get started, add `use Endon` to each module where you'd like to use it.  For example:

``` elixir
defmodule User do
  use Endon
  use Ecto.Schema

  schema "users" do
    field :name, :string
    field :age, :integer, default: 0
    has_many :posts, Post

Once Endon has been included, you can immediately use the helpful methods.

``` elixir
# get all users
user = User.all()

# get first user
user = User.first()

# get a user by id
user = User.find(1)

# Iterate through all users in the DB efficiently (paginated, results are queried in
# batches) and process them using a Stream
Enum.each(User.stream_where(), &User.do_some_processing/1)

# get a user by an attribute
user = User.find_by(name: "billy")

# get the count of users
count = User.count()

# create a new user
user = User.create!(name: "snake", age: 12)

# update that user
User.update!(user, age: 23)

# find all users that match criteria and preload Posts
User.where([age: 23], preload: :posts)

# page through all users in batches
User.find_in_batches(fn batch ->
  # we'll have a batch of 1,000 users here
  Enun.each(batch, fn user ->

## Running Tests

To run tests:

``` shell
$> mix test

## Reporting Issues

Please report all issues [on github](