
%%% vim:ts=4:sw=4:et
%%% File: $Id$
%%% @doc OS shell command runner.
%%%      It communicates with a separate C++ port process `exec-port'
%%%      spawned by this module, which is responsible
%%%      for starting, killing, listing, terminating, and notifying of
%%%      state changes.
%%%      The port program serves as a middle-man between
%%%      the OS and the virtual machine to carry out OS-specific low-level
%%%      process control.  The Erlang/C++ protocol is described in the
%%%      `exec.cpp' file.  The `exec' application can execute tasks by
%%%      impersonating as a different effective user.  This impersonation
%%%      can be accomplished in one of the following two ways (assuming
%%%      that the emulator is not running as `root':
%%%      <ul>
%%%      <li>Having the user account running the erlang emulator added to
%%%          the `/etc/sudoers' file, so that it can execute `exec-port'
%%%          task as `root'. (Preferred option)</li>
%%%      <li>Setting `root' ownership on `exec-port', and setting the
%%%          SUID bit: `chown root:root exec-port; chmod 4755 exec-port'.
%%%          (This option is discouraged as it's less secure).</li>
%%%      </ul>
%%%      In either of these two cases, `exec:start_link/2' must be started
%%%      with options `[root, {user, User}, {limit_users, Users}]',
%%%      so that `exec-port' process will not actually run as
%%%      root but will switch to the effective `User', and set the kernel
%%%      capabilities so that it's able to start processes as other
%%%      effective users given in the `Users' list and adjust process
%%%      priorities.
%%%      Though, in the initial design, `exec' prohibited such use, upon
%%%      user requests a feature was added (in order to support `docker'
%%%      deployment and CI testing) to be able to execute `exec-port' as
%%%      `root' without switching the effective user to anying other than
%%%      `root'. To accomplish this use the following options to start
%%%      `exec': `[root, {user, "root"}, {limit_users, ["root"]}]'.
%%%      At exit the port program makes its best effort to perform
%%%      clean shutdown of all child OS processes.
%%%      Every started OS process is linked to a spawned light-weight
%%%      Erlang process returned by the run/2, run_link/2 command.
%%%      The application ensures that termination of spawned OsPid
%%%      leads to termination of the associated Erlang Pid, and vice
%%%      versa.
%%% @author Serge Aleynikov <>
%%% @version {@vsn}
%%% @end
%%% Created: 2003-06-10 by Serge Aleynikov <>
%%% $Header$


%% External exports
    start/0, start/1, start_link/1, run/2, run/3,
    run_link/2, run_link/3,
    manage/2, send/2, winsz/3, pty_opts/2,
    which_children/0, kill/2,       setpgid/2, stop/1, stop_and_wait/2,
    ospid/1, pid/1,   status/1,     signal/1,  signal_to_int/1, debug/1

%% Internal exports
-export([default/0, default/1]).

%% gen_server callbacks
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
         code_change/3, terminate/2]).



-define(TIMEOUT, 30000).

-record(state, {
    last_trans  = 0,            % Last transaction number sent to port
    trans       = queue:new(),  % Queue of outstanding transactions sent to port
    limit_users = [],           % Restricted list of users allowed to run commands
    registry,                   % Pids to notify when an OsPid exits
    debug       = false,
    root        = false

-type exec_options() :: [exec_option()].
-type exec_option()  ::
    | {debug, integer()}
    | root | {root, boolean()}
    | verbose
    | {args, [string()|binary(), ...]}
    | {alarm, non_neg_integer()}
    | {user, string()|binary()}
    | {limit_users, [string()|binary(), ...]}
    | {portexe, string()|binary()}
    | {env, [{string()|binary(), string()|binary()|false}, ...]}.
%% Options passed to the exec process at startup. They can be specified in the
%% `sys.config' file for the `erlexec' application to customize application
%% startup.
%% <dl>
%% <dt>debug</dt><dd>Same as {debug, 1}</dd>
%% <dt>{debug, Level}</dt><dd>Enable port-programs debug trace at `Level'.</dd>
%% <dt>verbose</dt><dd>Enable verbose prints of the Erlang process.</dd>
%% <dt>root | {root, Boolean}</dt><dd>Allow running child processes as root.</dd>
%% <dt>{args, Args}</dt><dd>Append `Args' to the port command.</dd>
%% <dt>{alarm, Secs}</dt>
%%     <dd>Give `Secs' deadline for the port program to clean up
%%         child pids before exiting</dd>
%% <dt>{user, User}</dt>
%%     <dd>When the port program was compiled with capability (Linux)
%%         support enabled, and is owned by root with a a suid bit set,
%%         this option must be specified so that upon startup the port
%%         program is running under the effective user different from root.
%%         This is a security measure that will also prevent the port program
%%         to execute root commands.</dd>
%% <dt>{limit_users, LimitUsers}</dt>
%%     <dd>Limit execution of external commands to these set of users.
%%         This option is only valid when the port program is owned
%%         by root.</dd>
%% <dt>{portexe, Exe}</dt>
%%     <dd>Provide an alternative location of the port program.
%%         This option is useful when this application is stored
%%         on NFS and the port program needs to be copied locally
%%         so that root suid bit can be set.</dd>
%% <dt>{env, Env}</dt>
%%     <dd>Extend environment of the port program by using `Env' specification.
%%         `Env' should be a list of tuples `{Name, Val}', where Name is the
%%         name of an environment variable, and Val is the value it is to have
%%         in the spawned port process. If Val is `false', then the `Name'
%%         environment variable is unset.</dd>
%% </dl>
-export_type([exec_option/0, exec_options/0]).

-type cmd() :: binary() | string() | [string()].
%% Command to be executed. If specified as a string, the specified command
%% will be executed through the shell. The current shell is obtained
%% from environment variable `SHELL'. This can be useful if you
%% are using Erlang primarily for the enhanced control flow it
%% offers over most system shells and still want convenient
%% access to other shell features such as shell pipes, filename
%% wildcards, environment variable expansion, and expansion of
%% `~' to a user's home directory.  All command arguments must
%% be properly escaped including whitespace and shell
%% metacharacters.
%% Any part of the command string can contain unicode characters.
%% <ul>
%% <b><u>Warning:</u></b> Executing shell commands that
%%  incorporate unsanitized input from an untrusted source makes
%%  a program vulnerable to
%%  [ shell injection],
%%  a serious security flaw which can result in arbitrary command
%%  execution. For this reason, the use of `shell' is strongly
%%  discouraged in cases where the command string is constructed
%%  from external input:
%% </ul>
%% ```
%%  1> {ok, Filename} = io:read("Enter filename: ").
%%  Enter filename: "non_existent; rm -rf / #".
%%  {ok, "non_existent; rm -rf / #"}
%%  2> exec(Filename, []) % Argh!!! This is not good!
%% '''
%% When command is given in the form of a list of strings,
%% it is passed to `execve(3)' library call directly without
%% involving the shell process, so the list of strings
%% represents the program to be executed given with a full path,
%% followed by the list of arguments (e.g. `["/bin/echo", "ok"]').
%% In this case all shell-based features are disabled
%% and there's no shell injection vulnerability.

