
%%% @copyright (C) 2016, AdRoll
%%% @doc
%%%     TCP protocol handler implementing the MultiLangDaemon protocol (V1 and V2).
%%%     The MultiLangDaemon protocol is a line-based request-response protocol with a JSON
%%%     transport encoding and no pipelining.  Requests contain a single newline.  Each
%%%     request must have a response.
%%%     Requests are of the form:
%%%         { "action": ACTION-NAME, ... action-specific data } \n
%%%     Responses are of the form:
%%%         JSON-RESPONSE \n
%%%     MLD V1 requests:
%%%         { "action": "initialize", "shardId": SHARD-ID }
%%%         { "action": "shutdown", "reason": REASON }
%%%         {  "action": "processRecords",
%%%           "records": [{           "data": B64-DATA,      % may contain KPL aggregate record data
%%%                           "partitionKey": PARTITION-KEY,
%%%                         "sequenceNumber": SEQNO }]
%%%         }
%%%     MLD V2 requests:
%%%         {           "action": "initialize",
%%%                    "shardId": SHARD-ID,
%%%             "sequenceNumber": SEQNO,
%%%          "subSequenceNumber": SUBSEQNO
%%%         }
%%%         { "action": "shutdown", "reason": REASON }
%%%         {             "action": "processRecords",
%%%           "millisBehindLatest": DELAY-MS,
%%%                      "records": [{            "action": "record",
%%%                                                 "data": B64-DATA,      % does not contain KPL aggr record data
%%%                                         "partitionKey": PARTITION-KEY,
%%%                          "approximateArrivalTimestamp": WRITE-TIME-MS  % epoch utc ms when written to stream
%%%                                       "sequenceNumber": SEQNO,
%%%                                    "subSequenceNumber": SUBSEQNO }]
%%%         }
%%%         { "action": "shutdownRequested" }
%%%     Worker responses:
%%%         { "action": "status", "responseFor": REQUEST-ACTION-NAME }
%%%     Worker V1 requests:
%%%         { "action": "checkpoint", "checkpoint": SEQNO }
%%%     Worker V2 requests:
%%%         {            "action": "checkpoint",
%%%              "sequenceNumber": SEQNO,
%%%           "subSequenceNumber": SUBSEQNO
%%%         }
%%%     MLD V1 responses:
%%%         { "action": "checkpoint", "sequenceNumber": SEQNO, "error": ERROR }
%%%     MLD V2 responses:
%%%         { "action": "checkpoint", "sequenceNumber": SEQNO, "subSequenceNumber": SUBSEQNO, "error": ERROR }
%%%     If checkpointing succeeded, ERROR will be null or absent, and the sequence number(s)
%%%     will indicate which sequence/subsequence number was checkpointed.  If
%%%     checkpointing fails, a worker should probably exit.
%%%     Notes:
%%%      - The MLD ignores blank lines (accepts \n JSON \n), and so do we.
%%%      - There is no way to indicate failure except by a worker exiting.  The MLD
%%%      doesn't currently handle worker failure, so if we exit, the MLD and all of its
%%%      workers will die.
%%%      - We only emit checkpoint requests during processing of other requests, and
%%%      before returning our responses for those requests.  E.G., after a
%%%      "processRecords" request or a non-ZOMBIE "shutdown" request, before returning the
%%%      "status" response.
%%%     See also:
%%% @end
%%% Created : 18 Nov 2016 by Mike Watters <>

%% The usage of throw here is intentional because gen_statem knows how to handle throws
-elvis([{elvis_style, no_throw, disable}]).


%% API
-export([start_link/2, accept/2]).
%% gen_statem callbacks
-export([init/1, callback_mode/0, terminate/3, handle_event/4]).

        {%% name of handler module implementing erlmld_worker behavior:
         handler_module :: atom(),
         %% opaque term used as first argument to handler_module's initialize/3:
         handler_data :: term(),
         %% connected socket owned by this process:
         socket :: undefined | gen_tcp:socket(),
         %% input buffer;  responses are small and we need no output buffer:
         buf = [] :: [binary()],
         %% worker state returned from handler module init:
         worker_state :: undefined | term(),
         %% if true, the MLD made a processRecords call with the V2 format (supplied
         %% millisBehindLatest), so we will checkpoint using the V2 checkpoint format:
         is_v2 = false :: boolean(),
         %% most recent action name from the peer:
         last_request :: undefined | binary(),
         %% last attempted checkpoint:
         last_checkpoint :: undefined | checkpoint()}).

-type data() :: #data{}.

-define(INTERNAL, internal).
%% state atoms.  some states are 2-tuples of these atoms.
-define(INIT, init).
-define(SHUTDOWN, shutdown).
-define(PEER_READ, peer_read).
-define(REQUEST, request).
-define(CHECKPOINT, checkpoint).
-define(SHUTDOWN_CHECKPOINT, shutdown_checkpoint).
-define(DISPATCH, dispatch).
-define(PROCESS_RECORDS, process_records).
-define(PEER_WRITE, peer_write).
-define(ABORT, abort).
-define(RETRY_SLEEP, application:get_env(erlmld, checkpoint_retry_sleep, 10000)).


%%% API

start_link(HandlerMod, HandlerData) ->
    gen_statem:start_link(?MODULE, [HandlerMod, HandlerData], []).

accept(Pid, Socket) ->
    ok = gen_tcp:controlling_process(Socket, Pid),
    gen_statem:call(Pid, {accepted, Socket}).

%%% gen_statem callbacks

callback_mode() ->

init([HandlerMod, HandlerData]) ->
    {ok, ?INIT, #data{handler_module = HandlerMod, handler_data = HandlerData}}.

terminate(_Reason, _State, #data{socket = Socket}) ->

%% a connection has been accepted.  start reading requests from it.
handle_event({call, From}, {accepted, Socket}, ?INIT, Data) ->
     activate(Data#data{socket = Socket}),
     [{reply, From, ok}]};
%% connection was closed, and we expected it to be closed.  this will occur when the MLD
%% has instructed us to shut down, and we've returned a "success" response for the
%% shutdown action (MLD will read our response, then close its stream to us, then await
%% our exit).
handle_event(info, {tcp_closed, _}, {?PEER_READ, ?SHUTDOWN}, _) ->
    error_logger:info_msg("shutdown message received, shutting down normally~n"),
%% connection was closed, but we didn't expect it.
handle_event(info, {tcp_closed, _}, _State, _) ->
    {stop, {error, unexpected_close}};
%% we are trying to read some data, and some data has been received.  if we've received a
%% complete line (action), we dispatch it to be handled according to its kind (i.e., a new
%% request or a response to a checkpoint attempt).
handle_event(info, {tcp, Socket, Bin}, {?PEER_READ, NextReadKind}, Data) ->
    case next_action(Bin, Data) of
        {undefined, NData, <<>>} ->
            {keep_state, activate(NData)};
        {{error, _} = Error, _, _} ->
            {stop, Error};
        {#{<<"action">> := Action} = ActionData, NData, Rest} ->
             {?DISPATCH, NextReadKind},
             case NextReadKind of
                 ?REQUEST ->
                     NData#data{last_request = Action};
                 _ ->
             [{next_event, ?INTERNAL, ActionData} | case Rest of
                                                        <<>> ->
                                                        _ ->
                                                              {tcp, Socket, Rest}}]
%% MLD is initializing us, and we haven't been initialized yet.
             #{<<"action">> := <<"initialize">>, <<"shardId">> := ShardId} = R,
             {?DISPATCH, ?REQUEST},
             #data{handler_module = HandlerMod,
                   handler_data = HandlerData,
                   worker_state = undefined} =
                 Data) ->
    ISN = sequence_number(R),
    case erlmld_worker:initialize(HandlerMod, HandlerData, ShardId, ISN) of
        {ok, WorkerState} ->
            success(R, worker_state(Data, WorkerState), ?REQUEST);
        {error, _} = Error ->
            {stop, Error}
%% MLD is instructing us to shut down after we've been initialized.  if the reason is
%% TERMINATE, we should finish processing and checkpoint (shard is being closed).  if the
%% reason is not TERMINATE (i.e., ZOMBIE), we should abort any outstanding work and stop
%% without checkpointing.  in both cases, we should return a success response and stop
%% (resulting in connection closure).
             #{<<"action">> := <<"shutdown">>, <<"reason">> := ReasonBin} = R,
             {?DISPATCH, State},
             #data{handler_module = Mod, worker_state = {ok, WorkerState}} = Data)
    when State == ?REQUEST; State == ?SHUTDOWN ->
    Reason =
        case ReasonBin of
            <<"TERMINATE">> ->
            <<"ZOMBIE">> ->
            _ ->
    case {Reason, erlmld_worker:shutdown(Mod, WorkerState, Reason)} of
        {terminate, {ok, Checkpoint}} ->
            %% shard terminating.  worker supplied a checkpoint.  checkpoint and then
            %% return a success response for the shutdown if the checkpoint was
            %% successful.
            shutdown_checkpoint(Data, Checkpoint);
        {terminate, ok} ->
            %% worker should have checkpointed for this TERMINATE shutdown.
            error_logger:error_msg("~p did not checkpoint after TERMINATE~n", [WorkerState]),
            {stop, {error, expected_checkpoint}};
        {_, ok} ->
            %% non-terminate shutdown, worker did not checkpoint; normal exit.
            success(R, Data, ?SHUTDOWN);
        {_, {ok, _Checkpoint}} ->
            %% worker should only checkpoint during shutdown for a TERMINATE shutdown.
            error_logger:error_msg("~p attempted to checkpoint during ~p shutdown~n",
