# ESx
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A client for the Elasticsearch with Ecto, written in Elixir
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed as:
1. Add `esx` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:esx, "~> 0.5"}]
2. Ensure `esx` is started before your application:
def application do
[applications: [:esx]]
hexdocs: https://hexdocs.pm/esx
## Configuration
config :esx, ESx.Model,
url: "http://example.com:9200",
repo: MyApp.Repo # Optional, which defines Ecto for connecting database.
#### Multiple configuration
###### This is configuration that if you've have multiple Elasticsearch's Endpoint which's another one.
First, that configuration is defined with `ESx.Model.Base` into your project. It's like Ecto's Repo.
defmodule MyApp.ESx do
use ESx.Model.Base, app: :my_app
And so that there's `MyApp.ESx` configuration for Mix.config below.
config :my_app, MyApp.ESx,
scheme: "http",
host: "example.com",
port: 9200
#### Definition for all of configuration.
config :esx, ESx.Model,
repo: MyApp.Repo, # Optional, which defines Ecto for connecting database.
protocol: "http", # or: scheme: "http"
user: "yourname", password: "yourpass", # or: userinfo: "yourname:yourpass"
host: "",
port: 9200,
path: "path-to-endpoint"
## Definition for Analysis.
#### DSL
defmodule MyApp.Blog do
use ESx.Schema
index_name "blog" # Optional
document_type "blog" # Optional
mapping _all: [enabled: false], _ttl: [enabled: true, default: "180d"] do
indexes :title, type: "string"
indexes :content, type: "string"
indexes :publish, type: "boolean"
settings number_of_shards: 10, number_of_replicas: 2 do
analysis do
filter :ja_posfilter,
type: "kuromoji_neologd_part_of_speech",
stoptags: ["助詞-格助詞-一般", "助詞-終助詞"]
tokenizer :ja_tokenizer,
type: "kuromoji_neologd_tokenizer"
analyzer :default,
type: "custom", tokenizer: "ja_tokenizer",
filter: ["kuromoji_neologd_baseform", "ja_posfilter", "cjk_width"]
#### Setting by keywords lists
defmodule Something.Schema do
use ESx.Schema
mapping [
_ttl: [
enabled: true,
default: "180d"
_all: [
enabled: false
properties: [
title: [
type: "string",
analyzer: "ja_analyzer"
publish: [
type: "boolean"
content: [
type: "string",
analyzer: "ja_analyzer"
settings [
number_of_shards: 1,
number_of_replicas: 0,
analysis: [
analyzer: [
ja_analyzer: [
type: "custom",
tokenizer: "kuromoji_neologd_tokenizer",
filter: ["kuromoji_neologd_baseform", "cjk_width"],
## Definition for updating record via such as a Model.
defmodule MyApp.Blog do
use ESx.Schema
defstruct [:id, :title, :content, :publish]
mapping do
indexes :title, type: "string"
indexes :content, type: "string"
indexes :publish, type: "boolean"
#### With Ecto's Model
defmodule MyApp.Blog do
use MyApp.Web, :model
use ESx.Schema
schema "blogs" do
field :title, :string
field :content, :string
field :publish, :boolean
mapping do
indexes :title, type: "string"
indexes :content, type: "string"
indexes :publish, type: "boolean"
###### Indexing Data
The data's elements which sends to Elasticsearch is able to customize that will make it, this way is the same as Ecto.
defmodule MyApp.Blog do
@derive {Poison.Encoder, only: [:title, :publish]}
schema "blogs" do
field :title, :string
field :content, :string
field :publish, :boolean
When Ecto's Schema and ESx's mapping have defferent fields or for customization more, defining function `as_indexed_json` will make it in order to send relational data to Elasticsearch, too. Commonly it called via `ESx.Model.index_document`, `ESx.Model.update_document`.
defmodule MyApp.Blog do
def as_indexed_json(struct, opts) do
all_of_defined_data = super struct, opts
By default will send all of defined mapping's fields to Elasticsearch.
