# eredis_cluster

eredis_cluster is a wrapper for eredis to support cluster mode of Redis 3.0.0+

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## Contents

* [History](#history)
* [Usage](#usage)
* [Compilation and tests](#compilation-and-tests)
* [Configuration](#configuration)
* [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)
* [See also](#see-also)

## History

This project was started by [Adrien
Moreau]( in 2015. In 2021,
maintainance was taken over by the Nordix Foundation (backed by Ericsson) and
the Hex package is released from the Nordix fork since 0.6.0.

See also [](

## Usage

For the full reference manual, see the generated documentation in

%% Start the application and, if init nodes are defined in the application
%% configuration, connect to the cluster (otherwise use connect/1,2)

%% Simple command

%% Pipeline
eredis_cluster:qp([["LPUSH", "a", "a"], ["LPUSH", "a", "b"], ["LPUSH", "a", "c"]]).

%% Pipeline in multiple node (keys are sorted by node, a pipeline request is
%% made on each node, then the result is aggregated and returned. The response
%% keep the command order
eredis_cluster:qmn([["GET", "a"], ["GET", "b"], ["GET", "c"]]).

%% Transaction (a pipeline wrapped in MULTI-EXEC; returns the result of EXEC)
eredis_cluster:transaction([["LPUSH", "a", "a"], ["LPUSH", "a", "b"], ["LPUSH", "a", "c"]]).

%% Transaction Function
TransactionFun = fun(Worker) ->
    eredis_cluster:qw(Worker, ["WATCH", "abc"]),
    {ok, Var} = eredis_cluster:qw(Worker, ["GET", "abc"]),

    %% Do something with Var %%
    Var2 = binary_to_integer(Var) + 1,

    {ok, Result} = eredis_cluster:qw(Worker,[["MULTI"], ["SET", "abc", Var2], ["EXEC"]]),
eredis_cluster:transaction(TransactionFun, "abc").

%% Optimistic Locking Transaction
Function = fun(GetResult) ->
    {ok, Var} = GetResult,
    Var2 = binary_to_integer(Var) + 1,
    {[["SET", Key, Var2]], Var2}
Result = optimistic_locking_transaction(Key, ["GET", Key], Function),
{ok, {TransactionResult, CustomVar}} = Result.

%% Atomic Key update (using optimistic locking transaction)
Fun = fun(Var) -> binary_to_integer(Var) + 1 end,
eredis_cluster:update_key("abc", Fun).

%% Atomic Field update (using optimistic locking transaction)
Fun = fun(Var) -> binary_to_integer(Var) + 1 end,
eredis_cluster:update_hash_field("abc", "efg", Fun).

%% Pre-load Lua script on all nodes
Script = "return'set', KEYS[1], ARGV[1]);",
{ok, ScriptHash} = eredis_cluster:load_script(Script),

%% Execute pre-loaded script based on hash (EVALSHA) on the node where
%% the key "abs" is, with a fallback to load it if needed.
eredis_cluster:eval(Script, ScriptHash, ["abc"], ["123"]).

%% Flush DB

%% Query on all cluster server

%% Execute a query on the server containing the key "TEST"
eredis_cluster:qk(["FLUSHDB"], "TEST").

### Multi-cluster

If you need to work with multiple Redis clusters in the same application, the
functions `connect/3`, `disconnect/1`, `q/2`, `qk/3`, `qa/2`, `qa2/2`, `qmn/2`,
`transaction/3`, `get_pool_by_command/2`, `get_pool_by_key/2`, `get_all_pools/1`
accept a named cluster parameter. Multi-cluster support was added in
eredis_cluster 0.7.0.

eredis_cluster:connect(mycluster, [{"", 30001},
                                   {"", 30002}], []).

{ok, Result} = eredis_cluster:q(mycluster, ["GET", "foo"]),

%% Query on all cluster nodes
eredis_cluster:qa(mycluster, ["FLUSHDB"]).

%% Execute a query on the server containing the key "TEST"
eredis_cluster:qk(mycluster, ["FLUSHDB"], "TEST").

%% Scan one of the nodes in a cluster
[MyclusterNode1 | _] = eredis_cluster:get_all_pools(mycluster),
eredis_cluster:qn(["SCAN", 0, "COUNT", 10], MyclusterNode1),

%% Transaction (See above for TransactionFun example)
eredis_cluster:transaction(TransactionFun, mycluster, "abc").

## Compilation and tests

The directory contains a Makefile that uses rebar3.

