%%% @copyright (C) 2019-2023, Maxim Fedorov
%%% @doc
%%% Prints monitoring reports produced by {@link erlperf_monitor} to file
%%% or an output device.
%%% When the server starts up, it joins `{erlperf, Node}' process group
%%% in the `erlperf' scope. If {@link erlperf_monitor} is also running in
%%% the same node, reports are printed to the specified device or file.
%%% See {@link erlperf_monitor} for description of the monitoring report.
%%% `erlperf' leverages this service for verbose output during benchmarking.
%%% @end
%% API
%% leaky API...
%% gen_server callbacks
%% @equiv start_link(erlang:group_leader())
-spec start_link() -> {ok, Pid :: pid()} | {error, Reason :: term()}.
start_link() ->
%% @doc
%% Starts the file log process.
-spec start_link(Filename :: string() | file:io_device()) -> {ok, Pid :: pid()} | {error, Reason :: term()}.
start_link(Filename) ->
gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [Filename], []).
%%% gen_server callbacks
%% Repeat header every 30 lines (by default)
-define(LOG_REPEAT_HEADER, 30).
%% System monitor state
-record(state, {
% file logger counter
log_counter = ?LOG_REPEAT_HEADER :: non_neg_integer(),
% when to print the header once again
log_limit = ?LOG_REPEAT_HEADER :: pos_integer(),
% file descriptor
log_file :: file:io_device(),
% current format line
format = "" :: string(),
% saved list of job IDs executed previously
jobs = [] :: [erlperf_monitor:monitor_sample()]
%% @private
init([Target]) ->
% subscribe to monitor events
ok = pg:join(erlperf, {erlperf_monitor, node()}, self()),
WriteTo = if is_list(Target) -> {ok, LogFile} = file:open(Target, [raw, append]), LogFile; true -> Target end,
{ok, #state{log_file = WriteTo}}.
%% @private
handle_call(_Request, _From, _State) ->
%% @private
handle_cast(_Request, _State) ->
%% @private
handle_info(#{jobs := Jobs, time := Time, sched_util := SchedUtil, dcpu := DCPU, dio := DIO, processes := Processes,
ports := Ports, ets := Ets, memory_total := MemoryTotal, memory_processes := MemoryProcesses,
memory_binary := MemoryBinary, memory_ets := MemoryEts}, #state{log_file = File} = State) ->
{JobIds, Ts} = lists:unzip(Jobs),
State1 = maybe_write_header(JobIds, State),
% actual line
TimeFormat = calendar:system_time_to_rfc3339(Time div 1000),
Formatted = iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format(State1#state.format, [
TimeFormat, SchedUtil, DCPU, DIO, Processes,
Ports, Ets,
] ++ [format_number(T) || T <- Ts])),
ok = file:write(File, Formatted),
{noreply, State1}.
%%% Internal functions
maybe_write_header(Jobs, #state{log_counter = LC, log_limit = LL, jobs = Prev} = State) when LC >= LL; Jobs =/= Prev ->
State#state{format = write_header(State#state.log_file, Jobs), log_counter = 0, jobs = Jobs};
maybe_write_header(_, State) ->
State#state{log_counter = State#state.log_counter + 1}.
write_header(File, Jobs) ->
JobCount = length(Jobs),
Format = "~s ~6.2f ~6.2f ~6.2f ~8b ~8b ~7b ~9s ~9s ~9s ~9s" ++
lists:concat(lists:duplicate(JobCount, "~13s")) ++ "~n",
JobIds = list_to_binary(lists:flatten([io_lib:format(" ~12s", [pid_to_list(J)]) || J <- Jobs])),
Header = <<"\nYYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-oo:oo Sched DCPU DIO Procs Ports ETS Mem Total Mem Proc Mem Bin Mem ETS", JobIds/binary, "\n">>,
ok = file:write(File, Header),
%% @private
%% @doc Formats size (bytes) rounded to 3 digits.
%% Unlike @see format_number, used 1024 as a base,
%% so 200 * 1024 is 200 Kb.
-spec format_size(non_neg_integer()) -> string().
format_size(Num) when Num > 1024*1024*1024*1024 * 100 ->
integer_to_list(round(Num / (1024*1024*1024*1024))) ++ " Tb";
format_size(Num) when Num > 1024*1024*1024 * 100 ->
integer_to_list(round(Num / (1024*1024*1024))) ++ " Gb";
format_size(Num) when Num > 1024*1024*100 ->
integer_to_list(round(Num / (1024 * 1024))) ++ " Mb";
format_size(Num) when Num > 1024 * 100 ->
integer_to_list(round(Num / 1024)) ++ " Kb";
format_size(Num) ->
%% @private
%% @doc Formats number rounded to 3 digits.
%% Example: 88 -> 88, 880000 -> 880 Ki, 100501 -> 101 Ki
-spec format_number(non_neg_integer()) -> string().
format_number(Num) when Num > 100000000000000 ->
integer_to_list(round(Num / 1000000000000)) ++ " Ti";
format_number(Num) when Num > 100000000000 ->
integer_to_list(round(Num / 1000000000)) ++ " Gi";
format_number(Num) when Num > 100000000 ->
integer_to_list(round(Num / 1000000)) ++ " Mi";
format_number(Num) when Num > 100000 ->
integer_to_list(round(Num / 1000)) ++ " Ki";
format_number(Num) ->
%% @private
%% @doc Formats time duration, from nanoseconds to seconds
%% Example: 88 -> 88 ns, 88000 -> 88 us, 10000000 -> 10 ms
-spec format_duration(non_neg_integer() | infinity) -> string().
format_duration(infinity) ->
format_duration(Num) when Num > 6000000000000 ->
integer_to_list(round(Num / 60000000000)) ++ " m";
format_duration(Num) when Num > 100000000000 ->
integer_to_list(round(Num / 1000000000)) ++ " s";
format_duration(Num) when Num > 100000000 ->
integer_to_list(round(Num / 1000000)) ++ " ms";
format_duration(Num) when Num > 100000 ->
integer_to_list(round(Num / 1000)) ++ " us";
format_duration(Num) ->
integer_to_list(Num) ++ " ns".