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## Try it out now in your Erlang shell

To quickly try it out without including it as a dependency, copy & paste the following to your Erlang shell.

P = "/tmp/tr.erl", ssl:start(), inets:start(), {ok, {{_, 200, _}, _, Src}} = httpc:request(""), file:write_file(P, Src), {ok, tr, B} = compile:file(P, binary), code:load_binary(tr, P, B), rr(P), tr:start().

This snippet downloads the `tr` module from GitHub, compiles and starts it.
Your Erlang Doctor is now ready to use!

The easiest way to use it is the following:


You should see the collected traces for the call and return of `your_module:some_function/0`.

This compact tool is capable of much more - see below.

## Include it as an application

To avoid copy-pasting the snippet shown above, you can include `erlang_doctor` in your dependencies in `rebar.config`.
There is a [Hex package]( as well.

## Use it during development

You can make Erlang Doctor available in the Erlang/Rebar3 shell during development by loading it in your `~/.erlang` file:


## Tracing: data collection

Test suite helpers from `tr_SUITE.erl` are used here as examples.
You can follow these examples on your own - just call `rebar3 shell` in the project root directory.

### Starting the tracer: `start`, `start_link`

The first thing to do is to start the tracer with `tr:start/1`.
There is `tr:start_link/1` as well, but it is intended for use with the whole `erlang_doctor` application.
Both functions can also take a second argument, which is a map with more advanced options:

- `tab`: collected traces are stored in an ETS table with this name (default: `trace`),
- `limit`: maximum number of traces in the table - when it is reached, tracing is stopped.

In this example we start the `tr` module in the simplest way:

1> tr:start().
{ok, <0.218.0>}

### Tracing: `trace`

To function calls for given modules, use `tr:trace/1`, providing a list of traced modules:

3> tr:trace([tr_SUITE]).

You can provide `{Module, Function, Arity}` tuples in the list as well.
To get a list of all modules from an application, use `tr:app_modules/1`.
`tr:trace(tr:app_modules(your_app))` would trace all modules from `your_app`.
There is a shortcut as well: `tr:trace_app(your_app)`.
If you want to trace selected processes instead of all of them, you can use
`tr:trace(Modules, Pids)`, which is a shortcut for `tr:trace(#{modules => Modules, pids => Pids})`.
In fact, `tr:trace(Modules)` is a shortcut for `tr:trace(#{modules => Modules})`,
and the `trace/1` function accepts a map of options with the following keys:

- `modules`: a list of module names or `{Module, Function, Arity}` tuples. The list is empty by default.
- `pids`: a list of Pids of processes to trace, or the atom `all` (default) to trace all processes.
- `msg`: `none` (default), `all`, `send` or `recv`. Specifies which message events will be traced. By default no messages are traced.
- `msg_trigger`: `after_traced_call` (default) or `always`. By default, traced messages in each process are stored after the first traced function call in that process. The goal is to limit the number of traced messages, which can be huge in the entire Erlang system. If you want all messages, set it to `always`.

Now we can call some functions - let's trace the following function call.
It calculates the factorial recursively and sleeps 1 ms between each step.

4> tr_SUITE:sleepy_factorial(3).

### Stop tracing

Stop tracing with the following function:

5> tr:stop_tracing().

It's good to stop it as soon as possible to avoid accumulating too many traces in the ETS table.
Usage of `tr` on production systems is risky, but if you have to do it, start and stop the tracer in the same command,
e.g. for one second with:

tr:trace(Modules), timer:sleep(1000), tr:stop_tracing().

## Debugging: data analysis

The collected traces are stored in an ETS table (default name: `trace`).
They are stored as `#tr` records with the following fields:

- `index`: trace identifier, auto-incremented for each received trace.
- `pid`: process ID associated with the trace.
- `event`: `call`, `return` or `exception` for function traces; `send` or `recv` for messages.
- `mfa`: an MFA tuple: module name, function name and function arity; undefined for messages.
- `data`: argument list (for calls), returned value (for returns) or class and value (for exceptions).
- `timestamp` in microseconds.
- `extra`: only for `send` events; `#msg` record with the following fields:
    - `to`: message recipient (Pid),
    - `exists`: boolean, indicates if the recipient process existed.

