[](https://hex.pm/packages/erlpop) [](https://hex.pm/packages/erlpop)
`erlpop` is a POP3 client library for Erlang. It is derived from the original "epop" Erlang package which includes both a POP server and client.
The original client was heavily refactored, and most of it's code has gone.
### Usage ###
{ok, Connection} = epop_client:connect(
"yourgmail@gmail.com", "password",
[{addr, "pop.gmail.com"}, {port, 995}, ssl], SocketTimeout).
{ok, EmailsCount} = epop_client:stat(Connection).
{ok, Msg} = epop_client:retrieve(Connection, <<"1">>).
ok = epop_client:quit(Connection).
*NOTE*: It's important to call epop_client:quit/1 at the end, as it's responsible for closing (tcp/tls) socket.