# EQRcode

Simple QR Code Generator written in Elixir with no other dependencies.

To generate the SVG QR code:

qr_code_content = "your_qr_code_content"

|> EQRCode.encode()
|> EQRCode.svg()

### Options

You can also pass in options into `EQRCode.svg()`:

|> EQRCode.encode()
|> EQRCode.svg(%{color: "#cc6600", shape: "circle", width: 300})

You can specify the following attributes of the QR code:

* `color`: In hexadecimal format. The default is `#000`
* `shape`: Only `square` or `circle`. The default is `square`
* `width`: The width of the QR code in pixel. Without the width attribute, the QR code size will be dynamically generated based on the input string.

Default options are `%{color: "#000", shape: "square"}`.

## Installation

def deps do
    {:eqrcode, "~> 0.1.1"}

## Credits

We reused most of the code from [sunboshan/qrcode]( to generate the matrix required to render the QR Code. We also reference [rqrcode]( on how to generate SVG from the QR Code matrix.

## License

This project is Licensed under the [MIT License](