It's useful to read the record definitions before trace analysis:

6> rr(tr).

The snippet shown at the top of this README includes this already.

### Trace selection: `select`

Use `tr:select/0` to select all collected traces.

7> tr:select().
[#tr{index = 1, pid = <0.175.0>, event = call,
     mfa = {tr_SUITE, sleepy_factorial, 1},
     data = [3],
     ts = 1559134178217371},
 #tr{index = 2, pid = <0.175.0>, event = call,
     mfa = {tr_SUITE, sleepy_factorial, 1},
     data = [2],
     ts = 1559134178219102},
 #tr{index = 3, pid = <0.175.0>, event = call,
     mfa = {tr_SUITE, sleepy_factorial, 1},
     data = [1],
     ts = 1559134178221192},
 #tr{index = 4, pid = <0.175.0>, event = call,
     mfa = {tr_SUITE, sleepy_factorial, 1},
     data = [0],
     ts = 1559134178223107},
 #tr{index = 5, pid = <0.175.0>, event = return,
     mfa = {tr_SUITE, sleepy_factorial, 1},
     data = 1, ts = 1559134178225146},
 #tr{index = 6, pid = <0.175.0>, event = return,
     mfa = {tr_SUITE, sleepy_factorial, 1},
     data = 1, ts = 1559134178225153},
 #tr{index = 7, pid = <0.175.0>, event = return,
     mfa = {tr_SUITE, sleepy_factorial, 1},
     data = 2, ts = 1559134178225155},
 #tr{index = 8, pid = <0.175.0>, event = return,
     mfa = {tr_SUITE, sleepy_factorial, 1},
     data = 6, ts = 1559134178225156}]

The `tr:select/1` function accepts a fun that is passed to `ets:fun2ms/1`.
This way you can limit the selection to specific items and select only some fields from the `tr` record:

8> tr:select(fun(#tr{event = call, data = [N]}) -> N end).
[3, 2, 1, 0]

Use `tr:select/2` to further filter the results by searching for a term in `` (recursively searching in lists, tuples and maps).

9> tr:select(fun(T) -> T end, 2).
[#tr{index = 2, pid = <0.175.0>, event = call,
     mfa = {tr_SUITE, sleepy_factorial, 1},
     data = [2],
     ts = 1559134178219102},
 #tr{index = 7, pid = <0.175.0>, event = return,
     mfa = {tr_SUITE, sleepy_factorial, 1},
     data = 2, ts = 1559134178225155}]

### Trace filtering: `filter`

Sometimes it might be easier to use `tr:filter/1`. You can use e.g. `tr:contains_data/2` to search for a term like in the example above.

10> Traces = tr:filter(fun(T) -> tr:contains_data(2, T) end).
[#tr{index = 2, pid = <0.175.0>, event = call,
     mfa = {tr_SUITE, sleepy_factorial, 1},
     data = [2],
     ts = 1559134178219102},
 #tr{index = 7, pid = <0.175.0>, event = return,
     mfa = {tr_SUITE, sleepy_factorial, 1},
     data = 2, ts = 1559134178225155}]

There is also `tr:filter/2` which can be used to search in a different table than the current one - or in a list:

11> tr:filter(fun(#tr{event = call}) -> true end, Traces).
[#tr{index = 2, pid = <0.175.0>, event = call,
     mfa = {tr_SUITE, sleepy_factorial, 1},
     data = [2],
     ts = 1559134178219102}]

### Tracebacks for filtered traces: `tracebacks`

To find the tracebacks (call stacks) for matching traces, use `tr:tracebacks/1`:

12> tr:tracebacks(fun(#tr{data = 1}) -> true end).
[[#tr{index = 5,pid = <0.219.0>,event = call,
      mfa = {tr_SUITE,sleepy_factorial,1},
      data = [1],
      ts = 1617097424677636},
  #tr{index = 4,pid = <0.219.0>,event = call,
      mfa = {tr_SUITE,sleepy_factorial,1},
      data = [2],
      ts = 1617097424675625},
  #tr{index = 3,pid = <0.219.0>,event = call,
      mfa = {tr_SUITE,sleepy_factorial,1},
      data = [3],
      ts = 1617097424674397}]]

Note that by specifying `data = 1` we are only matching return traces as call traces always have a list in `data`.
Only one traceback is returned. It starts with a matching call that returned `1`. What follows is the call stack
for this call.

One can notice that the call for 0 also returned 1, but the call tree gets pruned - whenever two tracebacks overlap, only the shorter one is left.
You can change this by returning tracebacks for all matching traces even if they overlap, setting the `output` option to `all`. All options are included in the second argument, which is a map:

13> tr:tracebacks(fun(#tr{data = 1}) -> true end, #{output => all}).
[[#tr{index = 6,pid = <0.219.0>,event = call,
      mfa = {tr_SUITE,sleepy_factorial,1},
      data = [0],
      ts = 1617099584113726},
  #tr{index = 5,pid = <0.219.0>,event = call,
      mfa = {tr_SUITE,sleepy_factorial,1},
      data = [1],
      ts = 1617099584111714},
  #tr{index = 4,pid = <0.219.0>,event = call,
      mfa = {tr_SUITE,sleepy_factorial,1},
      data = [2],
      ts = 1617099584109773},
  #tr{index = 3,pid = <0.219.0>,event = call,
      mfa = {tr_SUITE,sleepy_factorial,1},
      data = [3],
      ts = 1617099584108006}],
 [#tr{index = 5,pid = <0.219.0>,event = call,
      mfa = {tr_SUITE,sleepy_factorial,1},
      data = [1],
      ts = 1617099584111714},
  #tr{index = 4,pid = <0.219.0>,event = call,
      mfa = {tr_SUITE,sleepy_factorial,1},
      data = [2],
      ts = 1617099584109773},
  #tr{index = 3,pid = <0.219.0>,event = call,
      mfa = {tr_SUITE,sleepy_factorial,1},
      data = [3],
      ts = 1617099584108006}]]

The third possibility is `output => longest` which does the opposite of pruning, leaving only the longest tracabecks when they overlap:

32> tr:tracebacks(fun(#tr{data = 1}) -> true end, #{output => longest}).
[[#tr{index = 6,pid = <0.219.0>,event = call,
      mfa = {tr_SUITE,sleepy_factorial,1},
      data = [0],
      ts = 1617099584113726},
  #tr{index = 5,pid = <0.219.0>,event = call,
      mfa = {tr_SUITE,sleepy_factorial,1},
      data = [1],
      ts = 1617099584111714},
  #tr{index = 4,pid = <0.219.0>,event = call,
      mfa = {tr_SUITE,sleepy_factorial,1},
      data = [2],
      ts = 1617099584109773},
  #tr{index = 3,pid = <0.219.0>,event = call,
      mfa = {tr_SUITE,sleepy_factorial,1},
      data = [3],
      ts = 1617099584108006}]]

All possible options for `tracebacks/2`:

- `tab` is the table or list which is like the second argument of `tr:filter/2`,
- `output` - `shortest` (default), `all`, `longest` - see above.
- `format` - `list` (default), `tree` - makes it possible to return the traces in form of a call tree instead of a list of tracebacks. Trees don't distinguish between `all` and `longest` output formats.
- `order` - `top_down` (default), `bottom_up`. Changes call order in each tracaback, only for the `list` format.
- `limit` - positive integer or `infinity` (default). Limits the number of matched traces. The actual number of tracebacks returned can be less unless `output => all`

There are also functions: `traceback/1` and `traceback/2`. They set `limit` to one and return only one trace if it exists. The options for `traceback/2` are the same as for `traceback/2` except `limit` and `format`. Additionaly, it is possible to pass a `tr` record (or an index) directly to `traceback/1` to obtain the traceback for the provided trace event.