                                   [WorkerState, ReasonBin]),
            {stop, {error, unexpected_checkpoint}};
        {_, {error, _} = Error} ->
            {stop, Error}
%% MLD is gracefully stopping all workers, which can elect to checkpoint or not.  right
%% now we treat this the same way as a "zombie" shutdown (lost lease).  need to add a
%% non-zombie, non-terminate reason to worker behavior so we can support checkpointing
%% here.
             #{<<"action">> := <<"shutdownRequested">>} = R,
             {?DISPATCH, ?REQUEST},
             #data{handler_module = Mod, worker_state = WS} = Data) ->
    case WS of
        {ok, WorkerState} ->
            case erlmld_worker:shutdown(Mod, WorkerState, zombie) of
                ok ->
                    %% non-terminate shutdown, worker did not checkpoint; normal exit.
                    success(R, Data, ?SHUTDOWN);
                {ok, _Checkpoint} ->
                    %% worker should only checkpoint during shutdown for a TERMINATE shutdown;
                    %% this isn't supported yet.
                    Format = "~p attempted to checkpoint during shutdownRequest shutdown~n",
                    error_logger:error_msg(Format, [WorkerState]),
                    {stop, {error, unexpected_checkpoint}};
                {_, {error, _} = Error} ->
                    {stop, Error}
        _ ->
            %% not initialized yet.
            success(R, Data, ?SHUTDOWN)
%% MLD is providing some records to be processed.  We will call the worker's ready/1
%% callback, then deaggregate them all at once if they are in KPL format, and then provide
%% each in turn to the handler module, which will have the opportunity to checkpoint after
%% each record.  the MLD should wait for our "status" response before sending any
%% additional records or other requests.  if the worker returned a checkpoint response,
%% checkpoint before processing the records.
             #{<<"action">> := <<"processRecords">>, <<"records">> := Records} = R,
             {?DISPATCH, ?REQUEST},
             #data{handler_module = Mod, worker_state = {ok, WorkerState}} = Data) ->
    case erlmld_worker:ready(Mod, WorkerState) of
        {error, _} = Error ->
            {stop, Error};
        Ready ->
            {NWorkerState, Checkpoint} =
                case Ready of
                    {ok, S} ->
                        {S, undefined};
                    {ok, S, C} ->
                        {S, C}
            NData =
                worker_state(Data#data{is_v2 = maps:is_key(<<"millisBehindLatest">>, R)},
            DeaggregatedRecords = deaggregate_kpl_records(R, Records),
            case Checkpoint of
                undefined ->
                    process_records(R, NData, DeaggregatedRecords);
                _ ->
                    checkpoint(R, NData, Checkpoint, DeaggregatedRecords)
%% MLD is returning a checkpoint response.  if a fatal error occurred, we shouldn't
%% process any more data and should exit.  with the current version of the MLD, this will
%% cause all other workers managed by the MLD to be killed (because the MLD will exit).
%% if the checkpoint was successful, we resume processing records (if we were processing
%% them; a {process, ...} event will be pending, which will be retried after we change
%% state).  if we are instead shutting down, we continue the shutdown process.
%% the following errors are handled; all other checkpoint errors are fatal:
%%   ShutdownException:
%%     another worker stole our lease while we were processing or shutting down.  ignore
%%     error and abort record processing or continue shutdown as appropriate.
%%   ThrottlingException:
%%     MLD was throttled when performing a checkpoint.  we retry forever after a random
%%     sleep.
             #{<<"action">> := <<"checkpoint">>, <<"error">> := <<"ShutdownException">>},
             {?DISPATCH, ?CHECKPOINT},
             #data{worker_state = {ok, WorkerState}} = Data) ->
    %% we were processing records and we attempted to checkpoint, but another worker stole
    %% our lease.  abort processing.  we should receive a ZOMBIE shutdown reason and exit
    %% normally.
    error_logger:warning_msg("~p received shutdown exception during checkpoint; aborting "
    {next_state, ?ABORT, Data};
             #{<<"action">> := <<"checkpoint">>, <<"error">> := <<"ShutdownException">>},
             #data{worker_state = {ok, WorkerState}, last_request = LastAction} = Data) ->
    %% we were shutting down and attempted to checkpoint, but another worker stole our
    %% lease during the shutdown.  return a 'success' response to the shutdown command.
    %% we should exit normally.
    error_logger:warning_msg("~p received shutdown exception during shutdown checkpoint~n",
    success(LastAction, Data, ?SHUTDOWN);
             #{<<"action">> := <<"checkpoint">>, <<"error">> := <<"ThrottlingException">>},
             {?DISPATCH, CheckpointState},
             #data{worker_state = {ok, WorkerState}, last_checkpoint = Checkpoint} = Data)