-type cmd_options() :: [cmd_option()].
-type cmd_option()  ::
    | sync
    | link
    | {executable, string()|binary()}
    | {cd, WorkDir::string()|binary()}
    | {env, [string() | clear | {Name::string()|binary(), Val::string()|binary()|false}, ...]}
    | {kill, KillCmd::string()|binary()}
    | {kill_timeout, Sec::non_neg_integer()}
    | kill_group
    | {group, GID :: string()|binary() | integer()}
    | {user, RunAsUser :: string()|binary()}
    | {nice, Priority :: integer()}
    | {success_exit_code, ExitCode :: integer() }
    | stdin  | {stdin, null | close | string()|binary()}
    | stdout | stderr
    | {stdout, stderr | output_dev_opt()}
    | {stderr, stdout | output_dev_opt()}
    | {stdout | stderr, string()|binary(), [output_file_opt()]}
    | {winsz, {Rows::non_neg_integer(), Cols::non_neg_integer()}}
    | pty | {pty, pty_opts()}
    | pty_echo
    | debug | {debug, integer()}.
%% Command options:
%% <dl>
%% <dt>monitor</dt>
%%     <dd>Set up a monitor for the spawned process. The monitor is not
%%         a standard `erlang:montior/2' function call, but it's emulated
%%         by ensuring that the monitoring process receives notification
%%         in the form:
%%          ``{'DOWN', OsPid::integer(), process, Pid::pid(), Reason}''.
%%         If the `Reason' is `normal', then process exited with status `0',
%%         otherwise there was an error. If the Reason is `{status, Status}'
%%         the returned `Status' can be decoded with `status/1' to determine
%%         the exit code of the process and if it was killed by signal.
%%     </dd>
%% <dt>sync</dt><dd>Block the caller until the OS command exits</dd>
%% <dt>{executable, Executable::string()}</dt>
%%     <dd>Specifies a replacement program to execute. It is very seldom
%%         needed. When the port program executes a child process using
%%         `execve(3)' call, the call takes the following arguments:
%%         `(Executable, Args, Env)'. When `Cmd' argument passed to the
%%         `run/2' function is specified as the list of strings,
%%         the executable replaces the first parameter in the call, and
%%         the original args provided in the `Cmd' parameter are passed as
%%         as the second parameter. Most programs treat the program
%%         specified by args as the command name, which can then be different
%%         from the program actually executed. On Unix, the args name becomes
%%         the display name for the executable in utilities such as `ps'.
%%         If `Cmd' argument passed to the `run/2' function is given as a
%%         string, on Unix the `Executable' specifies a replacement shell
%%         for the default `/bin/sh'.</dd>
%% <dt>{cd, WorkDir}</dt><dd>Working directory</dd>
%% <dt>{env, Env :: [{Name,Value}|string()|clear]}</dt>
%%     <dd>List of "VAR=VALUE" environment variables or
%%         list of {Name, Value} tuples or strings (like "NAME=VALUE") or `clear'.
%%         `clear' will clear environment of a spawned child OS process
%%         (so that it doesn't inherit parent's environment).
%%         If `Value' is `false' then the `Var' env variable is unset.
%%     </dd>
%% <dt>{kill, KillCmd}</dt>
%%     <dd>This command will be used for killing the process. After
%%         a 5-sec timeout if the process is still alive, it'll be
%%         killed with SIGKILL. The kill command will have a `CHILD_PID'
%%         environment variable set to the pid of the process it is
%%         expected to kill.  If the `kill' option is not specified,
%%         by default first the command is sent a `SIGTERM' signal,
%%         followed by `SIGKILL' after a default timeout.</dd>
%% <dt>{kill_timeout, Sec::integer()}</dt>
%%     <dd>Number of seconds to wait after issuing a SIGTERM or
%%         executing the custom `kill' command (if specified) before
%%         killing the process with the `SIGKILL' signal</dd>
%% <dt>kill_group</dt>
%%     <dd>At process exit kill the whole process group associated with this pid.
%%         The process group is obtained by the call to getpgid(3).</dd>
%% <dt>{group, GID}</dt>
%%     <dd>Sets the effective group ID of the spawned process. The value 0
%%         means to create a new group ID equal to the OS pid of the process.</dd>
%% <dt>{user, RunAsUser}</dt>
%%     <dd>When exec-port was compiled with capability (Linux) support
%%         enabled and has a suid bit set, it's capable of running
%%         commands with a different RunAsUser effective user. Passing
%%         "root" value of `RunAsUser' is prohibited.</dd>
%% <dt>{success_exit_code, IntExitCode}</dt>
%%     <dd>On success use `IntExitCode' return value instead of default 0.</dd>
%% <dt>{nice, Priority}</dt>
%%     <dd>Set process priority between -20 and 20. Note that
%%         negative values can be specified only when `exec-port'
%%         is started with a root suid bit set.</dd>
%% <dt>stdin | {stdin, null | close | Filename}</dt>
%%     <dd>Enable communication with an OS process via its `stdin'. The
%%         input to the process is sent by `exec:send(OsPid, Data)'.
%%         When specified as a tuple, `null' means redirection from `/dev/null',
%%         `close' means to close `stdin' stream, and `Filename' means to
%%         take input from file.</dd>
%% <dt>stdout</dt>
%%     <dd>Same as `{stdout, self()}'.</dd>
%% <dt>stderr</dt>
%%     <dd>Same as `{stderr, self()}'.</dd>
%% <dt>{stdout, output_device()}</dt>
%%     <dd>Redirect process's standard output stream</dd>
%% <dt>{stderr, output_device()}</dt>
%%     <dd>Redirect process's standard error stream</dd>
%% <dt>{stdout | stderr, Filename::string(), [output_dev_opt()]}</dt>
%%     <dd>Redirect process's stdout/stderr stream to file</dd>
%% <dt>{winsz, {Rows, Cols}}</dt>
%%     <dd>Set the (psudo) terminal's dimensions of rows and columns</dd>
%% <dt>pty</dt>
%%     <dd>Use pseudo terminal for the process's stdin, stdout and stderr</dd>
%% <dt>pty_echo</dt>
%%     <dd>Allow the pty to run in echo mode, disabled by default</dd>
%% <dt>debug</dt>
%%     <dd>Same as `{debug, 1}'</dd>
%% <dt>{debug, Level::integer()}</dt>
%%     <dd>Enable debug printing in port program for this command</dd>
%% </dl>
-export_type([cmd_option/0, cmd_options/0]).

-type output_dev_opt() :: null | close | print | string() | pid()
    | fun((stdout | stderr, integer(), binary()) -> none()).
%% Output device option:
%% <dl>
%% <dt>null</dt><dd>Suppress output.</dd>
%% <dt>close</dt><dd>Close file descriptor for writing.</dd>
%% <dt>print</dt>
%%     <dd>A debugging convenience device that prints the output to the
%%         console shell</dd>
%% <dt>Filename</dt><dd>Save output to file by overwriting it.</dd>
%% <dt>pid()</dt><dd>Redirect output to this pid.</dd>
%% <dt>fun((Stream, OsPid, Data) -> none())</dt>
%%     <dd>Execute this callback on receiving output data</dd>
%% </dl>

-type output_file_opt() :: append | {mode, Mode::integer()}.
%% Defines file opening attributes:
%% <dl>
%% <dt>append</dt><dd>Open the file in `append' mode</dd>
%% <dt>{mode, Mode}</dt>
%%      <dd>File creation access mode <b>specified in base 8</b> (e.g. 8#0644)</dd>
%% </dl>

-type ospid() :: integer().
%% Representation of OS process ID.
-type osgid() :: integer().
%% Representation of OS group ID.
-export_type([ospid/0, osgid/0]).

-type tty_char() ::
    vintr  | vquit  | verase  | vkill  | veof     | veol    | veol2  |
    vstart | vstop  | vsusp   | vdsusp | vreprint | vwerase | vlnext |
    vflush | vswtch | vstatus | vdiscard.
-type tty_mode() ::
    ignpar | parmrk | inpck  | istrip | inlcr   | igncr  | icrnl  | xcase   |
    iuclc  | ixon   | ixany  | ixoff  | imaxbel | iutf8  | isig   | icanon  |
    echo   | echoe  | echok  | echonl | noflsh  | tostop | iexten | echoctl |
    echoke | pendin | opost  | olcuc  | onlcr   | ocrnl  | onocr  | onlret  |
    cs7    | cs8    | parenb | parodd.
-type tty_speed() :: tty_op_ispeed | tty_op_ospeed.
-type pty_opt()   :: {tty_char(), byte()}
    | {tty_mode(),  boolean()|0|1}
    | {tty_speed(), non_neg_integer()}.
%% Pty options, see:
%% <ul>
%%      <li>[]</li>
%%      <li>[]</li>
%% </ul>
%% <dl>
%% <dt>{tty_char(), Byte}</dt>
%%      <dd>A special character with value from 0 to 255</dd>
%% <dt>{tty_mode(), Enable}</dt>
%%      <dd>Enable/disable a tty mode</dd>
%% <dt>{tty_speed(), Speed}</dt>
%%      <dd>Specify input or output baud rate. Provided for
%%          completeness. Not useful for pseudo terminals.</dd>
%% </dl>

-type pty_opts() :: list(pty_opt()).
%% List of pty options.

-export_type([pty_opt/0, pty_opts/0]).

%% @doc Supervised start an external program manager.
%%      Note that the port program requires `SHELL' environment variable to
%%      be set.
%% @end
-spec start_link(exec_options()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, any()}.
start_link(Options) when is_list(Options) ->
    % Debug = {debug, [trace, log, statistics, {log_to_file, "./execserver.log"}]},
    gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [Options], []). % , [Debug]).

%% @equiv start_link/1
%% @doc Start of an external program manager without supervision.
%%      Note that the port program requires `SHELL' environment variable to
%%      be set.
%% @end
-spec start() -> {ok, pid()} | {error, any()}.
start() ->

-spec start(exec_options()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, any()}.
start(Options) when is_list(Options) ->
    case check_options(Options) of
        ok ->
            gen_server:start({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [Options], []);
        {error, Reason} ->
            {error, Reason}

%% @doc Run an external program. `OsPid' is the OS process identifier of
%%      the new process. If `sync' is specified in `Options' the return
%%      value is `{ok, Status}' where `Status' is OS process exit status.
%%      The `Status' can be decoded with `status/1' to determine the
%%      process's exit code and if it was killed by signal.
%% @end
-spec run(cmd(), cmd_options(), integer()) ->
    {ok, pid(), ospid()} | {ok, [{stdout | stderr, [binary()]}]} | {error, any()}.
run(Exe, Options, Timeout) when (is_binary(Exe)  orelse  is_list(Exe))
                        andalso is_list(Options) andalso is_integer(Timeout) ->
    do_run({run, Exe, Options}, Options, Timeout).
run(Exe, Options) ->
    run(Exe, Options, ?TIMEOUT).

%% @equiv run/2
%% @doc Run an external program and link to the OsPid. If OsPid exits,
%%      the calling process will be killed or if it's trapping exits,
%%      it'll get {'EXIT', OsPid, Status} message.  If the calling process
%%      dies the OsPid will be killed.
%%      The `Status' can be decoded with `status/1' to determine the
%%      process's exit code and if it was killed by signal.
%% @end
-spec run_link(cmd(), cmd_options(), integer()) ->
    {ok, pid(), ospid()} | {ok, [{stdout | stderr, [binary()]}]} | {error, any()}.
run_link(Exe, Options, Timeout) when (is_binary(Exe)  orelse  is_list(Exe))
                             andalso is_list(Options) andalso is_integer(Timeout) ->
    do_run({run, Exe, Options}, [link | Options], Timeout).
run_link(Exe, Options) ->
    run_link(Exe, Options, ?TIMEOUT).

%% @doc Manage an existing external process. `OsPid' is the OS process
%%      identifier of the external OS process or an Erlang `Port' that
%%      would be managed by erlexec.
%% @end
-spec manage(ospid() | port(), Options::cmd_options(), Timeout::integer()) ->
    {ok, pid(), ospid()} | {error, any()}.
manage(Pid, Options, Timeout) when is_integer(Pid), is_integer(Timeout) ->
    do_run({manage, Pid, Options}, Options, Timeout);
manage(Port, Options, Timeout) when is_port(Port), is_integer(Timeout) ->
    {os_pid, OsPid} = erlang:port_info(Port, os_pid),
    manage(OsPid, Options, Timeout).
manage(Port, Options) ->
    manage(Port, Options, ?TIMEOUT).

%% @doc Get a list of children managed by port program.
%% @end
-spec which_children() -> [ospid(), ...].
which_children() ->
    gen_server:call(?MODULE, {port, {list}}).

%% @doc Send a `Signal' to a child `Pid', `OsPid' or an Erlang `Port'.
%% @end
-spec kill(pid() | ospid(), atom()|integer()) -> ok | {error, any()}.
kill(Pid, Signal) when is_atom(Signal) ->
    kill(Pid, signal_to_int(Signal));
kill(Pid, Signal) when (is_pid(Pid) orelse is_integer(Pid))
                       andalso is_integer(Signal) ->
    gen_server:call(?MODULE, {port, {kill, Pid, Signal}});
kill(Port, Signal) when is_port(Port) ->
    {os_pid, Pid} = erlang:port_info(Port, os_pid),
    kill(Pid, Signal).

