# Erlang (and Elixir) distribution without epmd, aka EPMDLESS #
[![Hex pm](]( 

Allows to connect erlang nodes, via Erlang distribution and without epmd, using tcp or tls.

## Requirements ##
 Erlang >= 19.1

## Configuration ##

### Using TCP as transport protocol ###
{ epmdless, [
    {transport, tcp},
    {listen_port, 17012}

### Using TLS as transport protocol ###

{epmdless, [
    {transport, tls},
    {listen_port, 17012}

And follow the instructions found in the OTP docs, [Specifying SSL/TLS Options]( 

### VM args ###
Erlang VM needs few extra flags on start to disable epmd daemon startup and override empd client callback module.

Minimal set of options:
`erl -proto_dist epmdless_proto -start_epmd false -epmd_module epmdless_client`

Note: since epmd is disabled you need to populate epmd-client database manually. Check epmd_dist module API.

### Example usage ###
(app2@host.local)1> epmdless_client:add_node('app1@host.local', 17012).
(app2@host.local)2> epmdless_client:list_nodes().

### Connecting to epmdless nodes ###
It's possible to connect to epmdless nodes using remsh. The distribution port can be provided via EPMDLESS_REMSH_PORT environmental variable.

Example usage:
EPMDLESS_REMSH_PORT=17012 erl -name local_node@ -remsh epmdless_node@ -setcookie <cookie> -proto_dist epmdless_proto -epmd_module epmdless_client -pa _build/default/lib/epmdless/ebin

### Example project ###

Please also refer:
for an example of complete project running epmdless.

### TLS example for Elixir ###

Here is a small project which shows how to setup EPMDLess with TLS for Elixir:

(Please also see a discussion here: