# ESpec
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## ESpec is a BDD testing framework for Elixir.

ESpec is inspired by RSpec and the main idea is to be close to its perfect DSL.

It is NOT a wrapper around ExUnit but a completely new testing framework written from scratch.

## Features
  * Test organization with `describe`, `context`, `it`, and etc blocks.
  * Familiar matchers: `eq`, `be_close_to`, `raise_exception`, etc.
  * Possibility to add custom matchers.
  * There are two types of expectation syntax:
    - `expect` syntax with pipe operator `expect smth1 |> to(eq smth2)` or `is_expected |> to(eq smth)` when `subject` is defined;
    - `should` syntax: `smth1 |> should(eq smth2)` or `should eq smth` when `subject` is defined.
    ##### Note: RSpec syntax `expect(smth1).to eq(smth2)` is deprecated and won't work with OTP 21.
  * `before` and `finally` blocks (like RSpec `before` and `after`).
  * `let`, `let!` and `subject`.
  * Shared examples.
  * Generated examples.
  * Async examples.
  * Mocks with Meck.
  * Doc specs.
  * HTML and JSON outputs.
  * Etc and etc.

## Contents
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Run specs](#run-specs)
- [Context blocks and tags](#context-blocks-and-tags)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Filters](#filters)
- [`before` and `finally`](#before-and-finally)
- [`before_all` and `after_all`](#before_all-and-after_all)
- [`shared` data](#shared-data)
- [`let` and `subject`](#let-and-subject)
- [Shared examples](#shared-examples)
- [Generated examples](#generated-examples)
- [Async examples](#async-examples)
- [Matchers](#matchers)
- [`assert` and `refute`](#assert-and-refute)
- [`assert_receive` and `refute_receive`](#assert_receive-and-refute_receive)
- [`capture_io` and `capture_log`](#capture_io-and-capture_log)
- [Custom matchers](#custom-matchers)
- [`described_module`](#described_module)
- [Mocks](#mocks)
- [Datetime Comparison](#datetime-comparison)
- [Doc specs](#doc-specs)
- [Configuration and options](#configuration-and-options)
- [Formatters](#formatters)
- [Changelog](#changelog)
- [Contributing](#contributing)

## Installation

Add `espec` to dependencies in the `mix.exs` file:

def deps do
  {:espec, "~> 1.8.0", only: :test},
  #{:espec, github: "antonmi/espec", only: :test}, to get the latest version
mix deps.get
Then run:
MIX_ENV=test mix espec.init
The task creates `spec/spec_helper.exs`

Set `preferred_cli_env` for `espec` in the `mix.exs` file:

def project do
  preferred_cli_env: [espec: :test],

Or run with `MIX_ENV=test`:
MIX_ENV=test mix espec

Place your `_spec.exs` files into `spec` folder. `use ESpec` in the 'spec module'.
defmodule SyntaxExampleSpec do
  use ESpec
  it do: expect true |> to(be_true())
  it do: (1..3) |> should(have 2)

## Run specs
mix espec
Run specific spec:
mix espec spec/some_spec.exs:25

Read the help:
MIX_ENV=test mix help espec

## Context blocks and tags
There are three macros with the same functionality: `context`, `describe`, and `example_group`.

Context can have description and tags.
defmodule ContextSpec do
  use ESpec

  example_group do
    context "Some context" do
      it do: expect "abc" |> to(match ~r/b/)

    describe "Some another context with opts", focus: true do
      it do: 5 |> should(be_between 4, 6)
Available tags are:
  * `skip: true` or `skip: "Reason"` - skips examples in the context;
  *  `focus: true` - sets focus to run with `--focus ` option.

There are also `xcontext`, `xdescribe`, `xexample_group` macros to skip example groups.
And `fcontext`, `fdescribe`, `fexample_group` for focused groups.

'spec' module is also a context with module name as description. One can add tags for this context after `use ESpec:`
defmodule ContextTagsSpec do
  use ESpec, skip: "Skip all examples in the module"
## Examples

`example`, `it`, and `specify` macros define the 'spec example'.
defmodule ExampleAliasesSpec do
  use ESpec

  example do: expect [1,2,3] |> to(have_max 3)

  it "Test with description" do
    4.2 |> should(be_close_to 4, 0.5)

  specify "Test with options", [pending: true], do: "pending"
You can use `skip`, `pending` or `focus` tags to control evaluation.
There are also macros:
* `xit`, `xexample`, `xspecify` - to skip;
* `fit`, `fexample`, `fspecify`, `focus` - to focus;
* `pending/1`, `example/1`, `it/1`, `specify/1` - for pending examples.
defmodule ExampleTagsSpec do
  use ESpec

  xit "skip", do: "skipped"
  focus "Focused", do: "Focused example"

  it "pending example"
  pending "it is also pending example"

## Filters
The are `--only`, `--exclude` and `--string` command line options.

One can tag example or context and then use `--only` or `--exclude` option to run (or exclude) tests with specific tag.
defmodule FiltersSpec do
  use ESpec

  context "context with tag", context_tag: :some_tag do
    it do: "some example"
    it "example with tag", example_tag: true do
     "another example"
mix espec spec/some_spec.exs --only context_tag:some_tag --exclude example_tag
This runs only one test "some example"

You can also filter examples by `--string` option which filter examples which contain given string in their nested description.
mix espec spec/some_spec.exs --string 'context with tag'

## `before` and `finally`
`before` blocks are evaluated before the example and `finally` runs after the example.

The blocks can return `{:shared, key: value, ...}` or (like in ExUnit) `{:ok, key: value, ...}`, so the keyword list will be saved in the dictionary and can be accessed in other `before` blocks, in the example, and in `finally` blocks through [`shared`](#shared-data).
You can also use a map as a second term in returned tuple: `{:shared, %{key: value, ...}}`.

defmodule BeforeAndFinallySpec do
  use ESpec

  before do: {:shared, a: 1}

  context "Context" do
    before do: {:shared, %{b: shared[:a] + 1}}
    finally do: "#{shared[:b]} == 2"

    it do: shared.a |> should(eq 1)
    it do: shared.b |> should(eq 2)

    finally do: "This finally will not be run. Define 'finally' before the example"
Note, that `finally` blocks must be defined before the example.
Also note that `finally` blocks are executed in reverse order. Please see 'spec/before_finally_order_spec.exs' to figure out details.

There is also a short form of 'before' macro which allows to fill in shared dictionary:
before a: 1, b: 2
# which is equivalent to
before do: {shared: a: 1, b: 2}
You can configure 'global' `before` and `finally` in `spec_helper.exs`:
ESpec.configure fn(config) ->
  config.before fn(tags) -> {:shared, answer: 42, tags: tags} end  #can assign values in dictionary
  config.finally fn(shared) -> shared.answer  end     #can access assigns
These functions will be called before and after each example which ESpec runs.

`config.before` accepts example tags as an argument. So all example tags (including tags from parent contexts) are available in `config.before`. This allows you to run some specific pre-configuration based on tags.
ESpec.configure fn(config) ->
  config.before fn(tags) ->
    if tags[:async] || tags[:custom_tag] == :do_like_async
    {:shared, tags: tags}
## `before_all` and `after_all`
There are hooks that evaluate before and after all the examples in a module. Use this hooks for complex system setup and tear down.
defmodule BeforeAllSpec do
  use ESpec

  before_all do

  it do: ...
  it do: ...

  after_all do
Note, `before_all` and `after_all` hooks do not set `shared` data and do not have access to them. Also note that you can define only one `before_all` and one `after_all` hook in a spec module.

## 'shared' data
`shared` is used to share data between spec blocks. You can access data by `shared.some_key` or `shared[:some_key]`.
`shared.some_key` will raise exception if the key 'some_key' does not exist, while `shared[:some_key]` will return `nil`.

The `shared` variable appears in your `before`, `finally`, in `config.before` and `config.finally`, in `let` and `example` blocks.

`before` and `finally` blocks (including 'global') can modify the dictionary when return `{:shared, key: value}`.
The example below illustrates the life-cycle of `shared`:


ESpec.configure fn(config) ->
  config.before fn -> {:shared, answer: 42} end         # shared == %{answer: 42}
  config.finally fn(shared) -> IO.puts shared.answer  end    # it will print 46
defmodule SharedBehaviorSpec do
  use ESpec

  before do: {:shared, answer: shared.answer + 1}          # shared == %{answer: 43}
  finally do: {:shared, answer: shared.answer + 1}         # shared == %{answer: 46}

  context do
    before do: {:shared, answer: shared.answer + 1}        # shared == %{answer: 44}
    finally do: {:shared, answer: shared.answer + 1}       # shared == %{answer: 45}
    it do: shared.answer |> should(eq 44)
So, 'config.finally' will print `46`.
Pay attention to how `finally` blocks are defined and evaluated.

## `let` and `subject`
`let` and `let!` have the same behavior as in RSpec. Both defines memoizable functions in 'spec module'. The value will be cached across multiple calls in the same example but not across examples. 
**`let` is lazy-evaluated, it is not evaluated until the first time the function it defines is invoked.**
Use `let!` to force the invocation before each example.
A bang version is just a shortcut for:
let :a, do: 1
before do: a()
In example below, `let! :a` will be evaluated just after `before a: 1`. But `let :b` will be invoked only in the last test.
defmodule LetSpec do
  use ESpec

  before a: 1
  let! :a, do: shared.a
  let :b, do: shared.a + 1

  it do: expect a() |> to(eq 1)
  it do: expect b() |> to(eq 2)
Note, The `shared` is available in `let`s but neither `let` nor `let!` can modify the dictionary.

You can pass a keyword list to `let` or `let!` to define several 'lets' at once:
defmodule LetSpec do
  use ESpec

  let a: 1, b: 2

  it do: expect a() |> to(eq 1)
  it do: expect b() |> to(eq 2)
Note, `subject` and `subject!` are just aliases for `let :subject, do: smth` and `let! :subject, do: smth`. You can use `is_expected` macro (or a simple `should` expression) when `subject` is defined.
defmodule SubjectSpec do
  use ESpec

  subject(1 + 1)
  it do: is_expected() |> to(eq 2)
  it do: should(eq 2)

  context "with block" do
    subject do: 2 + 2
    it do: is_expected() |> to_not(eq 2)
    it do: should_not(eq 2)
There are helpers that can help you assign values from expressions that return {:ok, result} or {:error, result} tuples. For example, `\1` returns {:ok, binary} or {:error, reason}.

There are `let_ok` (`let_ok!`) and `let_error` (`let_error!`) functions that allow you assign values easily:
let_ok :file_binary, do:"file.txt")
let_error :error_reason, do:"error.txt")
## Shared Examples
One can reuse the examples defined in spec module.
defmodule SharedSpec do
  use ESpec, shared: true

  subject shared.hello
  it do: should eq("world!")
`shared: true` marks examples in the module as shared, so the examples will be skipped until you reuse them.
You can use the examples with `it_behaves_like` or its alias `include_examples` macro:
defmodule UseSharedSpec do
  use ESpec

  before hello: "world!"
You can also use `let` variables from parent module in shared examples.
Use `let_overridable` macro to define `let` which will be overridden.
You can pass single atom, list of atoms, or keyword with default values.
See examples below.
defmodule SharedSpec do
  use ESpec, shared: true, async: true

  let_overridable a: 10, b: 20
  let_overridable [:c, :d]
  let_overridable :e

  let :internal_value, do: :shared_spec

  it "will be overridden" do
    expect a() |> to(eq 1)
    expect c() |> to(eq 3)
    expect e() |> to(eq 5)

  it "returns defaults" do
    expect b() |> to(eq 20)
    expect d() |> to(eq nil)

  it "does not override internal 'lets'" do
    expect internal_value() |> to(eq :shared_spec)

defmodule LetOverridableSpec do
  use ESpec, async: true

  let :internal_value, do: :some_spec

  it_behaves_like(SharedSpec, a: 1, c: 3, e: 5)

### Shared Examples in separate files

In case you want to add some "global" shared specs which you want to use in multiple specs, ESpec has you covered. Simply add these files to your `spec/shared` folder. The place where `mix espec.init` generates you a placeholder folder and file.

By default ESpec loads all files contained in `<your_spec_paths>/shared` which match your `spec_pattern`.
The [Configuration and options](#configuration-and-options) chapter contains details on how to control this behaviour.

In case you already use `Code.require_file/1` in your `spec_helper.exs` don't sweat. ESpec makes sure to require each file only once, it ignores files which already have been included.

## Generated examples
Examples can be generated from code "templates". This should help with making the code more DRY:
defmodule GeneratedExamplesSpec do
  use ESpec, async: true

  subject(24) 2..4, fn(n) ->
    it "is divisible by #{n}" do
      expect rem(subject(), unquote(n)) |> to(eq 0)

Please mind the `unquote` call above - if you forget to `unquote` the `n` variable the compiler will show some warnings about it missing and eventually stop with an error: `undefined function n/0`.