%% @doc Change group ID of a given `OsPid' to `Gid'.
%% @end
-spec setpgid(ospid(), osgid()) -> ok | {error, any()}.
setpgid(OsPid, Gid) when is_integer(OsPid), is_integer(Gid) ->
    gen_server:call(?MODULE, {port, {setpgid, OsPid, Gid}}).

%% @doc Terminate a managed `Pid', `OsPid', or `Port' process. The OS process is
%%      terminated gracefully.  If it was given a `{kill, Cmd}' option at
%%      startup, that command is executed and a timer is started.  If
%%      the program doesn't exit, then the default termination is
%%      performed.  Default termination implies sending a `SIGTERM' command
%%      followed by `SIGKILL' in 5 seconds, if the program doesn't get
%%      killed.
%% @end
-spec stop(pid() | ospid() | port()) -> ok | {error, any()}.
stop(Pid) when is_pid(Pid); is_integer(Pid) ->
    gen_server:call(?MODULE, {port, {stop, Pid}}, 30000);
stop(Port) when is_port(Port) ->
    {os_pid, Pid} = erlang:port_info(Port, os_pid),

%% @doc Terminate a managed `Pid', `OsPid', or `Port' process, like
%%      `stop/1', and wait for it to exit.
%% @end

-spec stop_and_wait(pid() | ospid() | port(), integer()) -> term() | {error, any()}.
stop_and_wait(Port, Timeout) when is_port(Port) ->
    {os_pid, OsPid} = erlang:port_info(Port, os_pid),
    stop_and_wait(OsPid, Timeout);

stop_and_wait(OsPid, Timeout) when is_integer(OsPid) ->
    case ets:lookup(exec_mon, OsPid) of
    [{_, Pid}] ->
        stop_and_wait(Pid, Timeout);
    [] ->
        {error, not_found}

stop_and_wait(Pid, Timeout) when is_pid(Pid) ->
    gen_server:call(?MODULE, {port, {stop, Pid}}, Timeout),
    {'DOWN', _Ref, process, Pid, ExitStatus} -> ExitStatus
    after Timeout                            -> {error, timeout}

stop_and_wait(Port, Timeout) when is_port(Port) ->
    {os_pid, Pid} = erlang:port_info(Port, os_pid),
    stop_and_wait(Pid, Timeout).

%% @doc Get `OsPid' of the given Erlang `Pid'.  The `Pid' must be created
%%      previously by running the run/2 or run_link/2 commands.
%% @end
-spec ospid(pid()) -> ospid() | {error, Reason::any()}.
ospid(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
    Ref = make_ref(),
    Pid ! {{self(), Ref}, ospid},
    {Ref, Reply} -> Reply;
    Other        -> Other
    after 5000   -> {error, timeout}

%% @doc Get `Pid' of the given `OsPid'.  The `OsPid' must be created
%%      previously by running the run/2 or run_link/2 commands.
%% @end
-spec pid(OsPid::ospid()) -> pid() | undefined | {error, timeout}.
pid(OsPid) when is_integer(OsPid) ->
    gen_server:call(?MODULE, {pid, OsPid}).

%% @doc Send `Data' to stdin of the OS process identified by `OsPid'.
%% Sending eof instead of binary Data causes close of stdin of the
%% corresponding process. Data sent to closed stdin is ignored.
%% @end
-spec send(OsPid :: ospid() | pid(), binary() | 'eof') -> ok.
send(OsPid, Data)
  when (is_integer(OsPid) orelse is_pid(OsPid)),
       (is_binary(Data)   orelse Data =:= eof) ->
    gen_server:call(?MODULE, {port, {send, OsPid, Data}}).

%% @doc Set the pty terminal `Rows' and `Cols' of the OS process identified by `OsPid'.
%% The process must have been created with the `pty' option.
%% @end
-spec winsz(OsPid :: ospid() | pid(), integer(), integer()) -> ok | {error, Reason::any()}.
winsz(OsPid, Rows, Cols)
  when (is_integer(OsPid) orelse is_pid(OsPid)),
       is_integer(Cols) ->
    gen_server:call(?MODULE, {port, {winsz, OsPid, Rows, Cols}}).

%% @doc Set the pty terminal options of the OS process identified by `OsPid'.
%% The process must have been created with the `pty' option.
%% @end
-spec pty_opts(OsPid :: ospid() | pid(), pty_opts()) -> ok | {error, Reason::any()}.
pty_opts(OsPid, Opts)
  when (is_integer(OsPid) orelse is_pid(OsPid)),
       is_list(Opts) ->
    gen_server:call(?MODULE, {port, {pty_opts, OsPid, Opts}}).

%% @doc Set debug level of the port process.
%% @end
-spec debug(Level::integer()) -> {ok, OldLevel::integer()} | {error, timeout}.
debug(Level) when is_integer(Level), Level >= 0, Level =< 10 ->
    gen_server:call(?MODULE, {port, {debug, Level}}).

%% @doc Decode the program's exit_status.  If the program exited by signal
%%      the function returns `{signal, Signal, Core}' where the `Signal'
%%      is the signal number or atom, and `Core' indicates if the core file
%%      was generated.
%% @end
-spec status(integer()) ->
        {status, ExitStatus :: integer()} |
        {signal, Signal :: integer() | atom(), Core :: boolean()}.
status(Status) when is_integer(Status) ->
    TermSignal = Status band 16#7F,
    IfSignaled = ((TermSignal + 1) bsr 1) > 0,
    ExitStatus = (Status band 16#FF00) bsr 8,
    case IfSignaled of
    true ->
        CoreDump = (Status band 16#80) =:= 16#80,
        {signal, signal(TermSignal), CoreDump};
    false ->
        {status, ExitStatus}

%% @doc Convert a signal number to atom
%% @end
-spec signal(integer()) -> atom() | integer().
signal( 1) -> sighup;
signal( 2) -> sigint;
signal( 3) -> sigquit;
signal( 4) -> sigill;
signal( 5) -> sigtrap;
signal( 6) -> sigabrt;
signal( 7) -> sigbus;
signal( 8) -> sigfpe;
signal( 9) -> sigkill;
signal(11) -> sigsegv;
signal(13) -> sigpipe;
signal(14) -> sigalrm;
signal(15) -> sigterm;
signal(16) -> sigstkflt;
signal(17) -> sigchld;
signal(18) -> sigcont;
signal(19) -> sigstop;
signal(20) -> sigtstp;
signal(21) -> sigttin;
signal(22) -> sigttou;
signal(23) -> sigurg;
signal(24) -> sigxcpu;
signal(25) -> sigxfsz;
signal(26) -> sigvtalrm;
signal(27) -> sigprof;
signal(28) -> sigwinch;
signal(29) -> sigio;
signal(30) -> sigpwr;
signal(31) -> sigsys;
signal(34) -> sigrtmin;
signal(64) -> sigrtmax;
signal(Num) when is_integer(Num) -> Num.

signal_to_int(sighup)     ->  1;
signal_to_int(sigint)     ->  2;
signal_to_int(sigquit)    ->  3;
signal_to_int(sigill)     ->  4;
signal_to_int(sigtrap)    ->  5;
signal_to_int(sigabrt)    ->  6;
signal_to_int(sigbus)     ->  7;
signal_to_int(sigfpe)     ->  8;
signal_to_int(sigkill)    ->  9;
signal_to_int(sigsegv)    -> 11;
signal_to_int(sigpipe)    -> 13;
signal_to_int(sigalrm)    -> 14;
signal_to_int(sigterm)    -> 15;
signal_to_int(sigstkflt)  -> 16;
signal_to_int(sigchld)    -> 17;
signal_to_int(sigcont)    -> 18;
signal_to_int(sigstop)    -> 19;
signal_to_int(sigtstp)    -> 20;
signal_to_int(sigttin)    -> 21;
signal_to_int(sigttou)    -> 22;
signal_to_int(sigurg)     -> 23;
signal_to_int(sigxcpu)    -> 24;
signal_to_int(sigxfsz)    -> 25;
signal_to_int(sigvtalrm)  -> 26;
signal_to_int(sigprof)    -> 27;
signal_to_int(sigwinch)   -> 28;
signal_to_int(sigio)      -> 29;
signal_to_int(sigpwr)     -> 30;
signal_to_int(sigsys)     -> 31;
signal_to_int(sigrtmin)   -> 34;
signal_to_int(sigrtmax)   -> 64.

%% @private
%% @doc Provide default value of a given option.
%% @end
-spec default() -> [{atom(), term()}].
default() ->
    [{debug, 0},        % Debug mode of the port program.
     {verbose, false},  % Verbose print of events on the Erlang side.
     {root, false},     % Allow running processes as root.
     {args, ""},        % Extra arguments that can be passed to port program
     {alarm, 12},
     {portexe, noportexe},
     {user, ""},        % Run port program as this user
     {limit_users, []}]. % Restricted list of users allowed to run commands
%% @private
default(portexe) ->
    % Retrieve the Priv directory
    case code:priv_dir(erlexec) of
    {error, _} ->
        error_logger:warning_msg("Priv directory not available", []),
    Priv ->
        % Find all ports using wildcard for resiliency
        Bin = case filelib:wildcard("*/exec-port", Priv) of
            [Port] -> Port;
            _      ->
                Arch = erlang:system_info(system_architecture),
                Tail = filename:join([Arch, "exec-port"]),
                os:find_executable(filename:join([Priv, Tail]))
        % Join the priv/port path
        filename:join([Priv, Bin])
default(Option) ->
    proplists:get_value(Option, default()).

