%%% @copyright (C) 2019-2023, Maxim Fedorov
%%% @doc
%%% Collects, accumulates & filters cluster-wide monitoring events.
%%% Essentially a simple in-memory database for quick cluster overview.
%%% History server helps to collect monitoring reports from multiple
%%% nodes of a single Erlang cluster. Example setup: single primary
%%% node running `erlperf_history' and {@link erlperf_cluster_monitor}
%%% listens to reports sent by several more nodes in a cluster, running
%%% continuous benchmarking jobs. Nodes may run the same Erlang code,
%%% but using different hardware or OS version. Or, conversely, same
%%% hardware and OS, but variants of Erlang code. See {@link erlperf_cluster_monitor}
%%% for a code sample.
%%% @end
%% API
%% gen_server callbacks
-define(TABLE, ?MODULE).
%% default: keep history for 120 seconds
%% @equiv start_link(120_000)
-spec(start_link() ->
{ok, Pid :: pid()} | ignore | {error, Reason :: term()}).
start_link() ->
%% @doc
%% Starts the history server and links it to the calling process.
%% Designed for use as a part of a supervision tree.
%% `Duration' is time (in milliseconds), how long to keep the
%% reports for. Older reports are discarded.
-spec(start_link(Duration :: pos_integer()) ->
{ok, Pid :: pid()} | ignore | {error, Reason :: term()}).
start_link(Duration) ->
gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [Duration], []).
%% @doc
%% Returns cluster history.
%% Returns all reports since `From' timestamp to now, sorted by timestamp.
%% `From' is wall clock time, in milliseconds (e.g. `os:system_time(millisecond)').
-spec get(From :: integer()) -> [{Time :: non_neg_integer(), erlperf_monitor:monitor_sample()}].
get(From) ->
get(From, os:system_time(millisecond)).
%% @doc
%% Returns cluster history reports between From and To (inclusive).
%% `From' and `To' are wall clock time, in milliseconds (e.g. `os:system_time(millisecond)').
-spec get(From :: integer(), To :: integer()) -> [{Time :: non_neg_integer(), erlperf_monitor:monitor_sample()}].
get(From, To) ->
% ets:fun2ms(fun ({{T, _}, _} = R) when T =< To, T >= From -> {T, R} end).
ets:select(?TABLE, [{{{'$1', '_'}, '$2'},[{'=<', '$1', To}, {'>=', '$1', From}], [{{'$1', '$2'}}]}]).
%% gen_server implementation
%% Keep an ordered set of samples (node, sample) ordered by time.
-record(state, {
duration :: pos_integer()
%% @private
init([Duration]) ->
ok = pg:join(erlperf, cluster_monitor, self()),
?TABLE = ets:new(?TABLE, [protected, ordered_set, named_table, {write_concurrency, true}]),
{ok, #state{duration = Duration}}.
%% @private
handle_call(_Request, _From, _State) ->
%% @private
handle_cast(_Request, _State) ->
%% @private
handle_info(#{time := Time, node := Node} = Sample, State) ->
ets:insert(?TABLE, {{Time, Node}, Sample}),
{noreply, maybe_clean(State)}.
%% ===================================================================
%% Internal functions
maybe_clean(#state{duration = Duration} =State) ->
Expired = os:system_time(millisecond) - Duration,
%% ets:fun2ms(fun ({{T, _}, _}) -> T =< Expired end).
ets:select_delete(?TABLE, [{{{'$1', '_'},'_'},[{'=<','$1', Expired}],[true]}]),