# erlzord #

Copyright (c) 2017 Guilherme Andrade

__Version:__ 1.0.0

__Authors:__ Guilherme Andrade ([`erlzord(at)gandrade(dot)net`](mailto:erlzord(at)gandrade(dot)net)).

`erlzord`: N-dimensional Z-order curves for Erlang


`erlzord` is a straightforward Erlang implementation of the [Z-order curve]( function.

* Any number of dimensions is supported
* No limit on the bitsize of output values

The code was successfully tested on generations 17, 18 and 19 of Erlang/OTP; the test cases and their data
were automatically generated based on an existing [Python implementation](
from the [rubik]( project.

### <a name="Examples">Examples</a> ###


% 1d points
Config = erlzord:config(1, 0, 100), % Coordinate values between 0 and 100
erlzord:encode({42}, Config),       % 42
erlzord:decode(42, Config).         % {42}

% 2d points
Config = erlzord:config(2, 0, 100),
erlzord:encode({50,0}, Config), % 1284
erlzord:decode(1284,   Config). % {50,0}

% 3d points
Config = erlzord:config(3, 0, 100),
erlzord:encode({0,0,100}, Config), % 1179904
erlzord:decode(1179904,   Config). % {0,0,100}

% 10d points
Config = erlzord:config(10, 0, 100),
    {100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100,
     100, 100, 100}, Config), % 1180590494818577154048
    1180590494818577154048, Config). % {100,100,..,100}.


### <a name="TODO">TODO</a> ###

* Range searches

## Modules ##

<table width="100%" border="0" summary="list of modules">
<tr><td><a href="" class="module">erlzord</a></td></tr></table>