
An Erlang library for Pocket API ( v3. For more details see [documentation][1].

## Fetch dependencies and compile

Project depends on [jiffy][3] library for JSON parsing.
$ rebar3 update compile
$ rebar get-deps compile

## Quick start

To run all required dependencies start with:
_ = application:ensure_all_started(erlpocket).

View the [Error and Response Headers Documentation][7] for detailed information about API errors. Also check the [Rate Limits][8] of API.

### Authentication
The Pocket API uses custom implementation of oAuth 2.0 for authentiaction.
This library provide helper functions to authorize your application.

#### Obtain a platform consumer key
First you have to [register][3] your application to get consumer key.

#### Obtain a request token
RedirectUri = "",
ConsumerKey = "<app-consumer-key>",
{ok, [{code, Code}]} = erlpocket:request_token(ConsumerKey, RedirectUri).
Use returned security token(code) to get URL that will authorize your
application on Pocket website.
Url = erlpocket:get_authorize_url(Code, RedirectUri).

#### Convert a request code into Pocket access token
{ok, [{access_token, AccessToken},{username, Username}]} = erlpocket:authorize(ConsumerKey, Code).

### Working with content API
After sucessfull authentication you are ready call add/modify and retrieve functions.

#### General

You can also get content statistics, but it is just call on top of retrieve so it can take quite some time.
Stats = erlpocket:stats(ConsumerKey, AccessToken).

Validate API params:
true = erlpocket:is_valid_param(add, [{title, "Foobar"}, {url, "http://foobar"}]).
true = erlpocket:is_valid_param(retrieve, [{tag, "Foobar"}]).

#### Retrieve API
To [get][4] content use following call:
Query = [{tag, erlang}].
{ok, Response} = erlpocket:retrieve(ConsumerKey, AccessToken, Query).
To validate retrieve query there is a helper:
true = erlpocket:is_valid_query([{contentType, video}]).

#### Add API
[Add][5] new content simply by calling:
{ok, {[{<<"item">, _}]}} = erlpocket:add(ConsumerKey, AccessToken, "http://foobar/").
or function with different arrity.

#### Modify API
[Update][6] existing content. There are multiple helpers to ease work with this API call.

##### Helpers on top of Modify API
Delete an existing content:
ItemId = "123",
{ok,{[{<<"action_results">>,[true]},{<<"status">>,1}]}} = erlpocket:delete(ConsumerKey, AccessToken, ItemId).

Archive an existing content:
ItemId = "123",
{ok,{[{<<"action_results">>,[true]},{<<"status">>,1}]}} = erlpocket:archive(ConsumerKey, AccessToken, ItemId).

Mark an existing content as unread:
ItemId = "123",
{ok,{[{<<"action_results">>,[true]},{<<"status">>,1}]}} = erlpocket:readd(ConsumerKey, AccessToken, ItemId).

Mark an existing content as favorite:
ItemId = "123",
{ok,{[{<<"action_results">>,[true]},{<<"status">>,1}]}} = erlpocket:favorite(ConsumerKey, AccessToken, ItemId).

Remove an existing content from favorites:
ItemId = "123",
{ok,{[{<<"action_results">>,[true]},{<<"status">>,1}]}} = erlpocket:unfavorite(ConsumerKey, AccessToken, ItemId).

Add multiple tags to existing item:
ItemId = "123",
Tags = [<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>],
{ok,{[{<<"action_results">>,[true]},{<<"status">>,1}]}} = erlpocket:tags_add(ConsumerKey, AccessToken, ItemId, Tags).

Remove multiple tags from an existing item:
ItemId = "123",
Tags = [<<"foo">>],
{ok,{[{<<"action_results">>,[true]},{<<"status">>,1}]}} = erlpocket:tags_remove(ConsumerKey, AccessToken, ItemId, Tags).

Replace multiple tags from an existing item:
ItemId = "123",
NewTags = [<<"foo1">>, <<"bar1">>],
{ok,{[{<<"action_results">>,[true]},{<<"status">>,1}]}} = erlpocket:tags_replace(ConsumerKey, AccessToken, ItemId, NewTags).

Remove multiple tags from an existing item:
ItemId = "123",
{ok,{[{<<"action_results">>,[true]},{<<"status">>,1}]}} = erlpocket:tags_clear(ConsumerKey, AccessToken, ItemId).

Rename tag of an existing item:
ItemId = "123",
{ok,{[{<<"action_results">>,[true]},{<<"status">>,1}]}} = erlpocket:tag_rename(ConsumerKey, AccessToken, ItemId, <<"foo">>, <<"foo1">>).

## Example
For example usage of this library please refer to tests. Note that tests are are using real API endpoints (copy template `api.sample.txt` as `api.txt` and fill your Pocket Appplication creadentials there).