    when CheckpointState == ?CHECKPOINT; CheckpointState == ?SHUTDOWN_CHECKPOINT ->
    %% we attempted to checkpoint, but were throttled.  this may mean the dynamodb state
    %% table used by the KCL is underprovisioned, or workers are checkpointing in
    %% lockstep.  retry forever after a random sleep of up to ?RETRY_SLEEP ms.
    error_logger:warning_msg("~p throttled during ~p; consider increasing state table write "
                             [WorkerState, CheckpointState]),
    do_checkpoint(Data, Checkpoint, CheckpointState, []);
             #{<<"action">> := <<"checkpoint">>, <<"error">> := CheckpointError},
             {?DISPATCH, CheckpointState},
    when CheckpointState == ?CHECKPOINT orelse CheckpointState == ?SHUTDOWN_CHECKPOINT,
         CheckpointError /= undefined ->
    {stop, {error, {checkpoint_failure, CheckpointError}}};
             #{<<"action">> := <<"checkpoint">>} = R,
             {?DISPATCH, CheckpointState},
             #data{handler_module = Mod,
                   worker_state = {ok, WorkerState},
                   last_checkpoint = Checkpoint,
                   last_request = LastAction} =
    when CheckpointState == ?CHECKPOINT; CheckpointState == ?SHUTDOWN_CHECKPOINT ->
    SN = sequence_number(R),
    case erlmld_worker:checkpointed(Mod, WorkerState, SN, Checkpoint) of
        {ok, NWorkerState} ->
            NData = worker_state(Data, NWorkerState),
            case CheckpointState of
                ?CHECKPOINT ->
                    {next_state, ?PROCESS_RECORDS, NData};
                ?SHUTDOWN_CHECKPOINT ->
                    success(LastAction, NData, ?SHUTDOWN)
        {error, _} = Error ->
            {stop, Error}
%% we were processing records and we attempted to checkpoint, but failed because another
%% worker stole our lease.  abort record processing, return a 'success' response for
%% the current command, and read the next request, which should be a shutdown command.
handle_event(?INTERNAL, {process, R, _}, ?ABORT, Data) ->
    success(R, Data, ?REQUEST);
%% we were processing records, and have now processed them all.  return a 'success'
%% response for the current command, and read the next command.
handle_event(?INTERNAL, {process, R, []}, ?PROCESS_RECORDS, Data) ->
    success(R, Data, ?REQUEST);
%% we're processing records.  process the next record, update the worker state according
%% to the return value, and possibly perform a checkpoint if desired before processing any
%% subsequent records.
             {process, R, [Record | Records]},
             #data{handler_module = Mod, worker_state = {ok, WorkerState}} = Data) ->
    case erlmld_worker:process_record(Mod, WorkerState, Record) of
        {ok, NWorkerState} ->
            process_records(R, worker_state(Data, NWorkerState), Records);
        {ok, NWorkerState, Checkpoint} ->
            checkpoint(R, worker_state(Data, NWorkerState), Checkpoint, Records);
        {error, _} = Error ->
            {stop, Error}
%% we suspend record processing while awaiting a checkpoint response.  this event will be
%% seen again after changing states.
handle_event(?INTERNAL, {process, _, _}, {?PEER_READ, ?CHECKPOINT}, _) ->
    {keep_state_and_data, postpone};
%% we've been given something (json data iolist) to write; we write it and then read &
%% handle the next action according to the specified read kind.  we expect data we write
%% to be small (i.e., action responses and checkpoint requests).  while waiting for the
%% next action of kind NextReadKind, we do nothing.
             {write, IoData},
             {?PEER_WRITE, NextReadKind},
             #data{socket = Socket, buf = Buf} = Data) ->
    %% there should be no unprocessed/buffered request data at this point:
    case Buf of
        [] ->
        _ ->
            throw({stop, {error, {unprocessed_request_data, Buf}}})
    ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, [IoData, "\n"]),
    case NextReadKind of
        Kind when Kind == ?SHUTDOWN ->
            %% next state is waiting for the MLD to close the connection.
            %% But it might not happen, so we'll close it ourselves after a timeout.
            Timeout = application:get_env(erlmld, shutdown_timeout, 5000),
             {?PEER_READ, Kind},
             [{{timeout, shutdown}, Timeout, shutdown}]};
        _ ->
            {next_state, {?PEER_READ, NextReadKind}, activate(Data)}
%% some tcp data was received, but couldn't be handled in the current state.  this event
%% will be seen again after changing states.
handle_event(info, {tcp, _Socket, _Bin}, _State, _Data) ->
    {keep_state_and_data, postpone};
handle_event(info, Message, _State, #data{worker_state = WorkerState}) ->
    error_logger:error_msg("~p ignoring unexpected message ~p~n", [WorkerState, Message]),
handle_event({timeout, shutdown}, shutdown, _State, _Data) ->
    error_logger:error_msg("timeout reached while waiting for SHUTDOWN message, shutdown forced~n"),
    {stop, {error, shutdown_timeout}}.

