# ![Envio.Log](    `Envio.Log`

**[Logger backend]( for [`Envío`]( with _Slack_ logging out of the box**

## Installation

def deps do
    {:envio_log, "~> 0.1"}

## Usage

Put this into your `config/prod.exs`

import Config

config :envio, :log,
  level: :warn,
  process_info: true

config :logger, backends: [Envio.Log.Backend], level: :debug

config :envio, :backends, %{
  Envio.Slack => %{
    {Envio.Log.Publisher, :info} => [
      hook_url: {:system, "YOUR_SLACK_CHANNEL_API_ENDPOINT"}

You are all set! All the calls like:

Logger.warn "Something happened", foo: :bar, answer: 42

will be automatically routed to the configured _Slack_ channel. All the calls to `Logger` with levels of the less priority than it was configured under `:envio, :log, :level` key will be purged in compile time.

## [Documentation](