# ![Logo](/stuff/logo-48x48.png?raw=true) Envío    [![Kantox ❤ OSS](❤-kantox_oss-informational.svg)](  ![Test](  ![Dialyzer](

**Application-wide registry with handy helpers to ease dispatching.**

## Installation

Simply add `envio` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:envio, "~> 0.3"}

## Usage

### Simple publisher

Use `Envio.Publisher` helper to scaffold the registry publisher. It provides
`broadcast/2` helper (and `brodcast/1` if the default channel is set.)

defmodule Spitter.Registry do
  use Envio.Publisher, channel: :main

  def spit(channel, what), do: broadcast(channel, what)
  def spit(what), do: broadcast(what)

### Simple subscriber ([`dispatch`](

Just register your handler anywhere in the code:

  {Sucker, :suck},
  dispatch: %Envio.Channel{source: Spitter.Registry, name: :foo}

`Sucker.suck/1` will be called with a payload.

### PubSub subscriber ([`pub_sub`](

Use `Envio.Subscriber` helper to scaffold the registry subscriber. Implement
`handle_envio/2` for custom message handling. The default implementation
collects last 10 messages in it’s state.

defmodule PubSucker do
  use Envio.Subscriber, channels: [{Spitter.Registry, :foo}]

  def handle_envio(message, state) do
    {:noreply, state} = super(message, state)
    IO.inspect({message, state}, label: "PubSucked")
    {:noreply, state}

### Phoenix.PubSub subscriber ([`phoenix_pub_sub`](

Use `manager: :phoenix_pub_sub` for distributed message broadcasting. The implementation below subscribes to `"main"` channel in the distributed OTP environment and prints out each subsequent incoming message to standard output.

defmodule Pg2Sucker do
  use Envio.Subscriber, channels: ["main"], manager: :phoenix_pub_sub

  def handle_envio(message, state) do
    {:noreply, state} = super(message, state)
    IO.inspect({message, state}, label: "Received")
    {:noreply, state}

The publisher this subscriber might be listening to would look like

defmodule Pg2Spitter do
  use Envio.Publisher, manager: :phoenix_pub_sub, channel: "main"
  def spit(channel, what), do: broadcast(channel, what)
  def spit(what), do: broadcast(what)

## Changelog

- **`0.10.2`** → Accept `:warning` alongside `:warn`
- **`0.10.1`** → Runtime configs for backends via `{:system, value}` tuples
- **`0.10.0`** → `Process` backend
- **`0.8.0`** → `Phoenix.PubSub` support (+ backend)
- **`0.5.0`** → removed a dependency from `Slack` package
- **`0.4.0`** → better docs and other enhancements
- **`0.3.0`** → `Envio.Backend` and infrastructure for backends; `Slack` as an example.

## ToDo

- Back pressure with [`GenStage`](
  for `:dispatch` kind of delivery;
- Set of backends for easy delivery (_slack_, _redis_, _rabbit_, etc.)

## [Documentation](