Setup Redis clusters and start the tests using following commands:

make        # ... or rebar3 compile
make start  # Start local Redis clusters using Docker
make test   # Run tests towards the clusters
make stop   # Teardown the Redis clusters

## Configuration

To configure the Redis cluster client, you can use an application variable
(probably in your app.config):

                {"", 30001},
                {"", 30002}
            {pool_size, 5},
            {pool_max_overflow, 10},
            {username, "redis_user"},
            {password, "redis_pw"},
            {socket_options, [{send_timeout, 500},
                              {send_timeout_close, true},
                              {nodelay, true},
                              {keepalive, true}]},
            {tls, [{cacertfile, "ca.crt"}, ...]}

You don't need to specify all nodes of your configuration as eredis_cluster will
retrieve them through the command `CLUSTER SLOTS` at runtime.

### Configuration parameters

* `init_nodes`: List of Redis nodes to fetch cluster information from. Default: `[]`
* `pool_size`: Number of connected clients to each Redis node. Default: `10`
* `pool_max_overflow`: Max number of extra clients that can be started when the pool is exhausted. Default: `0`
* `username`: Username for [Redis ACL]( authentication.
   Alternatives are a 0-ary function that returns the username, a string or iodata or the atom `undefined` for no username. Default: `undefined`

   *Note: A 0-ary function is preferred as it prevents secrets from appearing in logs and stacktraces.*

* `password`: Password for [Redis ACL]( authentication.
   Alternatives are a 0-ary function that returns the password, a string or iodata or the atom `undefined` for no password. Default: `undefined`

   *Note: A 0-ary function is preferred as it prevents secrets from appearing in logs and stacktraces.*

* `socket_options`: Extra socket [options](
   Enables selecting host interface or performance tuning. Default: `[]`.
   However, there are some options added by default by the underlying eredis

   The socket is set to `{active, N}` with N = 10 by default.
   This can be tuned by including `{active, N}` where N must be an integer or true.
   Active once and false are not supported.

   We suggest the following socket options, in order to efficiently
   detect a failing connection and trigger an update of the cluster topology in
   case of failover and other Redis Cluster events:

   * `{send_timeout, Timeout}` and `{send_timeout_close, true}`: Makes sure send
     errors are not ignored. Triggers a reconnect on send errors.

   * `{nodelay, true}`: Send TCP packets immediately. A Redis command is sent as
     a whole, not in pieces, so there is no point delaying the send.

   * `{keepalive, true}`: Enables TCP keepalive. Enabled by default on Linux.

   * Raw Linux-specific options can help to detect a hanging socket quickly. See
     Linux kernel file for details: `include/uapi/linux/tcp.h`. This example
     sets very strict values for near real-time failure detected. Consider
     choosing values that make sense for your application:

     %% TCP_USER_TIMEOUT (in milliseconds); should be > TCP_KEEPIDLE if
     %% keepalive is enabled:
     {raw, 6, 18, <<1100:32/native>>},
     %% {keepalive, true} must be set for these to take effect:
     {raw, 6, 4, <<1:32/native>>},  % TCP_KEEPIDLE (in seconds)
     {raw, 6, 5, <<1:32/native>>},  % TCP_KEEPINTVL (in seconds)
     {raw, 6, 6, <<1:32/native>>}   % TCP_KEEPCNT

* `tls`: Enable TLS/SSL and use specified [TLSOptions]( Default: TLS not enabled.

### Configuring via API

An alternative is to set configurations programmatically via set_env() and `eredis_cluster:connect/1`.

application:set_env(eredis_cluster, pool_size, 5),
application:set_env(eredis_cluster, pool_max_overflow, 10),
application:set_env(eredis_cluster, password, "redis_pw"),
application:set_env(eredis_cluster, socket_options, [{send_timeout, 6000}]),
application:set_env(eredis_cluster, tls, [{cacertfile, "ca.crt"},
                                          {certfile, "client.crt"},
                                          {keyfile, "client.key"}]),

%% Set initial nodes and perform a controlled connect
eredis_cluster:connect([{"", 30001},
                        {"", 30002}]).

### Configuring using connect/2

It is also possible to give options while doing a connect using `eredis_cluster:connect/2`.
The given options will override options set via application configuration,
i.e will be prepended to the property list.

Options = [{tls, [{cacertfile, "ca.crt"},
                  {certfile, "client.crt"},
                  {keyfile, "client.key"}]}],
eredis_cluster:connect([{"", 30001},
                        {"", 30002}], Options).

## Troubleshooting

The following Redis-log indicates that Redis accepts TLS, but the client is not configured for TLS.

# Error accepting a client connection: error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number (conn: fd=12)

Debug logging for TLS connections can be enabled in eredis_cluster by the connect option: `{log_level, debug}`

## See also

* Generated documentation: [doc/](doc/
* Dependencies:
  * [Poolboy](
  * [Eredis](