%%% Callback functions from gen_server

%% Func: init/1
%% Returns: {ok, State}          |
%%          {ok, State, Timeout} |
%%          ignore               |
%%          {stop, Reason}
%% @private
init([Options]) ->
    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
    Opts0 = proplists:expand([{debug,   [{debug, 1}]},
                              {root,    [{root, true}]},
                              {verbose, [{verbose, true}]}], Options),
    Opts1 = [T || T = {O,_} <- Opts0,
                lists:member(O, [debug, verbose, root, args, alarm, user])],
    Opts  = proplists:normalize(Opts1, [{aliases, [{args, ''}]}]),
    Args0 = lists:foldl(
           (Opt, Acc) when is_atom(Opt) ->
                [" -"++atom_to_list(Opt)++" " | Acc];
           ({Opt, I}, Acc) when is_atom(I) ->
                [" -"++atom_to_list(Opt)++" "++atom_to_list(I) | Acc];
           ({Opt, I}, Acc) when is_list(I), I /= ""; is_binary(I), I /= <<"">> ->
                [" -"++atom_to_list(Opt)++" "++to_list(I) | Acc];
           ({Opt, I}, Acc) when is_integer(I) ->
                [" -"++atom_to_list(Opt)++" "++integer_to_list(I) | Acc];
           (_, Acc) -> Acc
        end, [], Opts),
    Exe0  = case proplists:get_value(portexe, Options, noportexe) of
            noportexe -> default(portexe);
            UserExe   -> to_list(UserExe)
    Exe1  = ?FMT("~p", [Exe0]),
    Args  = lists:flatten(Args0),
    Users = case proplists:get_value(limit_users, Options, default(limit_users)) of
            [] -> [];
            L  -> [to_list(I) || I <- L]
    User  = to_list(proplists:get_value(user,Options)),
    Debug = proplists:get_value(verbose,     Options, default(verbose)),
    Root  = proplists:get_value(root,        Options, default(root)),
    Env   = case proplists:get_value(env, Options) of
            undefined -> [];
            Other     -> [{env, parse_env(Other)}]
    % When instructing to run as root, check that the port program has
    % the SUID bit set or else use "sudo"
    {SUID,NeedSudo} = is_suid_and_root_owner(Exe0),
    EffUsr= os:getenv("USER"),
    IsRoot= EffUsr =:= "root",
    Exe   = if not Root ->
            Root, IsRoot, User/=undefined, User/="", ((SUID     andalso Users/=[]) orelse
                                                      (not SUID andalso Users==[])) ->
            %Root, not IsRoot, NeedSudo, User/=undefined, User/="" ->
                % Asked to enable root, but running as non-root, and have no SUID: use sudo.
            %    lists:append(["/usr/bin/sudo -u ", to_list(User), " ", Exe1, Args]);
            Root, not IsRoot, NeedSudo, ((User/=undefined andalso User/="") orelse
                                         (EffUsr/=User andalso User/=undefined
                                                       andalso User/=root
                                                       andalso User/="root")) ->
                % Asked to enable root, but running as non-root, and have SUID: use sudo.
                lists:append(["/usr/bin/sudo ", Exe1, Args]);
            true ->
    debug(Debug, "exec: ~s~sport program: ~s\n~s",
        [if SUID -> "[SUID] "; true -> "" end,
         if (Root orelse IsRoot) andalso User =:= [] -> "[ROOT] "; true -> "" end,
         if Env =/= [] -> "  env: "++?FMT("~p", Env)++"\n"; true -> "" end]),
        PortOpts = Env ++ [binary, exit_status, {packet, 2}, hide],
        Port = erlang:open_port({spawn, Exe}, PortOpts),
            {Port, {exit_status, Status}} ->
                {stop, {port_exited_with_status, Status}}
        after 350 ->
            Tab = ets:new(exec_mon, [protected,named_table]),
            {ok, #state{port=Port, limit_users=Users, debug=Debug, registry=Tab, root=Root}}
        ?EXCEPTION(_, Reason, Stacktrace) ->
            {stop, ?FMT("Error starting port '~s': ~200p\n  ~p\n",
                [Exe, Reason, ?GET_STACK(Stacktrace)])}

%% Func: handle_call/3
%% Returns: {reply, Reply, State}          |
%%          {reply, Reply, State, Timeout} |
%%          {noreply, State}               |
%%          {noreply, State, Timeout}      |
%%          {stop, Reason, Reply, State}   | (terminate/2 is called)
%%          {stop, Reason, State}            (terminate/2 is called)
%% @private
handle_call({port, Instruction}, From, #state{last_trans=Last} = State) ->
    try is_port_command(Instruction, element(1, From), State) of
    {ok, Term} ->
        erlang:port_command(State#state.port, term_to_binary({0, Term})),
        {reply, ok, State};
    {ok, Term, Link, Sync, PidOpts} ->
        Next = next_trans(Last),
        erlang:port_command(State#state.port, term_to_binary({Next, Term})),
        {noreply, State#state{trans = queue:in({Next, From, Link, Sync, PidOpts}, State#state.trans)}}
    catch _:{error, Why} ->
        {reply, {error, Why}, State}

handle_call({pid, OsPid}, _From, State) ->
    case ets:lookup(exec_mon, OsPid) of
    [{_, Pid}] -> {reply, Pid, State};
    _          -> {reply, undefined, State}

handle_call(Request, _From, _State) ->
    {stop, {not_implemented, Request}}.

%% Func: handle_cast/2
%% Returns: {noreply, State}          |
%%          {noreply, State, Timeout} |
%%          {stop, Reason, State}            (terminate/2 is called)
%% @private
handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
    {noreply, State}.

%% Func: handle_info/2
%% Returns: {noreply, State}          |
%%          {noreply, State, Timeout} |
%%          {stop, Reason, State}            (terminate/2 is called)
%% @private
handle_info({Port, {data, Bin}}, #state{port=Port, debug=Debug} = State) ->
    Msg = binary_to_term(Bin),
    debug(Debug, "~w got msg from port: ~p\n", [?MODULE, Msg]),
    case Msg of
    {N, Reply} when N =/= 0 ->
        case get_transaction(State#state.trans, N) of
        {true, {Pid,_} = From, MonType, Sync, PidOpts, Q} ->
            NewReply = maybe_add_monitor(Reply, Pid, MonType, Sync, PidOpts, Debug),
            gen_server:reply(From, NewReply);
        {false, Q} ->
        {noreply, State#state{trans=Q}};
    {0, {Stream, OsPid, Data}} when Stream =:= stdout; Stream =:= stderr ->
        send_to_ospid_owner(OsPid, {Stream, Data}),
        {noreply, State};
    {0, {exit_status, OsPid, Status}} ->
        debug(Debug, "Pid ~w exited with status: ~s{~w,~w}\n",
            [OsPid, if (((Status band 16#7F)+1) bsr 1) > 0 -> "signaled "; true -> "" end,
             (Status band 16#FF00 bsr 8), Status band 127]),
        notify_ospid_owner(OsPid, Status),
        {noreply, State};
    {0, ok} ->
        {noreply, State};
    {0, Ignore} ->
        error_logger:warning_msg("~w [~w] unknown msg: ~p\n", [self(), ?MODULE, Ignore]),
        {noreply, State}

handle_info({Port, {exit_status, 0}}, #state{port=Port} = State) ->
    {stop, normal, State};
handle_info({Port, {exit_status, Status}}, #state{port=Port} = State) ->
    {stop, {exit_status, Status}, State};
handle_info({'EXIT', Port, Reason}, #state{port=Port} = State) ->
    {stop, Reason, State};
handle_info({'EXIT', Pid, Reason}, State) ->
    % OsPid's Pid owner died. Kill linked OsPid.
    do_unlink_ospid(Pid, Reason, State),
    {noreply, State};
handle_info(_Info, State) ->
    error_logger:info_msg("~w - unhandled message: ~p\n", [?MODULE, _Info]),
    {noreply, State}.

%% Func: code_change/3
%% Purpose: Convert process state when code is changed
%% Returns: {ok, NewState}
%% @private
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
    {ok, State}.

%% Func: terminate/2
%% Purpose: Shutdown the server
%% Returns: any (ignored by gen_server)
%% @private
terminate(_Reason, State) ->
        erlang:port_command(State#state.port, term_to_binary({0, {shutdown}})),
        case wait_port_exit(State#state.port) of
        0 -> ok;
        S -> error_logger:warning_msg("~w - exec process terminated (status: ~w)\n",
                [self(), S])
    catch _:_ ->

to_list(undefined)           -> [];
to_list(A) when is_atom(A)   -> atom_to_list(A);
to_list(L) when is_list(L)   -> L;
to_list(B) when is_binary(B) -> binary_to_list(B).

wait_port_exit(Port) ->
    {Port,{exit_status,Status}} ->
    _ ->

%%% Internal functions

-spec do_run(Cmd::any(), Options::cmd_options(), Timeout::integer()) ->
    {ok, pid(), ospid()} | {ok, [{stdout | stderr, [binary()]}]} | {error, any()}.
do_run(Cmd, Options, Timeout) when is_integer(Timeout) ->
    Link = case {proplists:get_bool(link,    Options),
                 proplists:get_bool(monitor, Options)} of
           {true, _} -> link;
           {_, true} -> monitor;
           _         -> undefined
    Sync = proplists:get_value(sync, Options, false),
    Cmd2 = {port, {Cmd, Link, Sync}},
    case gen_server:call(?MODULE, Cmd2, Timeout) of
    {ok, Pid, OsPid, _Sync = true} ->
        wait_for_ospid_exit(OsPid, Pid, [], []);
    {ok, Pid, OsPid, _} ->
        {ok, Pid, OsPid};
    {error, Reason} ->
        {error, Reason}

wait_for_ospid_exit(OsPid, Pid, OutAcc, ErrAcc) ->
    % Note when a monitored process exits
    {stdout, OsPid, Data} ->
        wait_for_ospid_exit(OsPid, Pid, [Data | OutAcc], ErrAcc);
    {stderr, OsPid, Data} ->
        wait_for_ospid_exit(OsPid, Pid, OutAcc, [Data | ErrAcc]);
    {'DOWN', OsPid, process, Pid, normal} ->
        {ok, sync_res(OutAcc, ErrAcc)};
    {'DOWN', OsPid, process, Pid, noproc} ->
        {ok, sync_res(OutAcc, ErrAcc)};
    {'DOWN', OsPid, process, Pid, {exit_status,_}=R} ->
        {error, [R | sync_res(OutAcc, ErrAcc)]}

sync_res([], []) -> [];
sync_res([], L)  -> [{stderr, lists:reverse(L)}];
sync_res(LO, LE) -> [{stdout, lists:reverse(LO)} | sync_res([], LE)].