%%% Internal functions

%% activate the socket once, causing another tcp message to be sent to us.
activate(#data{socket = Socket} = Data) ->
    inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),

%% given an input (request) action (a map) or an action name, cause a "success" response
%% for that action to be written, changing state according to NextState after writing.
success(#{<<"action">> := Action}, Data, NextState) ->
    success(Action, Data, NextState);
success(Action, Data, NextState) when is_binary(Action) ->
    IoData = jiffy:encode(#{<<"action">> => <<"status">>, <<"responseFor">> => Action}),
    {next_state, {?PEER_WRITE, NextState}, Data, [{next_event, ?INTERNAL, {write, IoData}}]}.

%% given a list of records, change state if needed, and send a single {process, ...} event
%% with those records.
process_records(R, Data, Records) ->
    {next_state, ?PROCESS_RECORDS, Data, [{next_event, ?INTERNAL, {process, R, Records}}]}.

%% checkpoint, then continue processing the remaining records after receiving the
%% checkpoint response.
checkpoint(R, Data, Checkpoint, Records) ->
                  [{next_event, ?INTERNAL, {process, R, Records}}]).

%% checkpoint, then shutdown after receiving the checkpoint response.
shutdown_checkpoint(Data, Checkpoint) ->
    do_checkpoint(Data, Checkpoint, ?SHUTDOWN_CHECKPOINT, []).

%% cause an attempt to checkpoint at the given sequence number, or the latest sequence
%% number seen by the MLD on the stream if undefined.  then continue processing according
%% to the supplied next state, also appending the given events.
              #checkpoint{sequence_number = SN} = Checkpoint,
              NextEvents) ->
    Enc = jiffy:encode(
              maps:put(<<"action">>, <<"checkpoint">>, checkpoint_spec(Data, SN))),
     {?PEER_WRITE, NextState},
     Data#data{last_checkpoint = Checkpoint},
     [{next_event, ?INTERNAL, {write, Enc}} | NextEvents]}.

checkpoint_spec(#data{is_v2 = true}, #sequence_number{base = Base, sub = Sub}) ->
    #{<<"sequenceNumber">> => encode_seqno_base(Base),
      <<"subSequenceNumber">> =>
          case Sub of
              undefined ->
              _ ->
checkpoint_spec(#data{is_v2 = true}, undefined) ->
    #{<<"sequenceNumber">> => null, <<"subSequenceNumber">> => null};
checkpoint_spec(#data{is_v2 = false}, #sequence_number{base = Base}) ->
    #{<<"checkpoint">> => encode_seqno_base(Base)};
checkpoint_spec(#data{is_v2 = false}, undefined) ->
    #{<<"checkpoint">> => null}.