### Trace ranges for filtered traces: `ranges`

To get a list of traces between each matching call and the corresponding return, use `tr:ranges/1`:

14> tr:ranges(fun(#tr{data=[1]}) -> true end).
[[#tr{index = 3, pid = <0.175.0>, event = call,
      mfa = {tr_SUITE, sleepy_factorial, 1},
      data = [1],
      ts = 1559134178221192},
  #tr{index = 4, pid = <0.175.0>, event = call,
      mfa = {tr_SUITE, sleepy_factorial, 1},
      data = [0],
      ts = 1559134178223107},
  #tr{index = 5, pid = <0.175.0>, event = return,
      mfa = {tr_SUITE, sleepy_factorial, 1},
      data = 1, ts = 1559134178225146},
  #tr{index = 6, pid = <0.175.0>, event = return,
      mfa = {tr_SUITE, sleepy_factorial, 1},
      data = 1, ts = 1559134178225153}]]

There is also `tr:ranges/2` - it accepts a map of options with the following keys:

- `tab` is the table or list which is like the second argument of `tr:filter/2`,
- `max_depth` is the maximum depth of nested calls. A message event also adds 1 to the depth.
    You can use `#{max_depth => 1}` to see only the top-level call and the corresponding return.

There are two additional function: `tr:range/1` and `tr:range/2`, which return only one range if it exists. It is possible to pass a `tr` record or an index to `tr:range/1` as well.

### Calling function from a trace: `do`

It is easy to replay a particular function call with `tr:do/1`:

15> [T] = tr:filter(fun(#tr{data = [3]}) -> true end).
[#tr{index = 1, pid = <0.175.0>, event = call,
     mfa = {tr_SUITE, sleepy_factorial, 1},
     data = [3],
     ts = 1559134178217371}]
16> tr:do(T).

This is useful e.g. for checking if a bug has been fixed without running the whole test suite.
This function can be called with an index as the argument.

### Getting a single trace for the index: `lookup`

Use `tr:lookup/1` to obtain the trace for an index.

## Profiling

### Call statistics: `call_stat`

Call statistics - for all calls. The argument of `tr:call_stat/1` is a function that returns a key
by which the traces are grouped.

The simplest way to use this function is to look at the total number of calls and their time.
To do this, we group all calls under one key, e.g. `total`:

17> tr:call_stat(fun(_) -> total end).
#{total => {4, 7785, 7785}}

Values of the returned map have the following format:

```{call_count(), acc_time(), own_time()}```

In the example there are four calls, which took 7703 microseconds in total.
For nested calls we only take into account the outermost call, so this means that the whole calculation took 7.703 ms.
Let's see how this looks like for individual steps - we can group the stats by the function argument:

18> tr:call_stat(fun(#tr{data = [N]}) -> N end).
#{0 => {1, 2039, 2039},
  1 => {1, 3961, 1922},
  2 => {1, 6053, 2092},
  3 => {1, 7785, 1732}}

You can use the key function to do any filtering as well:

19> tr:call_stat(fun(#tr{data = [N]}) when N < 3 -> N end).
#{0 => {1, 2039, 2039}, 1 => {1, 3961, 1922}, 2 => {1, 6053, 2092}}

### Sorted call statistics: `sorted_call_stat`, `print_sorted_call_stat`

You can sort the call stat by accumulated time, descending:

20> tr:sorted_call_stat(fun(#tr{data = [N]}) -> N end).
[{3, 1, 7785, 1732},
 {2, 1, 6053, 2092},
 {1, 1, 3961, 1922},
 {0, 1, 2039, 2039}]

The first element of each tuple is the key, the rest is the same as above.
To pretty print it, use `tr:print_sorted_call_stat/2`.
The second argument limits the table row number, e.g. we can only print the top 3 items:

21> tr:print_sorted_call_stat(fun(#tr{data = [N]}) -> N end, 3).
3  1  7785  1732
2  1  6053  2092
1  1  3961  1922

### Call tree statistics: `top_call_trees`

This function makes it possible to detect complete call trees that repeat several times,
where corresponding function calls and returns have the same arguments and return values, respectively.
When such functions take a lot of time and do not have useful side effects, they can be often optimized.

As an example, let's trace the call to a function which calculates the 4th element of the Fibonacci Sequence
in a recursive way. Erlang Doctor has to be started and the trace table should be empty.

5> tr:trace([tr_SUITE]).
6> tr_SUITE:fib(4).
7> tr:stop_tracing().

Now it is possible to print the most time consuming call trees that repeat at least twice:

16> tr:top_call_trees().
  #node{module = tr_SUITE,function = fib,
        args = [2],
        children = [#node{module = tr_SUITE,function = fib,
                          args = [1],
                          children = [],
                          result = {return,1}},
                    #node{module = tr_SUITE,function = fib,
                          args = [0],
                          children = [],
                          result = {return,0}}],
        result = {return,1}}},
  #node{module = tr_SUITE,function = fib,
        args = [1],
        children = [],
        result = {return,1}}}]

The resulting list contains the tuples `{Time, Count, Tree}` where `Time` is the accumulated time spent in the tree
and `Count` is the number of times the tree repeated. The list is sorted by `Time`, descending.
In the example above `fib(2)` was called twice and `fib(1)` was called 3 times,
what already shows that the recursive implementation is suboptimal.

There is also `top_call_trees/1` that takes a map of options with the following keys:
- `output` is `reduced` by default, but it can be set to `complete` where subtrees of already listed trees are also listed.
- `min_count` is the minimum number of times a tree has to occur to be listed, the default is 2.
- `min_time` is the minimum accumulated time for a tree, by default there is no minimum.
- `max_size` is the maximum number of trees presented, the default is 10.

As an exercise, try calling `tr:top_call_trees(#{min_count => 1000})` for `fib(20)`.

## Exporting and importing traces

To get the current table name, use `tr:tab/0`:

22> tr:tab().

To switch to a new table, use `tr:set_tab/1`. The table need not exist.

23> tr:set_tab(tmp).

Now you can collect traces to the new table without changing the original one.

24> tr:trace([lists]), lists:seq(1, 10), tr:stop_tracing().
25> tr:select().
[#tr{index = 1, pid = <0.175.0>, event = call,
     mfa = {lists, ukeysort, 2},
     data = [1,
             [{'Traces', [#tr{index = 2, pid = <0.175.0>, event = call,
                             mfa = {tr_SUITE, sleepy_factorial, 1},
                             data = [2],


You can dump a table to file with `tr:dump/2` - let's dump the `tmp` table:

25> tr:dump("tmp.ets", tmp).

In a new Erlang session we can load the data with `tr:load/1`. This will set the current table name to `tmp`.