%% Add a link for Pid to OsPid if requested.
maybe_add_monitor({pid, OsPid}, Pid, MonType, Sync, PidOpts, Debug) when is_integer(OsPid) ->
    % This is a reply to a run/run_link command. The port program indicates
    % of creating a new OsPid process.
    % Spawn a light-weight process responsible for monitoring this OsPid
    Self = self(),
    LWP  = spawn_link(fun() -> ospid_init(Pid, OsPid, MonType, Sync, Self, PidOpts, Debug) end),
    debug(Debug, "~w added monitor ~p for OsPid ~w", [?MODULE, LWP, OsPid]),
    ets:insert(exec_mon, [{OsPid, LWP}, {LWP, OsPid}]),
    {ok, LWP, OsPid, Sync};
maybe_add_monitor(Reply, _Pid, _MonType, _Sync, _PidOpts, _Debug) ->

%% @doc Every OsPid is associated with an Erlang process started with
%%      this function. The `Parent' is the ?MODULE port manager that
%%      spawned this process and linked to it. `Pid' is the process
%%      that ran an OS command associated with OsPid. If that process
%%      requested a link (LinkType = 'link') we'll link to it.
%% @end
%% @private
-spec ospid_init(Pid::pid(), OsPid::integer(), link | monitor | undefined,
                 Sync::boolean(), Parent::pid(), list(), Debug::boolean()) ->
ospid_init(Pid, OsPid, LinkType, Sync, Parent, PidOpts, Debug) ->
    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
    StdOut = proplists:get_value(stdout, PidOpts),
    StdErr = proplists:get_value(stderr, PidOpts),
    % The caller pid that requested to run the OsPid command & link to it.
    LinkType =:= link andalso link(Pid),
    % We need to emulate a monitor by sending the 'DOWN' message to the
    % caller's Pid if it requested to monitor or it's a synchronous call:
    IsMon  = LinkType =:= monitor orelse Sync =:= true,
    ospid_loop({Pid, OsPid, Parent, StdOut, StdErr, IsMon, Debug}).

ospid_loop({Pid, OsPid, Parent, StdOut, StdErr, IsMon, Debug} = State) ->
    {{From, Ref}, ospid} ->
        From ! {Ref, OsPid},
    {stdout, Data} when is_binary(Data) ->
        ospid_deliver_output(StdOut, {stdout, OsPid, Data}),
    {stderr, Data} when is_binary(Data) ->
        ospid_deliver_output(StdErr, {stderr, OsPid, Data}),
    {'DOWN', OsPid, {exit_status, Status}} ->
        debug(Debug, "~w ~w got down message (~w) (ismon=~w)\n",
                     [self(), OsPid, status(Status), IsMon]),
        % OS process died
        case Status of
        0 -> notify_and_exit(IsMon, Pid, OsPid, normal);
        _ -> notify_and_exit(IsMon, Pid, OsPid, {exit_status, Status})
    {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} when Reason =:= normal; Reason =:= shutdown ->
        % orderly exit
        debug(Debug, "~w ~w got ~w exit from linked ~w\n", [self(), OsPid, Reason, Pid]),
    {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} ->
        % Pid died
        debug(Debug, "~w ~w got exit from linked ~w: ~p\n", [self(), OsPid, Pid, Reason]),
        exit({owner_died, Pid, Reason});
    {'EXIT', Parent, Reason} ->
        % Port program died
        debug(Debug, "~w ~w got exit from parent ~w: ~p\n", [self(), OsPid, Parent, Reason]),
        notify_and_exit(IsMon, Pid, OsPid, port_closed);
    Other ->
        error_logger:warning_msg("~w - unknown msg: ~p\n", [self(), Other]),

notify_and_exit(true, Pid, OsPid, Reason) ->
    Pid ! {'DOWN', OsPid, process, self(), Reason},
notify_and_exit(_, _Pid, _OsPid, Reason) ->

ospid_deliver_output(DestPid, Msg) when is_pid(DestPid) ->
    DestPid ! Msg;
ospid_deliver_output(DestFun, {Stream, OsPid, Data}) when is_function(DestFun) ->
    DestFun(Stream, OsPid, Data).

notify_ospid_owner(OsPid, Status) ->
    % See if there is a Pid owner of this OsPid. If so, sent the 'DOWN' message.
    case ets:lookup(exec_mon, OsPid) of
    [{_OsPid, Pid}] ->
        Pid ! {'DOWN', OsPid, {exit_status, Status}},
        ets:delete(exec_mon, Pid),
        ets:delete(exec_mon, OsPid);
    [] ->
        %error_logger:warning_msg("Owner ~w not found\n", [OsPid]),

send_to_ospid_owner(OsPid, Msg) ->
    case ets:lookup(exec_mon, OsPid) of
    [{_, Pid}] -> Pid ! Msg;
    _ -> ok

debug(false, _, _) ->
debug(_, Fmt, Args) ->
    io:format(Fmt, Args).

is_suid_and_root_owner(File) ->
    case file:read_file_info(File) of
    {ok, Info} ->
        {(Info#file_info.mode band 8#4500) =:= 8#4500,
         (Info#file_info.uid =/= 0)};
    {error, Err} ->
        throw("Cannot find file " ++ File ++ ": " ++ file:format_error(Err))

check_options(Options) when is_list(Options) ->
    Users = proplists:get_value(limit_users, Options, default(limit_users)),
    User  = proplists:get_value(user,        Options),
    Root  = proplists:get_value(root,        Options, default(root)),
    % When instructing to run as root, check that the port program has
    % the SUID bit set or else use "sudo"
    Exe   = case proplists:get_value(portexe, Options, undefined) of
                undefined -> default(portexe);
                Other     -> Other
    {SUID,NeedSudo} = is_suid_and_root_owner(Exe),
    if Root, (User==undefined orelse User=="" orelse User == <<"">>) ->
        % Asked to enable root, but User is not set
        {error, "Not allowed to run without providing effective user {user,User}!"};
    Root, Users==[] ->
        % Asked to enable root, have SUID
        {error, "Not allowed to run without restricting effective users {limit_users,Users}!"};
    Root, User/=undefined, User/="", Users/=[] ->
    not Root, SUID, not NeedSudo, Users==[] ->
        {error, "Not allowed to run as SUID root without restricting effective users {limit_users,Users}!"};
    not Root, User/=undefined ->
        {error, "Cannot specify effective user {user,User} in non-root mode!"};
    not Root, Users/=[] ->
        {error, "Cannot restrict users {limit_users,Users} in non-root mode!"};
    not Root ->
    true ->
        {error, "Invalid root and user arguments"}

%% @doc Pid died or requested to unlink - remove linked Pid records and
%% optionally kill all OsPids linked to the Pid.
%% @end
-spec do_unlink_ospid(Pid::pid(), term(), State::#state{}) ->
        ok | true.
do_unlink_ospid(Pid, _Reason, State) ->
    case ets:lookup(exec_mon, Pid) of
    [{_Pid, OsPid}] when is_integer(OsPid) ->
        debug(State#state.debug, "Pid ~p died. Killing linked OsPid ~w\n", [Pid, OsPid]),
        ets:delete(exec_mon, Pid),
        ets:delete(exec_mon, OsPid),
        erlang:port_command(State#state.port, term_to_binary({0, {stop, OsPid}}));
    _ ->

get_transaction(Q, I) ->
    get_transaction(Q, I, Q).
get_transaction(Q, I, OldQ) ->
    case queue:out(Q) of
    {{value, {I, From, LinkType, Sync, PidOpts}}, Q2} ->
        {true, From, LinkType, Sync, PidOpts, Q2};
    {empty, _} ->
        {false, OldQ};
    {_, Q2} ->
        get_transaction(Q2, I, OldQ)

is_port_command({{run, Cmd, Options}, Link, Sync}, Pid, State) ->
    {PortOpts, Other} = check_cmd_options(Options, Pid, State, [], []),
    %% If Cmd is a printable string, handle it as a unicode binary string.
    %% Otherwise if it is a list of strings, convert them to list of unicode binaries.
    Exe = case io_lib:printable_unicode_list(Cmd) of
          true  -> unicode:characters_to_binary(Cmd);
          false ->
              F = fun(I) when is_binary(I) -> I;
                     (I) when is_list(I)   -> unicode:characters_to_binary(I)
              case is_list(Cmd) of
              true  -> [F(I) || I <- Cmd];
              false -> Cmd
    {ok, {run, Exe, PortOpts}, Link, Sync, Other};
is_port_command({list} = T, _Pid, _State) ->
    {ok, T, undefined, undefined, []};
is_port_command({stop, OsPid}=T, _Pid, _State) when is_integer(OsPid) ->
    {ok, T, undefined, undefined, []};
is_port_command({stop, Pid}, _Pid, _State) when is_pid(Pid) ->
    case ets:lookup(exec_mon, Pid) of
    [{_StoredPid, OsPid}] -> {ok, {stop, OsPid}, undefined, undefined, []};
    []              -> throw({error, no_process})
is_port_command({{manage, OsPid, Options}, Link, Sync}, Pid, State) when is_integer(OsPid) ->
    {PortOpts, _Other} = check_cmd_options(Options, Pid, State, [], []),
    {ok, {manage, OsPid, PortOpts}, Link, Sync, []};
is_port_command({send, Pid, Data}, _Pid, _State)
  when is_pid(Pid), is_binary(Data) orelse Data =:= eof ->
    case ets:lookup(exec_mon, Pid) of
    [{Pid, OsPid}]  -> {ok, {stdin, OsPid, Data}};
    []              -> throw({error, no_process})
is_port_command({send, OsPid, Data}, _Pid, _State)
  when is_integer(OsPid), is_binary(Data) orelse Data =:= eof ->
    {ok, {stdin, OsPid, Data}};
is_port_command({winsz, Pid, Rows, Cols}, _Pid, _State)
  when is_pid(Pid), is_integer(Rows), is_integer(Cols) ->
    case ets:lookup(exec_mon, Pid) of
    [{Pid, OsPid}]  -> {ok, {winsz, OsPid, Rows, Cols}, undefined, undefined, []};
    []              -> throw({error, no_process})
is_port_command({winsz, OsPid, Rows, Cols}, _Pid, _State)
  when is_integer(OsPid), is_integer(Rows), is_integer(Cols) ->
    {ok, {winsz, OsPid, Rows, Cols}, undefined, undefined, []};
is_port_command({pty_opts, Pid, Opts}, _Pid, _State)
  when is_pid(Pid), is_list(Opts) ->
    ok = check_pty_opts(Opts),
    case ets:lookup(exec_mon, Pid) of
    [{Pid, OsPid}]  -> {ok, {pty_opts, OsPid, Opts}, undefined, undefined, []};
    []              -> throw({error, no_process})
is_port_command({pty_opts, OsPid, Opts}, _Pid, _State)
  when is_integer(OsPid), is_list(Opts) ->
    ok = check_pty_opts(Opts),
    {ok, {pty_opts, OsPid, Opts}, undefined, undefined, []};
is_port_command({kill, OsPid, Sig}=T, _Pid, _State) when is_integer(OsPid),is_integer(Sig) ->
    {ok, T, undefined, undefined, []};
is_port_command({setpgid, OsPid, Gid}=T, _Pid, _State) when is_integer(OsPid),is_integer(Gid) ->
    {ok, T, undefined, undefined, []};
is_port_command({kill, Pid, Sig}, _Pid, _State) when is_pid(Pid),is_integer(Sig) ->
    case ets:lookup(exec_mon, Pid) of
    [{Pid, OsPid}]  -> {ok, {kill, OsPid, Sig}, undefined, undefined, []};
    []              -> throw({error, no_process})
is_port_command({debug, Level}=T, _Pid, _State) when is_integer(Level),Level >= 0,Level =< 10 ->
    {ok, T, undefined, undefined, []}.

