# Changelog

## 2.2.2
- added generated source code output in verbose mode

## 2.2.1
- tested with OTP 26 and 27
- updated to argparse 2.0.0

## 2.2.0
- added extended and full reporting capabilities
- implemented additional statistics (standard deviation, median, p99)
- exported formatting APIs to allow escript-based benchmarks
- improved documentation, switched from edoc to ex_doc
- added convenience functions and defaults to monitor, file_log, cluster_monitor and history
- fixed cluster monitor output for multi-node configurations
- breaking change: consolidated monitor sample structure for cluster and local process groups
- fixed history store
- refined types for better Dialyzer analysis

## 2.1.0
- fixed -w (--warmup) argument missing from command line
- synchronised worker startup when adding concurrency
- concurrent worker shutdown when reducing concurrency
- elevated job & benchmark process priority to avoid result skew
- implemented scheduling problem detection (e.g. lock contention),
  added a busy loop method workaround

## 2.0.2
- added convenience command line options: init_all, done_all, init_runner_all

## 2.0.1
- minor bugfixes (friendlier error reporting)

## 2.0
- incompatible change: `erlperf` requires runner arity to be defined explicitly.
  Code example: `erlperf:run(#{runner => {timer, sleep, []}, init_runner => "1."})`,
  with `erlperf` making a guess that `init_runner` is defined, therefore its return
  value can be passed as the argument to `timer:sleep/1`. This behaviour was confusing
  and is no longer supported.
- incompatible change: crashed runner causes entire job to stop (error contains the
  reason and stack trace)
- incompatible change: removed fprof/profiling support in favour of JIT + `perf`
- `erlperf` application is no longer required to be started for one-off benchmark runs

## 1.1.5:
- support for OTP 25 (peer replacing slave)

## 1.1.4:
- fixed an issue with pg already started
- moved profiling to spawned process

## 1.1.3:
- addressed deprecation, updated to argparse 1.1.4

## 1.1.2:
- updated command line parser to new argparse

## 1.1.1:
- added support for OTP 24
- added edoc documentation

## 1.0.0:
- initial release