## Async examples
There is an `async: true` option you can set for the context or for the individual example:
defmodule AsyncSpec do
  use ESpec, async: true
  it do: "async example"

  context "Sync", async: false do
    it do: "sync example"

    it "async again", async: true do
The examples will be partitioned into two queries. Examples in asynchronous query will be executed in parallel in different processes.

Don't use `async: true` if you change the global state in your specs!

## Matchers
#### Equality
expect actual |> to(eq expected)  # passes if actual == expected
expect actual |> to(eql expected) # passes if actual === expected
expect actual |> to(be_close_to expected, delta)
expect actual |> to(be_between hard_place, rock)
#### Comparisons
Can be used with `:>`, `:<`, `:>=`, `:<=`, and etc.
expect actual |> to(be operator, value)
Passes if `apply(Kernel, operator, [actual, value]) == true`

#### Patterns
expect actual |> to(match_pattern {:ok, _}) # {:ok, _} = actual
It's not possible to call functions in the pattern and use the return value as
pattern (`{:ok, function()}`), this obviously means no `let` functions. If you
neeed to use the return value of a function, use a variable:

value = function()

expect actual |> to(match_pattern {:ok, ^value})
#### Booleans
expect actual |> to(be_true())
expect actual |> to(be_truthy())
expect actual |> to(be_false())
expect actual |> to(be_falsy())
#### Regular expressions
expect actual |> to(match ~r/expression/)
expect actual |> to(match "string")
#### Enumerable
There are many helpers to test enumerable collections:
expect collection |> to(be_empty()) # Enum.count(collection) == 0
... have value                      # Enum.member?(collection, value)
... have_all func                   # Enum.all?(collection, func)
... have_any func                   # Enum.any?(collection, func)
... have_at position, value         #, position) == value
... have_count value                # Enum.count(collection) == value
... have_size value                 # alias
... have_length value               # alias
... have_count_by func, value       # Enum.count(collection, func) == value
... have_max value                  # Enum.max(collection) == value
... have_max_by func, value         # Enum.max_by(collection, fun) == value
... have_min value                  # Enum.min(collection) == value
... have_min_by func, value         # Enum.min_by(collection, fun) == value
#### List
expect list |> to(have_first value)  # List.first(list) == value
... have_last value                  # List.last(list) == value
... have_hd value                    # hd(list) == value
... have_tl value                    # tl(list) == value
... contain_exactly value            # Keyword.equals?(list, value)
... match_list value                 # alias for contain_exactly
#### Binary
expect binary |> to(have_byte_size value) # byte_size(binary) == value
#### String
expect string |> to(have_first value)   # String.first(string) == value
... have_last value                     # String.last(string) == value
... start_with value                    # String.starts_with?(string, value)
... end_with value                      # String.end_with?(string, value)
... have value                          # String.contains?(string, value)
... have_at pos, value                  #, pos) == value
... have_length value                   # String.length(string) == value
... have_size value                     # alias
... have_count value                    # alias
... be_valid_string()                   # String.valid?(string)
... be_printable()                      # String.printable?(string)
... be_blank()                          # String.length(string) == 0
... be_empty()                          # String.length(string) == 0
#### Map
expect map |> to(have foo: "bar")     # Map.get(map, :foo) == "bar"
expect map |> to(have {:foo, "bar"})  # Map.get(map, :foo) == "bar"
expect map |> to(have {"foo", "bar"}) # Map.get(map, :foo) == "bar"
expect map |> to(have_key value)      # Map.has_key?(map, value)
expect map |> to(have_value value)    # Enum.member?(Map.values(map), value)
#### PID
expect pid |> to(be_alive) # Process.alive?(pid)

`have` also works for Structs.

#### Type checking
``` elixir
expect :espec |> to(be_atom)  #is_atom(:espec) == true
... be_binary()
... be_bitstring()
... be_boolean()
... be_integer()
... be_float()
... be_number()
... ...
... ...
... be_tuple()
... be_list()
... be_map()
... be_port()
... be_pid()
... be_reference()
... be_function()
... be_function arity
... be_struct()
... be_struct StructExample
#### Exceptions
expect function |> to(raise_exception())
expect function |> to(raise_exception ErrorModule)
expect function |> to(raise_exception ErrorModule, "message")
#### Throws
expect function |> to(throw_term())
expect function |> to(throw_term term)
#### Change function's return value
Test if call of function1 change the function2 returned value to smth or from to smth
expect function1 |> to(change function2)
expect function1 |> to(change function2, to)
expect function1 |> to(change function2, from, to)
expect function1 |> to(change function2, by: value)
#### Check result
Test if function returns `{:ok, result}` or `{:error, reason}` tuple
expect {:ok, :the_result} |> to(be_ok_result())
expect {:error, :an_error} |> to(be_error_result())

## `assert` and `refute`
If you are missing ExUnit `assert` and `refute`, ESpec has such functions as aliases to `be_truthy` and `be_falsy`
defmodule AssertAndRefuteSpec do
  use ESpec

  it "asserts" do
    assert "ESpec"
    #expect "ESpec" |> to(be_truthy())

  it "refutes" do
    refute nil
    #expect nil |> to(be_falsy())

## `assert_receive` and `refute_receive`
`assert_receive` (`assert_received`) and `refute_receive` (refute_received) work identically to ExUnit ones.

`assert_receive` asserts that a message matching pattern was or is going to be received within timeout.
`assert_received` asserts that a message was received and is in the current process mailbox. It is the same as `assert_receive` with 0 timeout.

`refute_receive` asserts that a message matching pattern was not received and won’t be received within the timeout.
`refute_received` asserts that a message was not received (`refute_receive` with 0 timeout).

The default timeout for `assert_receive` and `refute_receive` is 100ms. You can pass custom timeout as a second argument.
defmodule AssertReceviveSpec do
  use ESpec

  it "demonstrates assert_received" do
    send(self(), :hello)
    assert_received :hello

  it "demonstrates assert_receive with custom timeout" do
    parent = self()
    spawn(fn -> :timer.sleep(200); send(parent, :hello) end)
    assert_receive(:hello, 300)

  it "demonstrates refute_receive" do
    send(self(), :another_hello)
    refute_receive :hello_refute
## `capture_io` and `capture_log`
`capture_io` and `capture_log` are just copied from ExUnit and designed to test IO or Logger output:
defmodule CaptureSpec do
  use ESpec

  it "tests capture_io" do
    message = capture_io(fn -> IO.write "john" end)
    message |> should(eq "john")

  it "tests capture_log" do
    message = capture_log(fn -> Logger.error "log msg" end)
    expect message |> to(match "log msg")
## Custom matchers
You can define your own matchers!
The only functions you should implement is `match/2`, `success_message/4`, and `error_message`.
Read the [wiki page]( for detailed instructions.
There is an example in [custom_assertion_spec.exs](

#### Extensions
There are community supported projects with sets of mathers:
- [test_that_json_espec](
- [espec_json_api_matchers](
- [bamboo_espec](

## described_module
If you keep the naming convention 'module TheModuleSpec is spec for TheModule' you can access tested module by `described_module()` helper.
defmodule TheModule do
  def fun, do: :fun

defmodule TheModuleSpec do
  use ESpec
  it do: expect described_module().fun |> to(eq :fun)

## Mocks
ESpec uses [Meck]( to mock functions.
You can mock the module with 'allow accept':
defmodule MocksSpec do
  use ESpec
  context "with old syntax" do
    before do: allow SomeModule |> to(accept(:func, fn(a, b) -> a + b end))
    it do: expect SomeModule.func(1, 2) |> to(eq 3)

  context "with new syntax" do
    before do: allow SomeModule |> to(accept :func, fn(a, b) -> a + b end)
    it do: expect SomeModule.func(1, 2) |> to(eq 3)
If you don't specify the function to return ESpec creates stubs with arity `0` and `1`:
`fn -> end` and `fn(_) -> end`, which return `nil`.
defmodule DefaultMocksSpec do
  use ESpec
  before do: allow SomeModule |> to(accept :func)
  it do: expect SomeModule.func |> to(be_nil())
  it do: expect SomeModule.func(42) |> to(be_nil())
You can also use pattern matching in your mocks:
defmodule PatternMockSpec do
  use ESpec
  before do
    args = {:some, :args}
    allow SomeModule |> to(accept :func, fn(^args) -> {:ok, :success} end)

  it do: expect SomeModule.func({:some, :args}) |> to(be_ok_result())

  it "raises exception when does not match" do
    expect(fn -> SomeModule.func({:wrong, :args}) end)
    |> to(raise_exception FunctionClauseError)
Behind the scenes 'allow accept' makes the following:
```elixir, [:non_strict, :passthrough])
:meck.expect(module, name, function)
Find the explanation about the `:non_strict` and `:passthrough` options [here](
The default options (`[:non_strict, :passthrough]`) can be overridden:
allow SomeModule |> to(accept :func, fn(a,b) -> a + b end, [:non_strict, :unstick])
All the mocked modules are unloaded with `:meck.unload(modules)` after each example.

You can also pass a list of atom-function pairs to the `accept` function:
allow SomeModule |> to(accept f1: fn -> :f1 end, f2: fn -> :f2 end)
One can use `passthrough/1` function to call the original function:
  before do
    allow SomeModule |> to(accept(:fun, fn
      :mocked -> "mock!"
      _ -> passthrough([args])

  it do: expect |> to(eq "mock!")
  it do: expect |> to(eq 3)
The `passthrough/1` just calls the `:meck.passthrough/1` from the `:meck` module.

There is also an expectation to check if the module accepted a function call:
accepted(func, args \\ :any, opts \\ [pid: :any, count: :any])
So, the options are:
- test if the function is called with some particular arguments of with `any`;
- specify the `pid` of the process which called the function;
- test the count of function calls.

defmodule MockOptionsSpec do
  use ESpec
  before do
    allow SomeModule |> to(accept :func, fn(a,b) -> a + b end)
    SomeModule.func(1, 2)

  it do: expect SomeModule |> to(accepted :func)
  it do: expect SomeModule |> to(accepted :func, [1,2])

  describe "with options" do
    defmodule Server do
      def call(a, b) do
        ESpec.SomeModule.func(a, b)
        ESpec.SomeModule.func(a, b)

    before do
      pid = spawn(Server, :call, [1, 2])
      {:ok, pid: pid}

    it do: expect ESpec.SomeModule |> to(accepted :func, [1,2], pid:, count: 2)
`accepted` assertion checks `:meck.history(SomeModule)`. See [meck]( documentation.

Don't use `async: true` when using mocks!

### Datetime Comparison

ESpec has comparison support for Elixir's date(time) related structs. Specifically, it has support for Date, Time, NaiveDateTime, and DateTime structs using ESpec's `be_close_to` and `be` assertions. It allows you to compare using the lowest-level granularity available in the struct. For example, since the lowest level of granularity available in a NaiveDateTime is the microsecond, you can compare how close to NaiveDateTime structs are with respect to microseconds.

#### Datetime be assertion(s) syntax

For the `be` assertions, ESpec supports a syntax with a granularity tuple (or keyword list) or a syntax without it. The following examples are shown with a Date struct.

##### Be assertion syntax without granularity

it do: expect ~D[2020-08-07] |> to(be :>=, ~D[2017-08-07])

##### Be assertion syntax with granularity

it do: expect ~D[2020-08-07] |> to(be :>=, ~D[2017-08-07], {:years, 3})

# or alternatively, you can do:
it do: expect ~D[2020-08-07]) |> to(be :>=, ~D[2017-08-07], years: 3)

#### Datetime be_close_to asssertion(s) syntax

##### Date Struct Comparison Example(s)

expect ~D[2017-08-07] |> to(be_close_to(~D[2018-08-07], {:years, 1}))

# or alternatively, you can do:
it do: expect ~D[2017-08-07] |> to(be_close_to(~D[2020-08-07], {:years, 3}))

##### NaiveDateTime Struct Comparison Example

expect ~N[2017-08-07 01:10:10.000001] |> to(be_close_to(~N[2017-08-07 01:10:10.000003], {:microseconds, 2}))

# or alternatively, you can do:
it do: expect ~N[2017-08-07 01:10:10.000001] |> to(be_close_to(~N[2017-08-07 01:10:10.000003], {:microseconds, 2}))

##### Time Struct Comparison Example

expect ~T[01:10:10] |> to(be_close_to(~T[01:50:10], {:minutes, 40}))

# or alternatively, you can do:
it do: expect ~T[01:10:10] |> to(be_close_to(~T[01:50:10], {:minutes, 40}))

##### DateTime Struct Comparison Example

Note the example shows a DateTime comparison with utc and std offsets for time zone differences. It is up to the user to be aware of the time zone utc and std offsets.

context "Success with DateTime with utc and std offsets to represent time zone differences" do
  let :datetime_pst, do: %DateTime{year: 2017, month: 3, day: 15, hour: 1, minute: 30, second: 30, microsecond: {1, 6}, std_offset: 1*3600, utc_offset: -8*3600, zone_abbr: "PST", time_zone: "America/Los_Angeles"}
  let :datetime_est, do: %DateTime{year: 2017, month: 3, day: 15, hour: 6, minute: 30, second: 30, microsecond: {1, 6}, std_offset: 1*3600, utc_offset: -5*3600, zone_abbr: "EST", time_zone: "America/New_York"}

  it do: expect datetime_pst() |> to(be_close_to(datetime_est(), {:hours, 2}))

### Limitations

Meck has trouble mocking certain modules, such as `erlang`, `os`, and `timer`.

Also, meck does not track module-local calls. For example, this will not be tracked:

defmodule SomeModule
  def some_func, do: another_func()

  def another_func, do: nil

But this will:

defmodule SomeModule
  def some_func, do: __MODULE__.another_func()

  def another_func, do: nil

It is recommended to prefix module-local calls with `__MODULE__` when using them with meck.

See [this section in the meck README]( for a more detailed explanation.

## Doc specs
ESpec has functionality similar to [`ExUnit.DocTest`](
Read more about docs syntax [here](
The functionality is implemented by two modules:
`ESpec.DocExample` parses module documentation and `ESpec.DocTest` creates 'spec' examples for it.
`ESpec.DocExample` functions are just copy-pasted from `ExUnit.Doctest` parsing functionality.
`ESpec.DocTest` implements `doctest` macro which is identical to `ExUnit`.
defmodule DoctestSpec do
  use ESpec
  doctest MySuperModule
There are three options (similar to `ExUnit.DocTest`):

`:except` - generate specs for all functions except those listed (list of {function, arity} tuples).
defmodule DoctestOptionsSpec do
  use ESpec
  doctest MySuperModule, except: [fun: 1, func: 2]
`:only` — generate specs only for functions listed (list of {function, arity} tuples).

And `:import` to test a function defined in the module without referring to the module name.Default is `false`. Use this option with care because you can clash with other modules.

There are three types of specs can be generated based on docs.

- Examples where input and output can be evaluated. For example:
@doc """
iex> [1, 2, 3], fn(x) ->
...>   x * 2
...> end
Such examples will be converted to:
it "Example description" do
  expect input |> to(eq output)
- Examples which return complex structure so Elixir prints it as `#Name<...>.`:
@doc """
iex> Enum.into([a: 10, b: 20],
#HashDict<[b: 20, a: 10]>
The examples will be converted to:
it "Example description" do
  expect inspect(input) |> to(eq output)
- Examples with exceptions:
@doc """
iex(1)> String.to_atom((fn() -> 1 end).())
** (ArgumentError) argument error
The examples will be tested as:
it "Example description" do
  expect fn -> input end |> to(raise_exception error_module, error_message)

## Configuration and options
`MIX_ENV=test mix help espec`
#### Spec paths and pattern
You can change (in the `mix.exs` file) the folder where your specs are and the pattern to match these files.
 def project do
  spec_paths: ["my_specs", "espec"],
  spec_pattern: "*_espec.exs",
#### Shared spec paths and pattern
In addition to specifying the spec paths you can also tell ESpec where to find your SharedSpecs.
  def project do
    shared_spec_paths: ["my_specs/shared", "espec/my_shared"],
    shared_spec_pattern: "*_shared.exs",
#### Coverage
One can run specs with coverage:
mix espec --cover
Find the results in `/cover` folder.
ESpec, like ExUnit, uses very simple wrapper around OTP's cover. But you can override this.

Take a look to [coverex]( as a perfect example.

#### Stale

Similar to ExUnit, the `--stale` command line option attempts to run only those test files which reference modules that have changed since the last time you ran this task with `--stale`.

Running the whole test suite:

mix espec --stale

Running individual file(s):

mix espec spec/assertions/be_spec.exs spec/assertions/be_close_to_spec.exs --stale

## Formatters
There are three formatters in ESpec:
- ESpec.Formatters.Doc
- ESpec.Formatters.Json
- ESpec.Formatters.Html

The Doc formatter tries to help you read the failed tests results by doing diffs
between the expected and actual values in some cases (the eq and eql assertions,
for example). If you don't want this you can disable it like this:
ESpec.configure fn(config) ->
  config.formatters [
    {ESpec.Formatters.Doc, %{diff_enabled?: false}}

By default ESpec uses 'Doc' with empty options.
In order to use another one, you must specify formatters in 'ESpec.config'