%% given a binary, strip the last byte if it is a carriage return.
-spec strip_cr(binary()) -> binary().
strip_cr(<<>>) ->
strip_cr(Bin) ->
    case [binary:at(Bin, size(Bin) - 1)] of
        "\r" ->
            binary:part(Bin, {0, size(Bin) - 1});
        _ ->

%% given a binary corresponding to some input data and a data(), return a 3-tuple of the
%% next line (if any), next state, and remaining data.  if the input binary contains a
%% newline, return as the first element a binary consisting of the already-buffered data
%% followed by that binary.  otherwise, add it to the buffer.  the buffer never contains
%% newlines.
-spec next_line(binary(), data()) -> {binary() | undefined, data(), binary()}.
next_line(Bin, #data{buf = Buf} = Data) ->
    case binary:split(Bin, <<"\n">>) of
        [_] ->
            {undefined, Data#data{buf = [Bin | Buf]}, <<>>};
        [EOL, Rest] ->
            Line = iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse([strip_cr(EOL) | Buf])),
            {Line, Data#data{buf = []}, Rest}

%% given a binary and data(), return a 3-tuple of the next action (if any), next state,
%% and remaining data.  an "action" is a line which should have been a json-encoded map
%% containing an "action" key.  if decoding fails with a thrown error, that error is
%% returned as the decoded value.
-spec next_action(binary(), data()) ->
                     {map() | undefined | {error, term()}, data(), binary()}.
next_action(Bin, Data) ->
    case next_line(Bin, Data) of
        {undefined, NData, Rest} ->
            {undefined, NData, Rest};
        {<<>>, NData, Rest} ->
            {undefined, NData, Rest};
        {Line, NData, Rest} ->
            Dec = try
                      jiffy:decode(Line, [return_maps, {null_term, undefined}])
                      _:{error, Error} ->
                          {error, Error}
            {Dec, NData, Rest}

%% given a value which is possibly a map containing a `sequenceNumber` key with a binary
%% string value possibly denoting an integer, and possibly a `subSequenceNumber` key with
%% an integer value, return a sequence_number() corresponding to those values, otherwise
%% undefined.
sequence_number(#{<<"sequenceNumber">> := SN} = M) when is_binary(SN) ->
    SubSeq = maps:get(<<"subSequenceNumber">>, M, undefined),
    #sequence_number{base = decode_seqno_base(SN),
                     sub = SubSeq,
                     user_sub = SubSeq};
sequence_number(#{<<"sequenceNumber">> := undefined}) ->
sequence_number(_) ->

% A version that takes the sequence numbers as args directly.
sequence_number(SN, OriSSN, SSN, Total) when is_binary(SN) ->
    #sequence_number{base = decode_seqno_base(SN),
                     sub = OriSSN,
                     user_sub = SSN,
                     user_total = Total};
sequence_number(undefined, _, _, _) ->

non_kpl_sequence_number(#{<<"sequenceNumber">> := SN} = M) when is_binary(SN) ->
    SNRecord = sequence_number(M),
    SNRecord#sequence_number{user_sub = undefined}.

partition_key(#{<<"partitionKey">> := PK} = _Record) ->

worker_state(Data, WorkerState) ->
    Data#data{worker_state = {ok, WorkerState}}.

stream_record(Record, PartitionKey, Data, SequenceNumber) ->
    {Timestamp, Delay} =
        case Record of
            #{<<"action">> := <<"record">>} ->
                {maps:get(<<"approximateArrivalTimestamp">>, Record, undefined),
                 maps:get(<<"millisBehindLatest">>, Record, undefined)};
            _ ->
                {undefined, undefined}
    #stream_record{partition_key = PartitionKey,
                   data = Data,
                   sequence_number = SequenceNumber,
                   timestamp = Timestamp,
                   delay = Delay}.

deaggregate_kpl_records(R, Records) ->
    Base64Decoder = application:get_env(erlmld, base64_decoder, {base64, decode}),
    lists:flatmap(fun(#{<<"data">> := RecordData} = Record) ->
                     deaggregate_kpl_record(R, Record, b64decode(Base64Decoder, RecordData))

deaggregate_kpl_record(_R, Record, <<Magic:4/binary, Data/binary>> = _DecodedData)
    when Magic == ?KPL_AGG_MAGIC; Magic == ?KPL_AGG_MAGIC_DEFLATED ->
    %% This is an aggregated/deflated V1 record, or a deflated aggregated V2 record.
    %% See
    %% fixme; move this to kpl_agg.  also, make user-supplied decode functions configurable
    AggData =
        case Magic of
            ?KPL_AGG_MAGIC_DEFLATED ->
            _ ->
    L = byte_size(AggData),
    ProtoMsg = binary:part(AggData, 0, L - 16),
    Checksum = binary:part(AggData, L, -16),
    check_md5(ProtoMsg, Checksum),
    decode_kpl_protobuf_message(Record, ProtoMsg);
deaggregate_kpl_record(R, Record, DecodedData) ->
    %% This is a non-aggregated record.
    [stream_record(R, partition_key(Record), DecodedData, non_kpl_sequence_number(Record))].

