# An Erlang Binding to FoundationDB
This project is a NIF wrapper for the FoundationDB C API. Documentation on
the main API can be found [here][fdb_docs].
This project also provides a conforming implementation of the [Tuple] and
[Directory] layers.
[fdb_docs]: https://apple.github.io/foundationdb/api-c.html
[Tuple]: https://github.com/apple/foundationdb/blob/master/design/tuple.md
[Directory]: https://apple.github.io/foundationdb/developer-guide.html#directories
The original development of this project occurred as [apache/couchdb-erlfdb](https://github.com/apache/couchdb-erlfdb). This fork
was created in early 2024 to continue development of the project.
## Building
Assuming you have installed the FoundationDB C API library, building erlfdb
is as simple as:
$ rebar3 compile
Alternatively, adding erlfdb as a rebar dependency should Just Work ®.
Documentation for installing FoundationDB can be found [here for macOS]
or [here for Linux].
[here for macOS]: https://apple.github.io/foundationdb/getting-started-mac.html
[here for Linux]: https://apple.github.io/foundationdb/getting-started-linux.html
## Quick Example
A simple example showing how to open a database and read and write keys:
Eshell V9.3.3.6 (abort with ^G)
1> Db = erlfdb:open(<<"/usr/local/etc/foundationdb/fdb.cluster">>).
2> ok = erlfdb:set(Db, <<"foo">>, <<"bar">>).
3> erlfdb:get(Db, <<"foo">>).
4> erlfdb:get(Db, <<"bar">>).
## Binding Tester
FoundationDB has a custom binding tester that can be used to test whether
changes have broken compatibility. See the [BINDING_TESTER](BINDING_TESTER.md)
documentation for instructions on building and running that system.