# Envy

A simple Elixir library to load environment variables from `.env` and
environment specific env files like ``, `.env.test`, etc.

## Installation

Add envy to your dependencies in `mix.exs`.

def deps do
  [{:envy, "~> 0.0.1"}]

## Usage

To load env files you have two options, you can use the autoloader or give the
library paths to specific files to load itself.

Using `auto_load` you can add the following to your application:


This will look for `.env` and the mix env specific file. For example if your
applications `Mix.env` is `dev` then envy will attempt to load ``

You can also specify which files to load manually using `Envy.load` which
accepts a list of files to attempt to load.


To export `FOO` as `bar` you can add the following line to your env file.


Comments can be added with a `#`.

foo=bar # comments

If you need to use `#` in your values you can use double quotes.

tag="#bar" #comments