check_md5(Data, Checksum) ->
    case application:get_env(erlmld, check_md5_of_agg_data, true) of
        true ->
            case crypto:hash(md5, Data) of
                Checksum ->
                _ ->
                    error("md5 checksum failed for aggregated record")
        _ ->

decode_kpl_protobuf_message(#{<<"sequenceNumber">> := SN} = AggRecord, ProtoMsg) ->
    #'AggregatedRecord'{partition_key_table = PKsList, records = Records} =
        kpl_agg_pb:decode_msg(ProtoMsg, 'AggregatedRecord'),
    PKs = list_to_tuple(PKsList),
    SubSeq = maps:get(<<"subSequenceNumber">>, AggRecord, undefined),
                   element(PKIndex + 1, PKs),
                   sequence_number(SN, SubSeq, SSN, length(Records)))
     || {SSN, #'Record'{partition_key_index = PKIndex, data = Data} = _Record}
            <- lists:enumerate(0, Records)].

%% decode a sequence number string to an integer if possible, or an atom.  this is done to
%% save space.
decode_seqno_base(<<C, _/binary>> = Bin) when C >= $0, C =< $9 ->
decode_seqno_base(Bin) ->
    %% note: the set of values which can be taken is small.
    binary_to_atom(Bin, utf8).

encode_seqno_base(X) when is_integer(X) ->
encode_seqno_base(X) when is_atom(X), X /= undefined ->
    atom_to_binary(X, utf8).

b64decode({M, F}, Data) ->




deaggregate_kpl_record_v1_noagg_test() ->
    %% Test a non-aggregated record.
    R = #{},
    NonAggRecord = #{<<"partitionKey">> => <<"PK">>, <<"sequenceNumber">> => <<"666">>},
    NonAggData = <<"whatever">>,
    [Result] = deaggregate_kpl_record(R, NonAggRecord, NonAggData),
    ?assertEqual(<<"PK">>, Result#stream_record.partition_key),
    ?assertEqual(666, Result#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.base),
    ?assertEqual(undefined, Result#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.sub),
    ?assertEqual(undefined, Result#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.user_sub),
    ?assertEqual(undefined, Result#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.user_total),

deaggregate_kpl_record_v1_agg_test() ->
    %% Test an aggregated record.
    %% The data is the same as in kpl_agg:simple_aggregation_test.
    R = #{},
    AggRecord =
        #{<<"partitionKey">> => <<"ignored">>,
          <<"sequenceNumber">> => <<"666">>,
          <<"subSequenceNumber">> => 0},
    AggData =
        <<?KPL_AGG_MAGIC/binary, 10, 3, 112, 107, 49, 10, 3, 112, 107, 50, 18, 4, 101, 104, 107,
          49, 18, 4, 101, 104, 107, 50, 26, 11, 8, 0, 16, 0, 26, 5, 100, 97, 116, 97, 49, 26, 11, 8,
          1, 16, 1, 26, 5, 100, 97, 116, 97, 50, 244, 41, 93, 155, 173, 190, 58, 30, 240, 223, 216,
          8, 26, 205, 86, 4>>,
    [Result1, Result2] = deaggregate_kpl_record(R, AggRecord, AggData),

    ?assertEqual(<<"pk1">>, Result1#stream_record.partition_key),
    ?assertEqual(666, Result1#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.base),
    ?assertEqual(0, Result1#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.user_sub),
    ?assertEqual(0, Result1#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.sub),
    ?assertEqual(2, Result1#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.user_total),

    ?assertEqual(<<"pk2">>, Result2#stream_record.partition_key),
    ?assertEqual(666, Result2#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.base),
    ?assertEqual(1, Result2#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.user_sub),
    ?assertEqual(0, Result2#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.sub),
    ?assertEqual(2, Result2#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.user_total),


deaggregate_kpl_records_v1_noagg_test() ->
    R = #{},
    Records =
        [#{<<"partitionKey">> => <<"pk1">>,
           <<"sequenceNumber">> => <<"666">>,
           <<"data">> => base64:encode(<<"data1">>)},
         #{<<"partitionKey">> => <<"pk2">>,
           <<"sequenceNumber">> => <<"667">>,
           <<"data">> => base64:encode(<<"data2">>)}],
    [Result1, Result2] = deaggregate_kpl_records(R, Records),

    ?assertEqual(<<"pk1">>, Result1#stream_record.partition_key),
    ?assertEqual(666, Result1#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.base),
    ?assertEqual(undefined, Result1#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.sub),
    ?assertEqual(undefined, Result1#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.user_sub),
    ?assertEqual(undefined, Result1#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.user_total),