## Transport
`ESx.Transport` and `ESx.Model` will connect to multipe elasticsearch automatically if builded cluster systems on your environment.
iex(1)> ESx.Transport.conn # Sniffing cluster system and choose random Elasticsearch connection
01:10:26.694 [debug] curl -X GET '' # Run sniffing
%ESx.Transport.Connection{client: HTTPoison, dead: false, # chose one of cluster connection.
dead_since: 1492099826, failures: 0,
pidname: :"RWxpeGlyLkVTeC5UcmFuc3BvcnQuQ29ubmVjdGlvbl9odHRwOi8vMTI3LjAuMC4xOjkyMDI=",
resurrect_timeout: 60, url: ""}
iex(2)> ESx.Transport.Connection.conns # Below is all of cluster connections.
[%ESx.Transport.Connection{client: HTTPoison, dead: false,
dead_since: 1492099826, failures: 0,
pidname: :"RWxpeGlyLkVTeC5UcmFuc3BvcnQuQ29ubmVjdGlvbl9odHRwOi8vMTI3LjAuMC4xOjkyMDE=",
resurrect_timeout: 60, url: ""},
%ESx.Transport.Connection{client: HTTPoison, dead: false,
dead_since: 1492099826, failures: 0,
pidname: :"RWxpeGlyLkVTeC5UcmFuc3BvcnQuQ29ubmVjdGlvbl9odHRwOi8vMTI3LjAuMC4xOjkyMDI=",
resurrect_timeout: 60, url: ""},
%ESx.Transport.Connection{client: HTTPoison, dead: false,
dead_since: 1492099826, failures: 0,
pidname: :"RWxpeGlyLkVTeC5UcmFuc3BvcnQuQ29ubmVjdGlvbl9odHRwOi8vMTI3LjAuMC4xOjkyMDA=",
resurrect_timeout: 60, url: ""}]
## Usage
### Indexing
MyApp.ESx.reindex, MyApp.Blog
MyApp.ESx.create_index, MyApp.Blog
MyApp.ESx.delete_index, MyApp.Blog
MyApp.ESx.index_exists?, MyApp.Blog
MyApp.ESx.refresh_index, MyApp.Blog
ESx.Model.reindex, MyApp.Blog
ESx.Model.create_index, MyApp.Blog
ESx.Model.delete_index, MyApp.Blog
ESx.Model.index_exists?, MyApp.Blog
ESx.Model.refresh_index, MyApp.Blog
### ES Document
MyApp.ESx.import, MyApp.Blog
MyApp.ESx.index_document, %MyApp.Blog{id: 1, title: "egg"}
MyApp.ESx.delete_document, %MyApp.Blog{id: 1, title: "ham"}
### Search & Response
MyApp.ESx.search, MyApp.Blog, %{query: %{match: %{title: "foo"}}}
response =
|> MyApp.ESx.search(%{query: %{match: %{title: "foo"}}})
|> MyApp.ESx.results
IO.inspect Enum.map(response, fn r ->
# ["foo", "egg", "some"]
##### With Phoenix's Ecto
response =
|> MyApp.ESx.search(%{query: %{match: %{title: "foo"}}})
|> MyApp.ESx.records
IO.inspect Enum.each(response, fn r ->
# ["foo", "egg", "some"]
###### API Docs
- https://hexdocs.pm/esx/ESx.Model.html
##### Pagination
page =
|> MyApp.ESx.search(%{query: %{match: %{title: "foo"}}})
|> MyApp.ESx.paginate(page: 2, page_size: 5)
## Low-level APIs
There're Low-level APIs in `ESx.API` and `ESx.API.Indices`.
ts = ESx.Transport.transport trace: true # or: ts = ESx.Model.transport
ESx.API.search ts, %{index: "your_app", body: %{query: %{}}}
ESx.API.Indices.delete ts, %{index: "your_app"}
###### API Docs
- https://hexdocs.pm/esx/ESx.API.html
- https://hexdocs.pm/esx/ESx.API.Indices.html
### TODO
- Suggestions
- Some of APIs
- Refactoring
- Unittest
- urls into transport
Probably won't make it.
- Search DSL