parse_env([])            -> [];
parse_env([{K,false}|T]) -> [{to_list(K), false}     |parse_env(T)]; %% Remove the env var K
parse_env([{K,V}|T])     -> [{to_list(K), to_list(V)}|parse_env(T)];
parse_env([H|T])         -> [to_list(H)|parse_env(T)].

check_cmd_options([monitor|T], Pid, State, PortOpts, OtherOpts) ->
    check_cmd_options(T, Pid, State, PortOpts, OtherOpts);
check_cmd_options([sync|T], Pid, State, PortOpts, OtherOpts) ->
    check_cmd_options(T, Pid, State, PortOpts, OtherOpts);
check_cmd_options([link|T], Pid, State, PortOpts, OtherOpts) ->
    check_cmd_options(T, Pid, State, PortOpts, OtherOpts);
check_cmd_options([{executable,V}=H|T], Pid, State, PortOpts, OtherOpts) when is_list(V); is_binary(V) ->
    check_cmd_options(T, Pid, State, [H|PortOpts], OtherOpts);
check_cmd_options([{cd, Dir}=H|T], Pid, State, PortOpts, OtherOpts) when is_list(Dir); is_binary(Dir) ->
    check_cmd_options(T, Pid, State, [H|PortOpts], OtherOpts);
check_cmd_options([{env, Env}=H|T], Pid, State, PortOpts, OtherOpts) when is_list(Env) ->
    case lists:filter(fun(S) when is_list(S); is_binary(S) -> false;
                         ({S1,S2}) when (is_list(S1) orelse is_binary(S1)) andalso
                                        (is_list(S2) orelse is_binary(S2) orelse S2 == false) -> false;
                         (clear)   -> false;
                         (_)       -> true
                      end, Env) of
    [] -> check_cmd_options(T, Pid, State, [H|PortOpts], OtherOpts);
    L  -> throw({error, {invalid_env_value, L}})
check_cmd_options([{kill, Cmd}=H|T], Pid, State, PortOpts, OtherOpts) when is_list(Cmd); is_binary(Cmd) ->
    check_cmd_options(T, Pid, State, [H|PortOpts], OtherOpts);
check_cmd_options([{kill_timeout, I}=H|T], Pid, State, PortOpts, OtherOpts) when is_integer(I), I >= 0 ->
    check_cmd_options(T, Pid, State, [H|PortOpts], OtherOpts);
check_cmd_options([kill_group=H|T], Pid, State, PortOpts, OtherOpts) ->
    check_cmd_options(T, Pid, State, [H|PortOpts], OtherOpts);
check_cmd_options([{nice, I}=H|T], Pid, State, PortOpts, OtherOpts) when is_integer(I), I >= -20, I =< 20 ->
    check_cmd_options(T, Pid, State, [H|PortOpts], OtherOpts);
check_cmd_options([debug|T], Pid, State, PortOpts, OtherOpts) ->
    check_cmd_options(T, Pid, State, [{debug,1}|PortOpts], OtherOpts);
check_cmd_options([{debug, I}=H|T], Pid, State, PortOpts, OtherOpts) when is_integer(I), I >= 0, I =< 10 ->
    check_cmd_options(T, Pid, State, [H|PortOpts], OtherOpts);
check_cmd_options([{success_exit_code, I}=H|T], Pid, State, PortOpts, OtherOpts)
  when is_integer(I), I >= 0, I < 256 ->
    check_cmd_options(T, Pid, State, [H|PortOpts], OtherOpts);
check_cmd_options([H|T], Pid, State, PortOpts, OtherOpts) when H=:=stdin; H=:=stdout; H=:=stderr ->
    check_cmd_options(T, Pid, State, [H|PortOpts], [{H, Pid}|OtherOpts]);
check_cmd_options([H|T], Pid, State, PortOpts, OtherOpts) when H=:=pty ->
    check_cmd_options(T, Pid, State, [H|PortOpts], [{H, Pid}|OtherOpts]);
check_cmd_options([H|T], Pid, State, PortOpts, OtherOpts) when H=:=pty_echo ->
    check_cmd_options(T, Pid, State, [H|PortOpts], [{H, Pid}|OtherOpts]);
check_cmd_options([{winsz, {Rows, Cols}}=H|T], Pid, State, PortOpts, OtherOpts)
        when is_integer(Rows), Rows >= 0, is_integer(Cols), Cols >= 0 ->
    check_cmd_options(T, Pid, State, [H|PortOpts], [{H, Pid}|OtherOpts]);
check_cmd_options([{pty, Pty}=H|T], Pid, State, PortOpts, OtherOpts) when is_list(Pty) ->
    ok = check_pty_opts(Pty),
    check_cmd_options(T, Pid, State, [H|PortOpts], OtherOpts);
check_cmd_options([{stdin, I}=H|T], Pid, State, PortOpts, OtherOpts)
        when I=:=null; I=:=close; is_list(I); is_binary(I) ->
    check_cmd_options(T, Pid, State, [H|PortOpts], OtherOpts);
check_cmd_options([{Std, I, Opts}=H|T], Pid, State, PortOpts, OtherOpts)
        when (Std=:=stdout orelse Std=:=stderr) andalso (is_list(Opts) orelse is_binary(Opts)) ->
    io_lib:printable_list(I) orelse
        throw({error, ?FMT("Invalid ~w filename: ~200p", [Std, I])}),
        (append) -> ok;
        ({mode, Mode}) when is_integer(Mode) -> ok;
        (Other) -> throw({error, ?FMT("Invalid ~w option: ~p", [Std, Other])})
    end, Opts),
    check_cmd_options(T, Pid, State, [H|PortOpts], OtherOpts);
check_cmd_options([{Std, I}=H|T], Pid, State, PortOpts, OtherOpts)
        when Std=:=stderr, I=/=Std; Std=:=stdout, I=/=Std ->
        I=:=null; I=:=close; I=:=stderr; I=:=stdout; is_list(I); is_binary(I) ->
            check_cmd_options(T, Pid, State, [H|PortOpts], OtherOpts);
        I=:=print ->
            check_cmd_options(T, Pid, State, [Std | PortOpts], [{Std, fun print/3} | OtherOpts]);
        is_pid(I) ->
            check_cmd_options(T, Pid, State, [Std | PortOpts], [H|OtherOpts]);
        is_function(I) ->
            {arity, 3} =:= erlang:fun_info(I, arity)
                orelse throw({error, ?FMT("Invalid ~w option ~p: expected Fun/3", [Std, I])}),
            check_cmd_options(T, Pid, State, [Std | PortOpts], [H|OtherOpts]);
        true ->
            throw({error, ?FMT("Invalid ~w option ~p", [Std, I])})
check_cmd_options([{group, I}=H|T], Pid, State, PortOpts, OtherOpts) when is_integer(I), I >= 0
                                                                        ; is_list(I); is_binary(I) ->
    check_cmd_options(T, Pid, State, [H|PortOpts], OtherOpts);
check_cmd_options([{user, U}|T], Pid, State, PortOpts, OtherOpts) when (is_list(U) andalso U =/= "")
                                                                     ; (is_binary(U) andalso U =/= <<"">>)
                                                                     ; is_atom(U) ->
    case lists:member(U, State#state.limit_users) of
    true  -> check_cmd_options(T, Pid, State, [{user,to_list(U)}|PortOpts], OtherOpts);
    false -> throw({error, ?FMT("User ~s is not allowed to run commands!", [U])})
check_cmd_options([Other|_], _Pid, _State, _PortOpts, _OtherOpts) ->
    throw({error, {invalid_option, Other}});
check_cmd_options([], _Pid, _State, PortOpts, OtherOpts) ->
    {PortOpts, OtherOpts}.

check_pty_opts(Pty) when is_list(Pty) ->
    case lists:filter(fun({K,V}) when is_atom(K), (is_integer(V) orelse is_boolean(V)) -> not check_pty_opt(K, V);
                         (_) -> true
                      end, Pty) of
    [] -> ok;
    L  -> throw({error, {invalid_pty_value, L}})