    ?assertEqual(<<"pk2">>, Result2#stream_record.partition_key),
    ?assertEqual(667, Result2#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.base),
    ?assertEqual(undefined, Result2#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.sub),
    ?assertEqual(undefined, Result1#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.user_sub),
    ?assertEqual(undefined, Result2#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.user_total),


deaggregate_kpl_records_v1_agg_test() ->
    R = #{},
    Records =
        [#{<<"partitionKey">> => <<"pk1">>,
           <<"sequenceNumber">> => <<"666">>,
           <<"subSequenceNumber">> => 0,
           <<"data">> =>
               base64:encode(<<?KPL_AGG_MAGIC/binary, 10, 3, 112, 107, 49, 10, 3, 112, 107, 50, 18,
                               4, 101, 104, 107, 49, 18, 4, 101, 104, 107, 50, 26, 11, 8, 0, 16, 0,
                               26, 5, 100, 97, 116, 97, 49, 26, 11, 8, 1, 16, 1, 26, 5, 100, 97,
                               116, 97, 50, 244, 41, 93, 155, 173, 190, 58, 30, 240, 223, 216, 8,
                               26, 205, 86, 4>>)},
         #{<<"partitionKey">> => <<"pk2">>,
           <<"sequenceNumber">> => <<"667">>,
           <<"subSequenceNumber">> => 0,
           <<"data">> =>
               base64:encode(<<?KPL_AGG_MAGIC/binary, 10, 3, 112, 107, 51, 10, 3, 112, 107, 52, 18,
                               4, 101, 104, 107, 51, 18, 4, 101, 104, 107, 52, 26, 11, 8, 0, 16, 0,
                               26, 5, 100, 97, 116, 97, 51, 26, 11, 8, 1, 16, 1, 26, 5, 100, 97,
                               116, 97, 52, 96, 124, 151, 102, 57, 163, 206, 141, 67, 25, 76, 61,
                               196, 252, 78, 12>>)}],
    [Result1, Result2, Result3, Result4] = deaggregate_kpl_records(R, Records),

    ?assertEqual(<<"pk1">>, Result1#stream_record.partition_key),
    ?assertEqual(666, Result1#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.base),
    ?assertEqual(0, Result1#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.user_sub),
    ?assertEqual(0, Result1#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.sub),
    ?assertEqual(2, Result1#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.user_total),

    ?assertEqual(<<"pk2">>, Result2#stream_record.partition_key),
    ?assertEqual(666, Result2#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.base),
    ?assertEqual(1, Result2#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.user_sub),
    ?assertEqual(0, Result2#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.sub),
    ?assertEqual(2, Result2#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.user_total),

    ?assertEqual(<<"pk3">>, Result3#stream_record.partition_key),
    ?assertEqual(667, Result3#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.base),
    ?assertEqual(0, Result3#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.user_sub),
    ?assertEqual(0, Result2#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.sub),
    ?assertEqual(2, Result3#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.user_total),

    ?assertEqual(<<"pk4">>, Result4#stream_record.partition_key),
    ?assertEqual(667, Result4#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.base),
    ?assertEqual(1, Result4#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.user_sub),
    ?assertEqual(0, Result2#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.sub),
    ?assertEqual(2, Result4#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.user_total),


deaggregate_kpl_records_v2_noagg_test() ->
    R = #{},
    Records =
        [#{<<"action">> => <<"record">>,
           <<"partitionKey">> => <<"pk1">>,
           <<"sequenceNumber">> => <<"666">>,
           <<"subSequenceNumber">> => 123,
           <<"data">> => base64:encode(<<"data1">>)},
         #{<<"action">> => <<"record">>,
           <<"partitionKey">> => <<"pk2">>,
           <<"sequenceNumber">> => <<"666">>,
           <<"subSequenceNumber">> => 124,
           <<"data">> => base64:encode(<<"data2">>)}],
    [Result1, Result2] = deaggregate_kpl_records(R, Records),

    ?assertEqual(<<"pk1">>, Result1#stream_record.partition_key),
    ?assertEqual(666, Result1#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.base),
    ?assertEqual(123, Result1#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.sub),
    ?assertEqual(undefined, Result2#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.user_sub),
    ?assertEqual(undefined, Result1#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.user_total),

    ?assertEqual(<<"pk2">>, Result2#stream_record.partition_key),
    ?assertEqual(666, Result2#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.base),
    ?assertEqual(124, Result2#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.sub),
    ?assertEqual(undefined, Result2#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.user_sub),
    ?assertEqual(undefined, Result2#stream_record.sequence_number#sequence_number.user_total),

