# Envelope

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A library for calculating envelopes of geometries and tools to compare them.
This is most useful as an approximation of spacial relationships between more
complicated geometries.

## Installation

defp deps do
  [{:envelope, "~> 0.1.0"}]

## Usage

**[Full Documentation](**

The `Envelope` module provides a method `from_geo` that accepts a struct
generated via the Geo library ( and returns an
`Envelope` struct containing the maximum extent in the `x` and `y` direction.

Envelope.from_geo( %Geo.Polygon{coordinates: [[{2, -2}, {20, -2}, {11, 11}, {2, -2}]]} )
# => %Envelope{ min_x: 2, min_y: -2, max_x: 20, max_y: 11 }

env = %Envelope{min_x: -1, min_y: 2, max_x: 1, max_y: 5}
Envelope.expand(env, %Geo.Polygon{coordinates: [[{2, -2}, {20, -2}, {11, 11}, {2, -2}]]})
# => %Envelope{ min_x: -1, min_y: -2, max_x: 20, max_y: 11 }