# espresso

_This package is experimental and likely to change. Use at your own risk_

[![Package Version](](
[![Hex Docs](](

A simple to use HTTP server built on top of erlang's cowboy.

import espresso
import espresso/request.{Request}
import espresso/response.{send}
import espresso/router.{get}

pub fn main() {
  let router =
    |> get("/", fn(_req: Request(BitString)) { send(202, "Main Route") })


## Environment Variables

- PORT: the port to run the service on
- ESPRESSO_SIGNING_SECRET: the secret used to sign the session cookie

## Quick start

gleam run   # Run the project
gleam test  # Run the tests
gleam shell # Run an Erlang shell

## Installation

If available on Hex this package can be added to your Gleam project:

gleam add espresso

and its documentation can be found at <>.