# eredis_sync

![Erlang CI](

A simple Redis client which uses an optimized version of
[eredis]( parser to interact with Redis through
a simple `gen_tcp` socket, without any `gen_server` wrapper or smth.

## Build


## Tests

make test

One needs to have local `redis-server` installed to run tests.

## Usage

With `rebar`, add actual version of the library to `rebar.config`, for example:

{eredis_sync, ".*",
    {git, "", {ref, "v0.1.4"}}},

or add it as a Hex dependency:

  %% {eredis_sync,"0.1.4"}

## Example

{ok, Conn} = eredis_sync:connect({127,0,0,1}, 6379),
{ok, <<"PONG">>} = eredis_sync:q(Conn, ["PING"]),

Timeout = 1000,
  {ok, _},
  {ok, <<"1">>},
  {ok, <<"1">>},
  {ok, [<<"1">>, <<"2">>]}
] = eredis_sync:qp(Conn1, [
  ["DEL", "S"],
  ["SADD", "S", "1"],
  ["SADD", "S", "2"],
  ["SMEMBERS", "S"]
], Timeout),

{error, _} = eredis_sync:q(Conn2, ["PANG"]),

ok = eredis_sync:close(Conn3).

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