### eql [](eql)
Erlang with SQL, inspired by [yesql](https://github.com/krisajenkins/yesql).
### description
Suppose we have a database with a list of users, in Erlang we can use simple ORM ([boss_db](https://github.com/ChicagoBoss/boss_db), [texas](https://github.com/emedia-project/texas)), SQL builders ([sqerl](https://github.com/devinus/sqerl), [mekao](https://github.com/ddosia/mekao)) or write SQL queries in Erlang code like this:
get_users(Conn) ->
pgsql:squery(Conn, "SELECT * FROM users;").
Or something like that. __yesql__ proposes to write SQL queries by your hands, but do it comfortably. Because most of ORM and SQL builders adds some [accidental complexity](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Silver_Bullet) to your software, ORM or builder should parse your code into SQL and then your RDBMS should parse SQL, also write a complex query in ORM - is pure hell, sometimes. That's why you should use pure SQL with some handy features, like that:
-- Get all users from database
-- :get_all_users
FROM users;
-- Just some description here
-- :get_user_by_id
FROM users
WHERE id = ?
In Erlang you can use this queries like functions:
> {ok, Queries} = eql:compile("queries/user.sql"). % with path to your queries file
> {ok, Q1} = eql:get_query(get_all_users, Queries).
> {ok, Q2} = proplists:get_value(get_user_by_id, Queries).
> Q1.
%> "SELECT * FROM users;"
> Q2.
%> "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?"
### Not only for SQL
This library can provide anything you want with separated sections in file, eg for ENV-specific configuration:
-- ./env.config file
-- :dev
[{host, "app.dev"}].
-- :prod
[{host, "app.com"}].
We can parse this file like SQL queries (but comments with `%` isn't supported yet, you can create PR for this feature :)).
> {ok, Config} = eql:compile("./env.config").
%> {ok,[{prod,"[{host, \"app.com\"}]."},
{dev,"[{host, \"app.dev\"}]."}]}
`eql:compile/1` returns proplist of defined env configurations and we can parse each of them with simple helper:
load(Env, Config) ->
parse(scan(proplists:get_value(Env, Config))).
scan(undefined) ->
scan(String) ->
parse({ok, Tokens, _}) ->
parse(_) ->
And use it like:
> config_helper:load(prod, Config).
%> {ok,[{host,"app.com"}]}
> config_helper:load(dev, Config).
%> {ok,[{host,"app.dev"}]}
This module already exist and named [`eql_config`](/src/eql_config.erl) for you.
### Contributing
1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request