%% special characters
check_pty_opt(vintr,    V) -> is_byte(V);
check_pty_opt(vquit,    V) -> is_byte(V);
check_pty_opt(verase,   V) -> is_byte(V);
check_pty_opt(vkill,    V) -> is_byte(V);
check_pty_opt(veof,     V) -> is_byte(V);
check_pty_opt(veol,     V) -> is_byte(V);
check_pty_opt(veol2,    V) -> is_byte(V);
check_pty_opt(vstart,   V) -> is_byte(V);
check_pty_opt(vstop,    V) -> is_byte(V);
check_pty_opt(vsusp,    V) -> is_byte(V);
check_pty_opt(vdsusp,   V) -> is_byte(V);
check_pty_opt(vreprint, V) -> is_byte(V);
check_pty_opt(vwerase,  V) -> is_byte(V);
check_pty_opt(vlnext,   V) -> is_byte(V);
check_pty_opt(vflush,   V) -> is_byte(V);
check_pty_opt(vswtch,   V) -> is_byte(V);
check_pty_opt(vstatus,  V) -> is_byte(V);
check_pty_opt(vdiscard, V) -> is_byte(V);
%% modes
check_pty_opt(ignpar,   V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(parmrk,   V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(inpck,    V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(istrip,   V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(inlcr,    V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(igncr,    V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(icrnl,    V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(xcase,    V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(iuclc,    V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(ixon,     V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(ixany,    V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(ixoff,    V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(imaxbel,  V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(iutf8,    V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(isig,     V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(icanon,   V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(echo,     V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(echoe,    V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(echok,    V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(echonl,   V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(noflsh,   V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(tostop,   V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(iexten,   V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(echoctl,  V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(echoke,   V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(pendin,   V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(opost,    V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(olcuc,    V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(onlcr,    V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(ocrnl,    V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(onocr,    V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(onlret,   V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(cs7,      V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(cs8,      V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(parenb,   V) -> is_mode(V);
check_pty_opt(parodd,   V) -> is_mode(V);
% speed
check_pty_opt(tty_op_ispeed, V) -> is_speed(V);
check_pty_opt(tty_op_ospeed, V) -> is_speed(V);
check_pty_opt(_,             _) -> false.

is_byte(V)  -> V >= 0 andalso V =< 255.
is_mode(V)  -> is_boolean(V) orelse V==0 orelse V==1.
is_speed(V) -> is_integer(V) andalso V >= 0.

next_trans(I) when I =< 134217727 ->
next_trans(_) ->

print(Stream, OsPid, Data) ->
    io:format("Got ~w from ~w: ~p\n", [Stream, OsPid, Data]).

%%% Unit testing


-define(AssertMatch(A, B),
    (fun() ->
        case B of
            A -> ok;
            _ -> ?debugFmt("==> TEST ~s FAILED (line: ~w)!!!\n",
                           [?FUNCTION_NAME, ?LINE]),

-define(receiveBytes(A, Timeout),
    check_receive(A, A, [], Timeout, ?FUNCTION_NAME, ?LINE)).

-define(receivePattern(A, Timeout),
    (fun() ->
            A -> true
        after Timeout ->
            case flush() of
                [] -> ?AssertMatch(A, timeout);
                LL ->
                    ?debugFmt("==> TEST ~s FAILED!!!\n", [?FUNCTION_NAME]),
                    erlang:error(#{error => unexpected_messages,
                                   msgs  => lists:reverse(LL)}),

-define(tt(F), {timeout, 20, ?_test(F)}).

check_receive({Stream, Pid, Bin} = A, Orig, Got, Timeout, TestName, Line)
        when is_atom(Stream), is_integer(Pid), is_binary(Bin) ->
        A ->
        {Stream, Pid, B} when is_binary(B) ->
            Len = byte_size(B),
            case Bin of
                <<C:Len/binary, Rest/binary>> when C == B ->
                    check_receive({Stream, Pid, Rest}, Orig, [B|Got], Timeout, TestName, Line);
                Other ->
                    ?debugFmt("==> TEST ~s FAILED (line: ~w)!!!\n", [TestName, Line]),
                    erlang:error(#{error    => unexpected_bytes,
                                   expected => Orig,
                                   got      => lists:reverse([Other|Got]),
                                   test     => TestName,
                                   line     => Line})
    after Timeout ->
        case flush() of
            [] ->
                ?debugFmt("==> TEST ~s FAILED (line: ~w)!!!\n", [TestName, Line]),
                erlang:error(#{error    => timeout,
                               expected => Orig,
                               got      => lists:reverse(Got),
                               test     => TestName,
                               line     => Line});
            LL ->
                R = lists:reverse(Got) ++ lists:reverse(LL),
                ?debugFmt("==> TEST ~s FAILED (line: ~w)!!!\n", [TestName, Line]),
                erlang:error(#{error    => unexpected_messages,
                               expected => Orig,
                               got      => R,
                               test     => TestName,
                               line     => Line})

flush() ->
        B -> [B | flush()]
    after 0 ->

temp_dir() ->
    case os:getenv("TEMP") of
    false -> "/tmp";
    Path  -> Path

temp_file() ->
    Dir = temp_dir(),
    {I1, I2, I3}  = erlang:timestamp(),
    filename:join(Dir, io_lib:format("exec_temp_~w_~w_~w", [I1, I2, I3])).

exec_test_() ->
        fun() ->
            Opts =
                case os:getenv("TEST_USER") of
                    false -> [];
                    User  -> 
                        [root, {limit_users, [User]}, {user, User}]
            Opts1 =
                case os:getenv("PORT_DEBUG") of
                    false -> Opts;
                    _     -> [{debug, 1}, verbose | Opts]
            {ok, Pid} = exec:start(Opts1),

        fun(Pid) -> exit(Pid, kill) end,

exec_run_many_test_() ->
    Level = case os:getenv("PORT_DEBUG") of
                false -> 0;
                _     -> 1
    Delay = case os:getenv("PID_SLEEP_SEC") of
                false  -> 1000;
                Y      -> list_to_integer(Y)*1000
    N     = case os:getenv("RUN_COUNT") of
                false  -> 900;
                X      -> list_to_integer(X)
    M     = N*2,
        fun()    -> {ok, Pid} = exec:start([{debug, Level}]), Pid end,
        fun(Pid) -> exit(Pid, kill) end,
            {timeout, 200,
                ?_assertMatch({ok,[{io_ops,M},{success,N}]}, test_exec:run(N, 60000, Delay))}

test_root() ->
    case os:getenv("NO_ROOT_TESTS") of
        false ->
            ?AssertMatch({error, "Cannot specify effective user"++_},
                         exec:start([{user, "xxxx"}, {limit_users, [yyyy]}])),
            ?AssertMatch({error, "Cannot restrict users"++_},
                         exec:start([{limit_users, [yyyy]}])),
            ?AssertMatch({error, "Not allowed to run without restricting effective users"++_},
                         exec:start([root, {user, "xxxx"}])),
            ?AssertMatch({error, "Not allowed to run without providing effective user "++_},
                         exec:start([root, {limit_users, [yyyy]}]));
        _ ->

test_monitor() ->
    {ok, P, _} = exec:run("echo ok", [{stdout, null}, monitor]),
    ?receivePattern({'DOWN', _, process, P, normal}, 5000).

test_sync() ->
    ?AssertMatch({ok, [{stdout, [<<"Test\n">>]}, {stderr, [<<"ERR\n">>]}]},
        exec:run("echo Test; echo ERR 1>&2", [stdout, stderr, sync])),
         exec:run([<<"/bin/echo">>], [sync, stdout])),
         exec:run(["/bin/echo"], [sync, stdout])).

test_winsz() ->
    {ok, P, I} = exec:run(
        ["/bin/bash", "-i", "-c", "echo started; read x; echo LINES=$(tput lines) COLUMNS=$(tput cols)"],
        [stdin, stdout, {stderr, stdout}, monitor, pty, {env, [{"TERM", "xterm"}]}]),
    ?receiveBytes({stdout, I, <<"started\r\n">>}, 3000),
    ok = exec:winsz(I, 99, 88),
    ok = exec:send(I, <<"\n">>),
    ?receiveBytes({stdout, I, <<"LINES=99 COLUMNS=88\r\n">>}, 3000),
    ?receivePattern({'DOWN', _, process, P, normal}, 5000),
    % can set size on run
    {ok, P2, I2} = exec:run(
        ["/bin/bash", "-i", "-c", "echo LINES=$(tput lines) COLUMNS=$(tput cols)\n"],
        [stdin, stdout, {stderr, stdout}, monitor, pty, {env, [{"TERM", "xterm"}]}, {winsz, {99, 88}}]),
    ?receiveBytes({stdout, I2, <<"LINES=99 COLUMNS=88\r\n">>}, 5000),
    ?receivePattern({'DOWN', _, process, P2, normal}, 5000).

test_stdin() ->
    {ok, P, I} = exec:run("read x; echo \"Got: $x\"", [stdin, stdout, monitor]),
    ok = exec:send(I, <<"Test data\n">>),
    ?receiveBytes({stdout,I,<<"Got: Test data\n">>}, 3000),
    ?receivePattern({'DOWN', _, process, P, normal}, 5000).

test_stdin_eof() ->
    case os:find_executable("tac") of
    false ->
    _ ->
        {ok, P, I} = exec:run("tac", [stdin, stdout, monitor]),
        [ok = exec:send(I, Data)
         || Data <- [<<"foo\n">>, <<"bar\n">>, <<"baz\n">>, eof]],
        ?receiveBytes({stdout,I,<<"baz\nbar\nfoo\n">>}, 3000),
        ?receivePattern({'DOWN', _, process, P, normal}, 5000)

test_std(Stream) ->
    Suffix = case Stream of
             stderr -> " 1>&2";
             stdout -> ""
    {ok, _, I} = exec:run("for i in 1 2; do echo TEST$i; sleep 0.05; done" ++ Suffix, [Stream]),
    ?receiveBytes({Stream,I,<<"TEST1\n">>}, 5000),
    ?receiveBytes({Stream,I,<<"TEST2\n">>}, 5000),

    Filename = temp_file(),
        ?AssertMatch({ok, []}, exec:run("echo Test"++Suffix, [{Stream, Filename}, sync])),
        ?AssertMatch({ok, <<"Test\n">>}, file:read_file(Filename)),

        ?AssertMatch({ok, []}, exec:run("echo Test"++Suffix, [{Stream, Filename}, sync])),
        ?AssertMatch({ok, <<"Test\n">>}, file:read_file(Filename)),

