# erlang-xxhash [](https://travis-ci.org/pierreis/erlang-xxhash)
Simple Erlang wrapper for the [xxHash](http://code.google.com/p/xxhash/) algorithm.
## Usage
Text = "test".
Seed = 12345.
%% Simple usage
xxhash:hash32(Text, Seed). % => 3834992036
xxhash:hash32(Text). % => 1042293711
xxhash:hash64(Text, Seed). % => 7624679986283906467
xxhash:hash64(Text). % => 5754696928334414137
%% Advanced usage
Handle32 = xxhash:hash32_init(Seed).
xxhash:hash32_update(Handle32, Text). % => ok
xxhash:hash32_digest(Handle32). % => 3834992036 (Intermediate digest)
xxhash:hash32_update(Handle32, <<"Foo">>). % Support for binary values.
xxhash:hash32_update(Handle32, 42). % Support for integers.
xxhash:hash32_update(Handle32, 13.37). % Support for floats.
xxhash:hash32_update(Handle32, moo). % Support for atoms.
xxhash:hash32_digest(Handle32). % => 3243777239
Handle64 = xxhash:hash64_init(Seed).
xxhash:hash64_update(Handle64, Text). % => ok
xxhash:hash64_digest(Handle64). % => 7624679986283906467 (Intermediate digest)
xxhash:hash64_update(Handle64, <<"Foo">>). % Support for binary values.
xxhash:hash64_update(Handle64, 42). % Support for integers.
xxhash:hash64_update(Handle64, 13.37). % Support for floats.
xxhash:hash64_update(Handle64, moo). % Support for atoms.
xxhash:hash64_digest(Handle64). % => 10617254975351441063
## Licenses
This program is distributed under the MIT License.
xxHash library is distributed under New BSD License.
## Bug reports and feature requests
You are very welcome to contribute to this library. To do so, simply report bugs, submit feature requests or
make pull requests on Github: https://github.com/pierresforge/erlang-xxhash.