# Ensemble

An all-star cast of ARIA roles for Phoenix.[LiveViewTest](

## Installation

Install via [Hex]( by adding `ensemble` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:ensemble, "~> 0.0.1"}

## Usage

Write a [LiveViewTest]( and `import Ensemble`.

defmodule TodoLiveTest do
  use YourAppWeb.ConnCase, async: true

  import Phoenix.LiveViewTest
  import Ensemble

  test "has navigation", %{conn: conn} do
    {:ok, view, _html} = live(conn, "/todo")

    assert view |> has_role?(:banner)
    assert view |> has_role?(:contentinfo)

    assert view |> has_role?(:navigation, "Primary")
    assert view |> has_role?(:link, "Home")
    assert view |> has_role?(:link, "About")
    assert view |> has_role?(:button, "Sign Out")

    refute view |> has_role?(:link, "Does not exist")

    assert view
           |> role(:link, "Home")
           |> render() == ~S|<a href="/">Home</a>|

  test "form", %{conn: conn} do
    {:ok, view, _html} = live(conn, "/todo")

    assert view |> has_role?(:form, "New item")
    assert view |> has_role?(:textbox, "Description")
    assert view |> has_role?(:checkbox, "High priority")

    assert view
           |> role(:button, "Add item")
           |> render_click() =~ "Item created."