Erlang SVG library
Copyright (c) 2012, Dmitry Kolesnikov
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the Apache License, version 2.0 as published by
The library provides interface to render SVG graphics from Erlang
application. The current version targets server-side rendering use-cases
with help of ImageMagic command line tool 'convert'. The library internal
uses xmerl for XML output.
Compile and build
git clone
cd svg
Supported features
The following features are supported by current library release
See SVG specification for detailed
features descriptions.
* SVG version 1.1
* styling using presentation attributes
- font properties
- text properties
- other visual properties
* grouping element 'g'
* 'path' element
- absolute line-to primitive
- absolute Bezier curve primitive
- closepath primitive
* 'rect' element
* 'circle' element
* 'ellipse' element
* 'text' element
- font styling
- basic text draw at defined point
* 'defs' element
* 'line' element
* 'polyline' element
Feature backlog
The following features to be supported in following releases
* 'symbol' element
* 'use' element
* styling
- gradient, patterns
- 'style' element (css styling)
* 'path' element
- quadratic Bezier curve
- elliptical arc
* 'text' element
- list of coordinates to 'x', 'y' attributes
- inner 'tspan' element
- shift the current text position {dx, dy}
- layout feature
- 'textPath' element
* 'image' element
* common attributes: 'id', 'class'
* coordinate system, transform
* clipping, masking, filtering
* 'color-profile' element
Not supported features
The following features is nice-to-have but they are not required
for server side rending use-cases.
* xsl styling
* svg metadata: 'desc', 'title'
* 'switch' element (conditional processing)
* 'path' element
- horizontal line-to primitive
- vertical line-to primitive
* text
- 'altGlyph', 'altGlyphDef', 'altGlyphItem', 'glyphRef' elements
* 'cursor' element
* animation
Interface and examples
See src/svg.erl for api specification
See test/svg_test.erl for api example