# erl_bencode


This is a library for encoding and decoding erlang terms to bencode text.
An easy way to uniformly send information and data structures accross platforms and language.

> :exclamation: **IMPORTANT:**
> Encoding atoms and tuples are Erlang specific and is **not** intended to be used with other platforms or programing languages.
> Doing so will result in unknown errors.

## Installation

### Rebar3

`erl_bencode` is built using **[rebar3](**,
if this library is used with rebar3 simply put it in your rebar.config file:

{deps, [

### Other

If you don't use rebar3 it's possibly to get the latest version from **[gitlab](**.

## Build

    $ rebar3 compile

## Test

Simply run eunit with rebar3

    $ rebar3 eunit

## Usage

### Example

1> bencode:encode("Wardenclyffe").
{ok, "12:Wardenclyffe"}
2> bencode:decode("d6:wardeni23ee").
{ok, #{"warden" => 23}}
3> bencode:decode(valid_file_path).
{ok,#{"a" => "valid","file" => "path","this" => "is"}}