# erltls

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*TLS/SSL/DTLS OpenSSL/BoringSSL-based NIF library for Erlang using the same interface as erlang `ssl` module.*
This module contains interface functions for the SSL/TLS protocol. 
At this moment not all methods available in [`ssl`][1] module are implemented and also not all `ssl_option` are supported.

### Implementation notes

The library is implemented in top of `gen_tcp` and `OpenSSL` API. Because `SSL_*` API is not thread safe in order to make sure
that all calls for the same socket are not executed concurrently each socket has a gen_server to interact with native layer.
This way we don't have to use any kind of locking at native level. Also read/write operations are not taking place in the
`gen_server` process, they take place in calling process, in order to avoid gen_server to become a bottleneck for the socket. 
### Features not available in standard Erlang SSL

- RFC5077 for resuming sessions using ticketing   
- Can be used with both [OpenSSL][4] or [BoringSSL][3]

### OpenSSL fork

The library is working with both [OpenSSL][4] or [BoringSSL][3]. Be default BoringSSL is used. To change the behavior you need to specify the
`USE_BORINGSSL` environment variable:

USE_BORINGSSL=0 rebar compile

Note: Using `sslv3` is not available into BoringSSL because it's considered unsecure.

### User guide

Add `erltls` as a rebar/rebar3 dependency to your project:

{deps, [
  {erltls, ".*", {git, "", "master"}},

Now you can use `erltls` module the same way you are using `ssl`:

%% server side

{ok, ListenSocket} = erltls:listen(9999, [
    {certfile, "test/server.pem"},
    {reuseaddr, true}

{ok, Socket} = erltls:transport_accept(ListenSocket),
ok = erltls:ssl_accept(Socket),
ok = erltls:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
receive AMessage -> io:format("recv:~p~n", [AMessage]) end,
ok = erltls:close(Socket),
ok = erltls:close(ListenSocket).

%% client side

{ok, Socket} = erltls:connect("localhost", 9999,  [], infinity),
ok = erltls:send(Socket, "foo"),
ok = erltls:close(Socket).

### Using with Ranch
`erltls` can be easily used with `ranch` by starting a listener with `ranch_erltls` as the transport module:
{ok, _} = ranch:start_listener(tcp_echo, 100,
                               ranch_erltls, [{port, 5555}, {certfile, CertPath}],
                               echo_protocol, []).
### Supported SSL options

Currently supported options also available in erlang `ssl`:

- `{verify, verify_type()}`
- `{depth, integer()}`
- `{fail_if_no_peer_cert, boolean()}`
- `{certfile, path()}`
- `{keyfile, path()}`
- `{password, string()}`
- `{cacertfile, path()}`
- `{dhfile, path()}` 
- `{ciphers, ciphers()}`

Options currently related to `erltls` only:

- `{use_session_ticket, boolean() | {boolean(), binary()}}` - Enables session reuse using tickets as described in [RFC5077][2]. 
In case the key is not specified the tickets will be signed using a random key. In order to specify the key use the format `{true, <<"key_here">>}`.
- `{reuse_sessions_ttl, integer()}` - The TTL of a session in seconds. In case the session is older than this TTL will not be possible to be reused. 
A full handshake will be negotiated. 
- `{protocol, protocol()}` - Specify the desired protocol. By default will negotiate highest available SSL/TLS version. Available protocols values are:
`sslv3 | tlsv1 | 'tlsv1.1' | 'tlsv1.2' | dtlsv1 | 'dtlsv1.2'`

### Unsupported SSL methods:

- `renegotiate/1`
- `prf/5`
- `negotiated_protocol/1`
- `format_error/1`
- `eccs/1`
- `eccs/0`
- `connection_information/2`

### SSL methods related to erltls

- `session_reused/1` - Query, whether a reused session was negotiated during the handshake (make sense if session ticketing is enabled)

### Current limitations

- working only with `{packet, 0}` inet option
- Handshake process don't have a timeout implemented yet. So in `connect/*` or `ssl_accept/*` the timeout param is actually 
  not counting the handshake process.

### Benchmarks

For benchmarks between different drivers see [here][5]   
