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##DynamoDB API
DynamoDB functions are converted to underscore_case functions of arity 1:<br/>
* batch_get_item/1,
* batch_write_item/1,
* create_table/1,
* delete_item/1,
* delete_table/1,
* describe_table/1,
* get_item/1,
* list_tables/1,
* put_item/1,
* query/1,
* scan/1,
* update_item/1,
* update_table/1]
The single parameter is JSON as defined by the DynamoDB API, and the returns are
either: <br/>
* {ok, #{...}},
* [{ok, #{...}}, ...],
* or {error, #{...})
where the maps are map versions of DynamoDB, JSON returns.
###Batch Functions
The batch functions (batch_get_item/1 and batch_write_item/1) can return
partial results. The unprocessed items will be resubmitted automatically,
consequently, these functions return a list of maps - one for each partial
##Convenience Methods
Convenience methods (new_table/3, save_table/1, and add_parameter/3) are
provided for simplifying the process of building the correct strcture
for defining and creating tables.
##Exponential Back-Off
Exponentional back-off is used such that appropriate failures, or partial
results, are retried according to an exponential, back-off algorithm, not
to exceed one minute total for the entire operation.
All http operations are PUTS, and Version 4 of the Signature authorizaion
header is used.
Secret Key and Access Keys can be fetched form OS environment variables
(AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) or set/changed via config/1.
If AWS Security Token Service is being used then the Token can only
be supplied via the config map.
The DynamoDB Endpoint is provided via the same config/1 function, and
is parsed to determine service, streaming service, host and region.
=> ConfigMap = #{endpoint => "https://dynamodb.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/",
access_key => "AKIAIX5A77AFFFW7JLA",
secret_key => "WIcKN27iNhkvsaEtGgPd9iqBFFFhEkas0rsDzoSA",
=> erldyn:config(ConfigMap).
=> ok
* put(access_key, ...) <br/>
* put(secret_key, ..) <br/>
* put(token, ..) <br/>
* put(stream_endpoint, ...) <br/>
* put(endpoint, ...) <br/>
* put(host, ...) <br/>
* put(service, ..) <br/>
* put(region, ..) <br/>
Lager for logging, jsone for json <--> map translation, and rebar3 for building
erldyn uses rebar3
$ make compile
$ make clean
$ make doc
$ make check
$ make run
Assuming that $ make has been previously executed:
$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="WIcKN27efefff499Pd9iqBpm3hEkas0rsDzoSA"
$ make run
erl -pa _build/default/lib/*/ebin
Erlang/OTP 18 [erts-7.1] [source-2882b0c] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
Eshell V7.1 (abort with ^G)
1> erldyn:config(#{endpoint => "https://dynamodb.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/"}).
2> erldyn:list_tables("{}").
{ok,#{<<"TableNames">> => [<<"Forum">>,<<"Reply">>,<<"Thread">>,<<"Wizzards">>]}}