        ?AssertMatch({ok, []}, exec:run("echo Test2"++Suffix, [{Stream, Filename, [append]}, sync])),
        ?AssertMatch({ok, <<"Test\nTest2\n">>}, file:read_file(Filename))

        ?assertEqual(ok, file:delete(Filename))

test_cmd() ->
    % Cmd given as string
        {ok, [{stdout, [<<"ok\n">>]}]},
        exec:run("/bin/echo ok", [sync, stdout])),
        {ok, [{stdout, [<<"ok\n">>]}]},
        exec:run(<<"/bin/echo ok">>, [sync, stdout])),
    % Cmd given as list
        {ok, [{stdout, [<<"ok\n">>]}]},
        exec:run(["/bin/bash", "-c", "echo ok"], [sync, stdout])),
        {ok, [{stdout, [<<"ok\n">>]}]},
        exec:run([<<"/bin/bash">>, <<"-c">>, <<"echo ok">>], [sync, stdout])),
        {ok, [{stdout, [<<"ok\n">>]}]},
        exec:run(["/bin/echo", "ok"], [sync, stdout])).

test_executable() ->
    % Cmd given as string
        [<<"Pid ", _/binary>>, <<" cannot execute '00kuku00': No such file or directory\n">>],
            Res = exec:run("ls", [sync, {executable, "00kuku00"}, stdout, stderr]),
            {error,[{exit_status,256},{stderr, [E]}]} = Res,
            binary:split(E, <<":">>)

        {ok, [{stdout,[<<"ok\n">>]}]},
        exec:run("echo ok", [sync, {executable, "/bin/sh"}, stdout, stderr])),

        {ok, [{stdout,[<<"ok\n">>]}]},
        exec:run(<<"echo ok">>, [sync, {executable, <<"/bin/sh">>}, stdout, stderr])),

    % Cmd given as list
        {ok, [{stdout,[<<"ok\n">>]}]},
        exec:run(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/bin/echo ok"],
                 [sync, {executable, "/bin/sh"}, stdout, stderr])),
        {ok, [{stdout,[<<"XYZ\n">>]}]},
        exec:run(["/bin/echoXXXX abc", "XYZ"],
                 [sync, {executable, "/bin/echo"}, stdout, stderr])),
    % Cmd given as a unicode string
    File = unicode:characters_to_binary(filename:join(temp_dir(), "тест-эрл")),
        ok = file:write_file(File, "#!/bin/bash\necho ok\n"),
        ok = file:change_mode(File, 8#755),
           {ok, [{stdout,[<<"ok\n">>]}]},
           exec:run(File, [sync, stdout, stderr])),
           {ok, [{stdout,[<<"ok\n">>]}]},
           exec:run([<<"/bin/bash">>, <<"-c">>, File], [sync, stdout, stderr]))
        ok = file:delete(File)

test_redirect() ->
        exec:run("echo TEST1", [stderr, {stdout, stderr}, sync])),
        exec:run("echo TEST2 1>&2", [stdout, {stderr, stdout}, sync])),

test_redirect_stdin() ->
        os:cmd("echo ttt > /tmp/output.txt; cat /tmp/output.txt")),
        exec:run("cat", [{stdin, "/tmp/output.txt"}, sync, stdout])),
        exec:run("cat", [{stdin, <<"/tmp/output.txt">>}, sync, stdout])),

test_env() ->
    ?AssertMatch({ok, [{stdout, [<<"X-Y\n">>]}]},
        exec:run("echo $XXX-$YYY", [stdout, {env, [{"XXX", "X"}, {<<"YYY">>, <<"Y">>}]}, sync])).

test_kill_timeout() ->
    %{ok, _OldDebug} = exec:debug(3),
    {ok, P2, I2} = exec:run("trap 'echo Got signal' SIGTERM; sleep 15", [{kill_timeout, 1}, stdout, monitor]),
    ?receivePattern({'DOWN', I2, process, P2, normal}, 5000).

test_setpgid() ->
    % Cmd given as string
    {ok, P0, P} = exec:run("sleep  1", [{group, 0}, kill_group, monitor]),
    {ok, P1, _} = exec:run("sleep 15", [{group, P}, monitor]),
    {ok, P2, _} = exec:run("sleep 15", [{group, P}, monitor]),
    ?receivePattern({'DOWN',_,process, P0, normal}, 5000),
    ?receivePattern({'DOWN',_,process, P1, {exit_status, 15}}, 5000),
    ?receivePattern({'DOWN',_,process, P2, {exit_status, 15}}, 5000).

test_pty() ->
    ?AssertMatch({error,[{exit_status,256},{stdout,[<<"not a tty\n">>]}]},
        exec:run("tty", [stdin, stdout, sync])),
    ?assert(case exec:run("tty", [stdin, stdout, pty, sync]) of
        {ok,[{stdout,[<<"/dev/pts/", _/binary>>|_]}]} ->
        % on macos, the pty has the format /dev/ttysXXX
        {ok,[{stdout,[<<"/dev/ttys", _/binary>>|_]}]} ->
        _ -> false
    {ok, P, I} = exec:run("/bin/bash --norc -i", [stdin, stdout, pty, monitor]),
    ok = exec:send(I, <<"echo ok\n">>),
    {stdout, I, <<"echo ok\r\n">>} ->
        ?receiveBytes({stdout, I, <<"ok\r\n">>}, 1000);
    {stdout, I, <<"ok\r\n">>} ->
    after 1000 ->
        ?AssertMatch({stdout, I, <<"ok\r\n">>}, timeout)
    ok = exec:send(I, <<"exit\n">>),
    ?receivePattern({'DOWN', _, process, P, normal}, 1000).

test_pty_echo() ->
    % without echo
    {ok, _, I} = exec:run("echo started && cat", [
        {stderr, stdout},
    ?receiveBytes({stdout, I, <<"started\r\n">>}, 5000),
    ok = exec:send(I, <<"test\n">>),
    ?receiveBytes({stdout, I, <<"test\r\n">>}, 5000),
    ok = exec:kill(I, 9),
    % with echo
    {ok, _, I2} = exec:run("echo started && cat", [
        {stderr, stdout},
    ?receiveBytes({stdout, I2, <<"started\r\n">>}, 5000),
    ok = exec:send(I2, <<"test\n">>),
    ?receiveBytes({stdout, I2, <<"test\r\ntest\r\n">>}, 5000).

test_pty_opts() ->
    ?AssertMatch({error,[{exit_status,256},{stdout,[<<"not a tty\n">>]}]},
        exec:run("tty", [stdin, stdout, sync])),
    ?assert(case exec:run("tty", [stdin, stdout, {pty, []}, sync]) of
        {ok,[{stdout,[<<"/dev/pts/", _/binary>>|_]}]} ->
        {ok,[{stdout,[<<"/dev/ttys", _/binary>>|_]}]} ->
        _ -> false
    % without echo
    {ok, P, I} = exec:run("echo started && cat", [
        {stderr, stdout},
        {pty, [{echo, false}]},
    ?receiveBytes({stdout, I, <<"started\r\n">>}, 5000),
    ok = exec:send(I, <<"test\n">>),
    ?receiveBytes({stdout, I, <<"test\r\n">>}, 5000),
    ok = exec:kill(I, 9),
    ?receivePattern({'DOWN', I, process, P, {exit_status, 9}}, 5000),
    % with echo
    {ok, P2, I2} = exec:run("echo started && cat", [
        {stderr, stdout},
        {pty, [{echo, true}]},
    ?receiveBytes({stdout, I2, <<"started\r\n">>}, 5000),
    ok = exec:send(I2, <<"test\n">>),
    ?receiveBytes({stdout, I2, <<"test\r\ntest\r\n">>}, 5000),
    % send ^C
    ok = exec:send(I2, <<3>>),
    ?receiveBytes({stdout, I2, <<"^C">>}, 1000),
    ?receivePattern({'DOWN', I2, process, P2, {exit_status, 2}}, 5000),
    % vintr test
    {ok, P3, I3} = exec:run("echo started && cat", [
        {stderr, stdout},
        {pty, [{echo, true}, {vintr, 2}]},
    ?receiveBytes({stdout, I3, <<"started\r\n">>}, 5000),
    ok = exec:send(I3, <<"test">>),
    ?receiveBytes({stdout, I3, <<"test">>}, 5000),
    % send ^C (3), should not interrupt
    ok = exec:send(I3, <<3>>),
    ?receiveBytes({stdout, I3, <<"^C">>}, 5000),
    % send ^B (2), should interrupt
    ok = exec:send(I3, <<2>>),
    ?receiveBytes({stdout, I3, <<"^B">>}, 5000),
    ?receivePattern({'DOWN', I3, process, P3, {exit_status, 2}}, 5000),
    % opts validation
        exec:run("echo not ok", [
            {pty, [
                {echo, true},
                {echoke, 0},
                {echoe, false},
                {vintr, false},
                {verase, 13},
                {tty_op_ispeed, -1},
                {invalid, 1}

test_dynamic_pty_opts() ->
    % without echo
    {ok, P, I} = exec:run("echo started && cat", [
        {stderr, stdout},
    ?receiveBytes({stdout, I, <<"started\r\n">>}, 5000),
    ok = exec:send(I, <<"test\n">>),
    ?receiveBytes({stdout, I, <<"test\r\n">>}, 5000),
    ok = exec:send(I, <<2>>),
    ok = exec:send(I, <<"\n">>),
    ?receiveBytes({stdout, I, <<2, 13, 10>>}, 5000),
    % change echo to 1, interrupt to ^B
    ok = exec:pty_opts(I, [{echo, 1}, {vintr, 2}]),
    % opts validation
        exec:pty_opts(I, [
            {echo, true},
            {echoke, 0},
            {echoe, false},
            {vintr, false},
            {verase, 13},
            {tty_op_ispeed, -1},
            {invalid, 1}
    ok = exec:send(I, <<"test\n">>),
    ?receiveBytes({stdout, I, <<"test\r\ntest\r\n">>}, 5000),
    % send ^B
    ok = exec:send(I, <<2>>),
    ?receiveBytes({stdout, I, <<"^B">>}, 5000),
    ?receivePattern({'DOWN', I, process, P, {exit_status, 2}}, 5000).