1> tr:start().
{ok, <0.181.0>}
2> tr:load("traces.ets").
{ok, tmp}
3> tr:select().
4> tr:tab().

Finally, you can remove all traces from the ETS table with `tr:clean/1`.

5> tr:clean().

To stop `tr`, just call `tr:stop/0`.

# Example use cases

## Debugging a vague error

While reworking the LDAP connection layer in [MongooseIM](, the following error occured in the logs:

14:46:35.002 [warning] lager_error_logger_h dropped 79 messages in the last second that exceeded the limit of 50 messages/sec
14:46:35.002 [error] gen_server 'wpool_pool-mongoose_wpool$ldap$global$bind-1' terminated with reason: no case clause matching {badkey,handle} in wpool_process:handle_info/2 line 123
14:46:35.003 [error] CRASH REPORT Process 'wpool_pool-mongoose_wpool$ldap$global$bind-1' with 1 neighbours crashed with reason: no case clause matching {badkey,handle} in wpool_process:handle_info/2 line 123
14:46:35.003 [error] Supervisor 'wpool_pool-mongoose_wpool$ldap$global$bind-process-sup' had child 'wpool_pool-mongoose_wpool$ldap$global$bind-1' started with wpool_process:start_link('wpool_pool-mongoose_wpool$ldap$global$bind-1', mongoose_ldap_worker, [{port,3636},{encrypt,tls},{tls_options,[{verify,verify_peer},{cacertfile,"priv/ssl/cacert.pem"},...]}], [{queue_manager,'wpool_pool-mongoose_wpool$ldap$global$bind-queue-manager'},{time_checker,'wpool_pool-mongoose_wpool$ldap$global$bind-time-checker'},...]) at <0.28894.0> exit with reason no case clause matching {badkey,handle} in wpool_process:handle_info/2 line 123 in context child_terminated
14:46:35.009 [info] Connected to LDAP server
14:46:35.009 [error] gen_server 'wpool_pool-mongoose_wpool$ldap$global$default-1' terminated with reason: no case clause matching {badkey,handle} in wpool_process:handle_info/2 line 123
14:46:35.009 [error] CRASH REPORT Process 'wpool_pool-mongoose_wpool$ldap$global$default-1' with 1 neighbours crashed with reason: no case clause matching {badkey,handle} in wpool_process:handle_info/2 line 123

As this messages appear every 10 seconds (on each attempt to reconnect to LDAP), we can start tracing.
The most lkely culprit is the `mongoose_ldap_worker` module, so let's trace it:

(mongooseim@localhost)16> tr:trace([mongoose_ldap_worker]).

A few seconds (and error messages) later we can check the traces for the `badkey` value we saw in the logs:

(mongooseim@localhost)17> tr:filter(fun(T) -> tr:contains_data(badkey, T) end).
[#tr{index = 255, pid = <0.8118.1>, event = exception,
     mfa = {mongoose_ldap_worker, connect, 1},
     data = {error, {badkey, handle}},
     ts = 1557838064073778},

This means that the key `handle` was missing from a map.
Let's see the traceback to find the exact place in the code:

(mongooseim@localhost)18> tr:traceback(fun(T) -> tr:contains_data(badkey, T) end).
[#tr{index = 254, pid = <0.8118.1>, event = call,
     mfa = {mongoose_ldap_worker, connect, 1},
     data = [#{connect_interval => 10000, encrypt => tls, password => <<>>,
               port => 3636, root_dn => <<>>,
               servers => ["localhost"],
               tls_options =>
                   [{verify, verify_peer},
                    {cacertfile, "priv/ssl/cacert.pem"},
                    {certfile, "priv/ssl/fake_cert.pem"},
                    {keyfile, "priv/ssl/fake_key.pem"}]}],
     ts = 1557838064052121}, ...]

We can see that the `handle` key is missing from the map passed to `mongoose_ldap_worker:connect/1`.
After looking at the source code of this function and searching for `handle` we can see only one matching line:

                    State#{handle := Handle};

The `:=` operator assumes that the key is already present in the map.
The solution would be to either change it to `=>` or ensure that the map already contains that key.

## Loading traces to the `trace` table after tracing to file

It's possible to use `tr` with a file generated by `dbg:trace_port/2` tracing.
The file may be generated on another system.

1> {ok, St} = tr:init({}).
{ok, #{index => 0, traced_modules => []}}
2> dbg:trace_client(file, "/Users/erszcz/work/myproject/long-pong.dbg.trace", {fun tr:handle_trace/2, St}).
3> tr:select().
[#tr{index = 1, pid = <14318.7477.2537>, event = call,
     mfa = {mod_ping, user_ping_response_metric, 3},
     data = [{jid, <<"user1">>, <<"">>, <<"res1">>,
              <<"user1">>, <<"">>, <<"res1">>},
             {iq, <<"EDC1944CF88F67C6">>, result, <<>>, <<"en">>, []},
     ts = 1553517330696515},