# Envious

.env file parser for Elixir.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `envious` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:envious, "~> 0.0.2"}

Docs can be found at <>.

## Usage

Envious is simply a file parser and is functional in nature. It does not
mutate the environment or have any side effects. It is up to the user to
decide how to use the parsed data.

dotenv = """
# My .env file
export KEY1=value1
KEY2=value2 # export is optional

# => {:ok, %{"KEY1" => "value1", "KEY2" => "value2"}}
### Example of how one might use this.

Now that `config/runtime.exs` exists in Elixir, it is possible to load environment
at application startup. This is a simple example of how one might use Envious to load
`.env` files at application startup time.

# config/runtime.exs
with {:ok, file} <-".env"),
     {:ok, env} <- Envious.parse(file) do

config :my_app,
  key1: System.get_env("KEY1"),
  key2: System.get_env("KEY2")