`erl_csv` is a pure Erlang library to encode and decode csv files.
## Examples:
### Encoding
DataSchema = [<<"city">>, <<"country">>, <<"continent">>],
DataRows = [
[<<"Madrid">>, <<"Spain">>, <<"Europe">>],
[<<"Krakow">>, <<"Poland">>, <<"Europe">>],
[<<"Berlin">>, <<"Germany">>, <<"Europe">>],
[<<"New York">>, <<"USA">>, <<"America">>],
[<<"Sidney">>, <<"Australia">>, <<"Asia">>]
Encoded = erl_csv:encode([DataSchema | DataRows]),
Then, in a single readable binary as `iolist_to_binary(Encoded)`, we will see:
<<"city,country,continent\nMadrid,Spain,Europe\nKrakow,Poland,Europe\nBerlin,Germany,Europe\nNew York,USA,America\nSidney,Au"...>>
### Decoding
If we are reading a file, we can decode as a stream as follows:
{ok, CsvStream} = erl_csv:decode_new_s(Filename),
{ok, do_import(CsvStream, WorkersQueue)};
do_import(stream_end, Decoded) ->
do_import(Stream, Decoded) ->
{ok, MoreDecoded, MoreStream} = erl_csv:decode_s(Stream),
do_import(MoreStream, [MoreDecoded | Decoded]).
## More details
[See the documentation for more details.](https://hexdocs.pm/erl_csv/)