For example:
ESpec.configure fn(config) ->
  config.formatters [
    {ESpec.Formatters.Json, %{out_path: "results.json"}},
    {ESpec.Formatters.Html, %{out_path: "results.html"}},
    {ESpec.YouCustomFormatter, %{a: 1, b: 2}},

ESpec design allows custom formatters of test results.
The custom formatter is a module which `use ESpec.Formatters.Base` and implement 3 functions:
- `init/1`
- `handle_cast/2` for `example_finished` event
- `handle_cast/2` for `final_result` event

Take a look at `lib/espec/formatters` and `spec_formatters` folders to see examples

#### Other formatters
There are community supported formatters:
- [espec_junit_formatter](

## Changelog
  * 0.2.0:
    - Basic functionality (contexts, 'before' and 'let', mocking, basic matchers)
  * 0.3.0:
     - Tags for examples and contexts
     - 'config.before' and 'config.finally'
  * 0.4.0:
    - Lots of internal changes
    - Shared examples
  * 0.5.0:
    - 'count', 'pid' and 'args' options in 'accepted' assertion
    - 'async' option for parallel execution
  * 0.6.0:
    - String and Dictionary matchers
    - Doctests
  * 0.7.0:
    - Mocking options
    - Html and Json outputs
    - capture_io
  * 0.8.0:
    - 'only' and 'exclude' options
    - 'double_underscore' replaced by 'shared'
  * 1.0.0:
    - 'let' implementation rewritten completely
    - 'assert_receive' and 'refute_receive'
    - 'let_overridable' for shared examples
    - 'let_ok' and 'let_error'
    - new syntax with pipe
  * 1.1.0:
    - capture_log
    - 'let' and 'before' with keyword
  * 1.1.1:
    - Fix 'finally' execution order
  * 1.1.2:
    - Added support for unicode characters in example names
  * 1.2.0:
    - before_all and after_all callbacks
  * 1.2.1:
    - removed module name duplication in example description
    - fix statistic output for async examples
  * 1.2.2:
    - Elixir 1.4.0 warnings ware fixed
  * 1.3.0
    - Formatters were refactored to support custom ones
  * 1.3.1
    - Structure diffs were added to 'eq' matcher
  * 1.3.2
    - Generated examples were added
  * 1.3.3
    - Bug fix structure diff were fixed
  * 1.3.4
    - Line number option for contexts
  * 1.4.0
    - Pretty diffs for failed specs
    - 'let' agent fix
    - 'contain_exactly', 'match_list' and 'change_by' assertions
    - Elixir 1.2 is no longer supported
  * 1.4.1
    - Configurable timeouts for output formatters
  * 1.4.2
    - Fix Elixir 1.5.0 issues
  * 1.4.3
     - Fix options issues
  * 1.4.4
     - Stacktrace for failed examples
  * 1.4.5
     - Update 'meck' to fix issue with elrang 20 mocks
     - Fixed options passing
  * 1.4.6
     - Fix doctests (allow "strings")
     - allow keywords in `let_ok` and `let_error`
     - Fix `before` to ignore not enumerables
  * 1.5.0
     - Add `be` and `be_close_to` assertions for `Date`, `Time`, `NaiveDateTime`, and `DateTime`
     - 'have' matcher for Map
     - 'let' works for generated examples
     - 'match_pattern' macro
  * 1.5.1
     - Code formatting
     - Improve `have` and `eq` assertions
     - Fix `let` caching for shared examples
  * 1.6.0
     - Compatibility with OTP 21    
  * 1.6.1
     - Doctest fix for Elixir >= 1.7
  * 1.6.2
     - Fix 'let' caching in shared specs
  * 1.6.3
     - Use 'Task.async_stream' for async examples
  * 1.6.3
     - Use 'Task.async_stream' for async examples      
  * 1.6.4
     - Run every test in separate process
  * 1.6.5
     - Update `meck` dependency   
  * 1.7.0
     - Follows deprecation of plural time units (:seconds, :microseconds, etc). Allows only singular.
     - Remove support of Elixir 1.5.
  * 1.8.0
     - Add --stale option.
     - Remove support of Elixir 1.6.      
## Contributing
##### Contributions are welcome and appreciated!

Request a new feature by creating an issue.

Create a pull request with new features or fixes.

ESpec is tested using ExUnit and ESpec. So run:
mix test
mix espec